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Volume 27 - Issue 4

Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in urban wastewater: An entropy-based multi-objective optimization approach for optimal selection of sampling points

by Gkatzioura A. Zafeirakou A.

Water Quality

Monitoring wastewater for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 proved to be a useful tool during COVID-19 pandemic and it is in place, until today, at many Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) in Greece and elsewhere. Identification of virus in wastewater can be a valuable indicator for the early detection of...

wastewater-based epidemiology SARS-COV-2 +4 more


by Ning Y. Liu Z.

Water Quality

The work involves the diversity and number of macro invertebrate animal using these variables as indicators of the water quality of urban streams that negatively impacts ecological health. Conventional methods often overlook these indicators that essential to understand the ecological conditions...

Volume 27 - Issue 3

Volume 27 - Issue 1

Assessment of the phytoplankton diversity and its temporal dynamics in the freshwater ecosystem of the Beni-Zid dam, Algeria

by Ghannam M. Boudjellab Z.E. Ennaghra N. Chaib N. Chekroud Z. Boulehsa A. Boudeffa K. Basli A.

Water Quality

The temporal variability of diversity and cell abundance of the phytoplankton community was studied in the Beni-Zid reservoir using the Utermöhl method. A total of 54 taxa were identi fi ed, belonging to seven classes: Chlorophyceae (17 taxa), Bacillariophyceae (15 taxa), Cyanophyceae (14 taxa)...

Beni-Zid reservoir Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index +2 more

Water quality prediction and classification using Attention based Deep Differential RecurFlowNet with Logistic Giant Armadillo Optimization

by Venkatraman M. Surendran R. Senduru S. Vijayakumar K.

Water Quality

Water quality prediction and classification plays a crucial role in ecosystem sustainability, agriculture, aquaculture and environmental monitoring. The nonlinearity and nonstationarity of water quality are challenging for traditional prediction techniques to adequately capture. The rapid...

water quality Index Feature selection +5 more

Volume 26 - Issue 10

Environmental Impact Assessment of Solid Waste Disposal on Groundwater Quality

by Shanmuga Sundaram I.K. Jeykumar R. Chandran S. Krishnamoorthy A.

Water Quality

This study focuses on the impact of solid waste on groundwater quality in the region of Ramayanpatti, Tirunelveli. Tirunelveli city generates 100 tonnes of solid waste in a day. Solid waste has organic matter, inorganic matter, and moisture content which leaches dissolved organic matter, and heavy...

Solid waste Groundwater quality +3 more

Volume 26 - Issue 9

Nitrate source analysis of underground drinking water sources in Zhangjiakou main urban area and its health risk assessment

by Hao G. Xiong X. Xu L.

Water Quality

In order to investigate the main pollution factors of underground drinking water sources in semi-arid agricultural areas in China, and to reveal the threatening influence of pollutants on the normal water security of local society. Single-factor evaluation index, principal component analysis, basic...

groundwater contaminants nitrate contamination +3 more

Groundwater quality assessment for drinking and irrigation purposes in arid to semiarid region of Indus Basin of South Punjab, Pakistan

by Irfan M. Abbasi G.H. Alamri A.M. Alharby H.F. Abdulmajeed A.M. Ali M. Malik Z.

Water Quality

As the groundwater pollution is increasing, it is crucial to assess groundwater quality and characterize hydrogeochemistry accurately for long term water supply. In this study groundwater samples were collected from 120 locations from Bahawalpur district and analyzed for electrical conductivity (EC)...

Bahawalpur Groundwater quality +3 more

Volume 26 - Issue 8

Assessment of surface Water Quality for Drinking and Irrigation Purposes for Two Dams in the Semi-Arid Region of Northeast Algeria

by Bouchema N. Khammar H. Nadjai S. Tellil B. Zeghdani Z.

Water Quality

The surface water quality of Timgad and Yabous dams in the semi-arid region of northeast Algeria was evaluated using physicochemical data collected monthly from May 2023 to April 2024. Parameters including temperature (T), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), chloride (Cl⁻...

WQI-CCME Drinking +7 more

Volume 26 - Issue 7

Anthropogenic Influence and Climate Change on Water and Nutrient Dynamics in the Kebir-Rhumel Basin, (Northeastern Algeria)

by Bouchareb N. Khammar H. Bousbia S. Lefilef A. Khaled B. Akboudj A. Chardib M. Bouguenna R.

Water Quality

This study investigates the Anthropogenic Influence and Climate Change: Water and Nutrient Dynamics in the Kebir-Rhumel Basin in Northeastern Algeria. Utilizing an advanced methodology and integrating 10 physicochemical variables, this research provides a novel insight into the environmental factors...

Anthropogenic activities Kebir-Rhumel basin +4 more


by Kumar A. Achsah R.S. Eswari R. Sankaran A.

Water Quality

This study aimed to determine the extent of the water quality decrease in the Noyyal River in Tamilnadu by analyzing the seasonal change of water's physicochemical properties, identifying possible sources of pollution, and grouping the monitoring months based on shared characteristics. The...

Water quality Characteristic Analysis +3 more

GC-MS profiling of organic pollutants and physicochemical, histological, microbiological analyses of water and fish samples from Canton Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) rivers

by Ibragic S. Djug S. Dizdar M. Topcagic A. Pilic S. Besta-Gajevic R. Nuic A. Gajevic M. Vesnic A. Sljuka S. Musovic A. Culum D.

Water Quality

Continuous monitoring of the water quality in Canton Sarajevo is one of the top priorities necessary for water management, pollution control and conservation efforts in the region. This study presents a comprehensive assessment of water quality in the interconnected river systems of Miljacka and...

Water quality organic pollutants +3 more

Volume 26 - Issue 5

Water Quality Index Prediction and Classification using Hyperparameter Tuned Deep Learning Approach


Sathya Preiya V. M et al. View all

Water Quality

Water quality (WQ) is hugely important for animals, humans, plants, industries, and the environment. In the past few years, the WQ has been compressed by pollution and contamination. Usually, WQ is assessed utilizing costly laboratory and arithmetical processes, making real observation ineffective...

water quality Index Deep learning +3 more

Physicochemical Variation of Water, Diversity, and Bacterial Community Structure in Post-coal Mining Ponds of Different Ages in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia


Eko Kusumawati et al. View all

Water Quality

This study aims to determine physicochemical variation of water, diversity, and community structure of bacteria at post-coal mining ponds of various ages located in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Bacteria species were identified using a metagenomic approach on the Next-Generation Sequencing...

open-cut coal mining coal mine +3 more

Volume 26 - Issue 4

Effective Deep Learning based Prediction Model for Groundwater Quality Assessment using Physio-chemical Parameters


Tamilchelvan P. et al. View all

Water Quality

The purpose of this study is to anticipate and investigate the groundwater quality in the regions of the Cauvery basin. In the post-monsoon season of 2020, 800 samples were collected from 200 different places for this paper. The AlexNet model is used in this book to forecast the water quality. In...

AlexNet Environmental science +4 more

Volume 26 - Issue 3

Evaluation of Toxic Heavy Metal Concentration in Aquifer System for Groundwater System Development Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques


Akhtar N. (, Hussain R. S. R. ( et al. View all

Water Quality

Groundwater is a vital resource for human consumption. The study aimed to evaluate toxic metal concentrations in groundwater systems and determine pollutant sources using multivariate methods including cluster analysis (CA), principal factor analysis (PCA), and Pearson correlation coefficient (r)...

heavy metal concentrations Groundwater Pollution +3 more

The effect of oil pollution on community structure of benthic macro ‎invertebrates in the northwest of the Persian Gulf ‎ ‎(Case study: Jafari creek)‎


Maryam MohammadiRouzbahani et al. View all

Water Quality

This study evaluates the contamination levels of heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons in Jafari ‎Creek sediments and the effect of these pollutions on Macrobenthos in 2017. Studies to understand ‎the effect of heavy metal Cadmium, Chromium, Nickel, Lead, Selenium, Zinc, Copper, and ‎Vanadium, and...

Heavy metals Jafari Creek +4 more

Screening, Identification, and Optimization of Sulfur-Oxidizing Bacteria from Post-coal Mining Ponds of Different Ages in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia


Eko Kusumawati et al. View all

Water Quality

This research was conducted to isolation, screening, identification, and culture conditions optimization (pH, temperature, thiosulfate concentration, and incubation period) of potential sulfur-oxidizing bacterial (SOB) to reduce sulfur concentrations in post-coal mining ponds water of various ages...

bioremediation coal mining +2 more

Volume 26 - Issue 2

Water Quality Prediction using Statistical, Ensemble and Hybrid models


D.Venkata vara prasad et al. View all

Water Quality

Water is an essential elixir for several living organisms to function and survive. But it gets contaminated through several sources such as industrial wastes, oil spills, marine dumping, etc. With a growing population, availability of good quality water is of grave importance. This has become the...

Bagging Boosting +3 more

Volume 26 - Issue 1

Transport of alumina nanoparticles in natural waters and water saturated porous media- an analysis of the effect of various environmental parameters


Mrudula Pulimi et al. View all

Water Quality

To control the use and disposal of products containing nanoparticles and lessen the risks they pose to soil and aquatic ecosystems, it is essential to understand the fate and transport of Al2O3 NPs. The stability, settling, retention, and transport of Al2O3 NPs in aqueous environments and saturated...

Aluminium oxide nanoparticle transport +2 more

Volume 25 - Issue 10

Variation Analysis of Long-term TN concentration and influencing factors in Miyun Reservoir in China


Quanjie ZHU et al. View all

Water Quality

The total nitrogen (TN) is the key indicator for the eutrophication of Miyun Reservoir. Base on the long-term series of remote sensing, hydrological and water quality observation data, this paper comprehensively analyzed the trend of water quality especially the TN concentration and its influencing...

Miyun reservoir Water covered area +3 more

Volume 25 - Issue 7

Microplastic and associated polyaromatic hydrocarbons in surface waters feeding Beyşehir Lake in Türkiye


Senar Aydin et al. View all

Water Quality

The detection of microplastics, defined as tiny plastics particles having a size from 1 µm to 5 mm, in aquatic environments has become a serious concern worldwide. Microplastics may be introduced either directly to water bodies or indirectly to the aquatic systems. In particular, microplastics may...

microplastics PAHs +1 more

Volume 25 - Issue 5

Assessment of Groundwater Quality in and around the Solid Waste Dump Site using Multivariate Plot Analysis


Kanmani S et al. View all

Water Quality

Groundwater sources play an important role in meeting the day today needs of the present generation. Frequent monitoring of the ground water source plays an important part. The aim of this study is to analyze the quality of the ground water in and around the solid waste dumpsite near Sathyamangalam...

Open dumpsite Sathyamangalam +4 more

Volume 25 - Issue 4

Water quality assessment in coastal lagoons using improved back propagation deep neural network with PH level compensation sensors in smart environment


VENKATESAN. V et al. View all

Water Quality

In coastal lagoons, eutrophication is a significant ecological and environmental problem. The majority of the pollution and deterioration problems that coastal zones and their ecosystems face are due to human influence through urbanization and industrialization. In this research, evaluations of...

Water quality smart environment +4 more

Volume 25 - Issue 3

Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Phenomenon using DRASTIC & Modified DRASTIC Modeling validated with Nitrate Concentration.


Shanmuharajan Meenakshi Balasubramanian et al. View all

Water Quality

Urbanized areas groundwater vulnerability and contamination are serious issues that require due attention. There are other models, notably the DRASTIC models employed to assess the vulnerability of groundwater. In a modified version of the DRASTIC model known as anthropogenic influence was...

DRASTICA Groundwater Pollution +3 more

Volume 24 - Issue 4

Artificial Neural Network and Weighted Arithmetic Indexing Approach for Surface Water Quality Assessment of the Brahmani River


Madhusmita Ghadai et al. View all

Water Quality

An approach was used in this study to relate the predicted and calculated water quality index (WQI) of the Brahmani River. The WQI was predicted using an artificial neural network (ANN) tool, and the weighted Arithmetic Index technique was used to calculate the WQI (WAI). The WQI is calculated using...

ANN Brahmani River +3 more

Volume 24 - Issue 1

Improving Water Quality Assessment through Anomaly Detection Using Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network Approach


Jansi Rani S V et al. View all

Water Quality

Water being a precious commodity for every person around the world needs to be quality monitored continuously for ensuring safety whilst usage. The water data collected from sensors in water plants are used for water quality assessment. The anomaly present in the water data seriously affects the...

Anomaly Detection Convolutional Neural Network +3 more

Volume 23 - Issue 1

Algal homogeneity in water and sediment of mid- Ethiope River, Nigeria: a response to severe ecological disturbances.


Iloba, Kate Isioma et al. View all

Water Quality

Different aquatic ecological zones exhibit different gradients present heterogeneous algal composition. The algal community in the water column and sediment with certain environmental factors were screened monthly for twelve months with standard methods, to ascertain disparate in algal distinction...

dredging diversity indices +4 more

Volume 22 - Issue 3

Synthesis of 1,5-diphenylcarbazide-immobilized alginate/pectin films for colorimetric detection of Cr(VI)


Dwi Siswanta et al. View all

Water Quality

An optical sensor for colorimetric detection of Cr(VI) has been synthesized by immobilizing 1,5-diphenylcarbazide (DPC) into alginate/pectin films. The addition of cationic surfactant (CTAB) was used to increase the effectiveness of DPC immobilization by forming hydrophobic-ion pairs. At optimum...

1 5-diphenylcarbazide +3 more

Functionalization of Amberlite XAD-4 with 8-hydroxyquinoline chelator using aryldiazonium radical reaction and its application for solid phase extraction of trace metals from groundwater samples


Awadh O AlSuhaimi et al. View all

Water Quality

In this work, the aryldiazonium salts radical addition method has been used successfully to anchor 8-hydroxyquinoline (8-HQ) moieties onto the surface of Amberlite XAD-4 beads. The nitroaniline aryldiazonium salt was generated (in-situ) and covalently grafted onto Amberlite XAD-4 by aid of...

Solid phase extraction Amberlite XAD-4 +4 more

Volume 22 - Issue 1

Determination of phenolic compounds in industrial wastewaters by gas chromatography after extraction and preconcentration by microextraction procedure


M.A. Farajzadeh et al. View all

Water Quality

This paper presents an efficient, simple, and fast method for the derivatization, extraction, and preconcentration of several phenolic compounds (phenol, o–, m– and p–cresol, 4–chlorophenol, and 2–nitrophenol) from wastewater samples and analysis of those samples by gas chromatography–flame...

Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction Homogenous liquid–liquid extraction +4 more

Volume 21 - Issue 2

Water Quality Monitoring with Emphasis on Estimation of Point and Diffuse Pollution Sources


Burcu SIMSEK UYGUN et al. View all

Water Quality

Population growth, urbanization and anthropogenic activities are becoming a serious problem for water resources in Turkey, which necessitates their monitoring and maintenance of water quality. In this study, water quality was implemented in the Porsuk Stream in Inner Anatolia, Turkey. Water samples...

Water quality stream monitoring +7 more

Volume 20 - Issue 2

Assessment of Lead and Cadmium in Groundwater Sources Used for Drinking puposes in Jijel (northeastern Algeria).


Balli Nassima et al. View all

Water Quality

Groundwater is one of the important sources of drinking water In Jijel (northeastern Algeria). Various analyses have shown critical concentrations of lead and cadmium in several groundwater sources used for drinking. The aim of this study is to evaluate the contamination by lead and cadmium of...

boreholes cadmium +5 more

Use of Multivariate Statistical Analysis for the Assessment of Groundwater Chemical Variations in Wadi Bani Malik Area, Saudi Arabia


Faisal Rehman et al. View all

Water Quality

Multivariate statistical analysis including cluster analysis, factor analysis and correlation coefficient was applied to the groundwater samples to understand the groundwater condition in Wadi Bani Malik area. Water samples collected from the study area were analysed for physical parameters, major...

statistical sample +3 more

Volume 19 - Issue 4

Nitrogen removal by denitrification and annamox processes in freshwater rivers of high nitrogen loading region of China


Yongqiang Zhao et al. View all

Water Quality

The importance of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) – a metabolic pathway that can generate dinitrogen – remains poorly understood in freshwater river system. Using the 15N-isotope pairing technique (15N IPT) combined with membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS), the potential rates of...

Taihu Lake region membrane inlet mass spectrometry +4 more

Volume 19 - Issue 3

Appraisal of seasonal variation of groundwater quality near an uncontrolled municipal solid waste landfill in Kolkata, India


Sushmita De et al. View all

Water Quality

The present study was aimed to evaluate the impact of leachate derived from uncontrolled municipal landfill on surrounding groundwater quality in Kolkata, India. Seasonal variation of twenty physico-chemical parameters in pre-monsoon (PRM) and post-monsoon (POM) season were analysed in forty...

Uncontrolled municipal landfill leachate +4 more

Volume 19 - Issue 2

Environmental loadings of long term sulphur storage: processes and controls


Tariq Cheema et al. View all

Water Quality

Elemental sulphur (So) is produced at petroleum refineries as a byproduct and a decrease in So prices has forced tens of mega-tonnes of So to be stockpiled at industrial sites. However, long-term storage of So blocks poses a potential for contamination of surface water and groundwater because of the...

Pilot Sulphur Blocks. Instrumentation. Laboratory Analysis. Oxidation. Temperature.

Effects of domestic and industrial effluent discharges into the lake and their impact on the drinking water in Pandravedu village, Tamil Nadu, India


Hemamalini Jagadeesan et al. View all

Water Quality

Increasing demand for water from agriculture, industrial and domestic sectors, resulted in stress on the water resources both from quantity and quality perspectives. Due to urbanization many of the dyeing units have shifted from urban to nearby rural areas. Here safe disposal of untreated effluent...

Lake water water quality Index +3 more

Volume 19 - Issue 1

Seasonal variation in ground water quality and its suitability for drinking and agriculture –a case study in Kancheepuram region, Tamil Nadu, India


Arivarasi R et al. View all

Water Quality

In the present study an attempt has been made to assess the seasonal ground water quality variations at Kancheepuram region, Tamil Nadu, India. In order to evaluate the seasonal ground water quality for drinking and irrigation purposes, 68 groundwater well data were collected and analyzed for...

irrigation Physico-chemical +3 more

Volume 18 - Issue 4

Occurrence and fate of 17β-estradiol in water resources and wastewater in Ahvaz, Iran


Afshin Takdastan et al. View all

Water Quality

Estradiol is known as the indicator of the presence of hormones as Endocrine Disruptor Compounds (EDCs) in water and wastewater. The entrance of these compounds into water resources through daily liquid wastes of societies as well as pharmaceutical industries, ranching, and pathology laboratories...

estradiol slaughterhouse wastewater +3 more

Modeling and characterization of natural organic matter and its relationship with the THMs formation


Brijesh Kumar Mishra et al. View all

Water Quality

Natural organic matter (NOM) has been identified as the prominent precursor for disinfection by-products (DBPs) formation during chlorination. Various studies have shown that the characteristics of NOM influence the Trihalomethanes (THMs) formation mechanism. The present study represents NOM...

Natural organic matter Total organic carbon +4 more

Volume 18 - Issue 3

Enrichment of sediments in urban rivers by heavy metals


Carlos Roberto Juchen et al. View all

Water Quality

The heavy metals contained in sediments may be responsible for constant degradation of rivers’ water quality, which circulate in an urban environment. Therefore, this study shows the pollution index and enrichment factor for each of these elements in river sediments. It was used the optical emission...

Hydro sedimentology metals in urban rivers +1 more

Water Solution Polishing of Nitrate Using Potassium permanganate Modified Zeolite: Parametric experiments, kinetics and equilibrium analysis


A.A. Alinejad et al. View all

Water Quality

In the present study, adsorption potential of potassium permanganate (Hypermangan) modified zeolite was investigated for the removal of nitrate from synthetic wastewater. Effects of the most significant parameters (pH, adsorbent dose, nitrate concentration and contact time) were initially evaluated...

Hypermangan nitrate +3 more

Assessment of Seasonal Variations in Surface Water Quality of Cooum River in Chennai, India – A Statistical Approach


Shanthakumar S. et al. View all

Water Quality

Rapid development in industrial sectors and population expansion has adverse impact on the Cooum river basin, especially Chennai region. The present study focuses on the assessment of seasonal variation in surface water quality of Cooum river basin. The samples were collected seasonally and are...

Seasonal variation Physicochemical characteristics +2 more

Volume 18 - Issue 1

Assessment of water quality in drainage canals of Çarşamba Plain, Turkey, through water quality indexes and graphical methods


Hakan Arslan et al. View all

Water Quality

In this study, the seasonal variation on drainage water quality of Çarşamba Plain, Turkey has been evaluated from June 2012 to January 2013 and determined the suitability of water for irrigation purpose. Water samples collected from 21 drainage canals during July and January were analysed for 12...

Salinity Water quality +3 more

Volume 17 - Issue 3

Multivariate Statistical Analysis of pollutants in Ennore creek, South-East coast of India.


Dr.M.Krishnaveni et al. View all

Water Quality

Multivariate statistical techniques involving factor analysis (FA) and dendrograms for hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) were performed on nine water samples from Ennore Creek, Chennai, Tamil Nadu to assess the spatial distribution of water quality in each of three seasons. The water samples were...

Physico-chemical Multivariate statistics +2 more

Use of cerium oxide (CeO2) nanoparticles for the adsorption of dissolved cadmium (II), lead (II) and chromium (VI) at two different pHs in single and multi-component systems


Antoni Sánchez et al. View all

Water Quality

Cerium oxide (CeO 2) nanoparticles (NPs) were used for the removal of cadmium (II), lead (II) and chromium (VI) ions in single aqueous solutions and in solutions with mixtures of the three metals. The adsorption studies were carried out at pH 5 and 7 using a systematic factorial experimental design...

Adsorption Cerium oxide +3 more

Assessing the Suitability of sites for Reclaimed Water Recharge using Hydrogeophysical and Hydrochemical Analysis


Selvakumar T. et al. View all

Water Quality

An electrical resistivity survey was carried out in the premises of Chennai Metrowater Sewage treatment plants and Anna University to assess the suitability of underlying aquifer for reclaimed water recharge and also to understand groundwater conditions. The geo-electrical methods used in the survey...

Chennai Sewage Treatment Plants – reclaimed water recharge – Vertical Electrical Sounding – Aquifer – Water Quality

Investigation of water quality of two rivers in Agbede –Wetlands in Southern Nigeria


Abdul-Rahman Dirisu, et al. View all

Water Quality

Water quality of Edion and Omodo Rivers were assessed chemically from March to October, 2010. The abstracted water samples were also subjected to bacteriological examination. The Rivers were each sampled at upstream and downstream locations. Twenty (20) physico-chemical characteristics which...

Faecal Coliform Correlation +3 more

Volume 17 - Issue 2

Influence of mining and agricultural activities on the quality of groundwater from some rural areas of South-eastern Nigeria


Itumoh E. J. et al. View all

Water Quality

This study examined the trends in anthropogenic chemical contaminants in groundwater samples in rural areas of Ebonyi State, South-eastern Nigeria. Groundwater samples were collected from Ezza North (a quarry mining area) and Ezza South (an agricultural/commercial area) and were analysed using...

Keywords: groundwater arsenic +3 more

Total dissolved inorganic carbon and physicochemical characteristics of surface microlayer and upper mixed layer water from Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria


Nsikak U. Benson et al. View all

Water Quality

The carbonate and physicochemical characteristics of the surface microlayer and upper mixed layer of a tropical coastal lagoon were investigated. Data on the physicochemical parameters generally indicated a moderately polluted ecosystem. The influence of the ocean environment over the Lagoon system...

Carbonate quantities physicochemical properties +3 more

Volume 16 - Issue 5

High frequency ultrasound waves for degradation of amoxicillin in the presence of hydrogen peroxides for industrial pharmaceutical wastewater treatment


Mohammed Matouq et al. View all

Water Quality

Amoxicillin degradation with and without high frequency ultrasound waves of 2.4 MHz has been investigated. The concentration of amoxicillin was selected to be similar to that of outlet wastewater effluent concentration in pharmaceutical industry namely 50 and 100 ppm. The application of ultrasound...

ultrasound high frequency ultrasound waves +7 more

Volume 16 - Issue 4

Volume 16 - Issue 2

Lower Douro River basin (Portugal) water quality – Focus on trace element changes and anthropogenic sources of contamination


Agostinho A. Almeida et al. View all

Water Quality

The Douro River lower basin water quality was studied regarding its concentration on 18 trace elements (Be, Al, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Ba, Tl, Pb and U, measured by ICP-MS). Other physicochemical parameters, such as pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and water temperature...

Douro River lower basin Trace Elements +4 more

Volume 16 - Issue 1

Biosorption of manganese (II) and aluminium (III) ions from aqueous solution by immobilized Trichoderma asperellum BHU216


S.O. Kareem et al. View all

Water Quality

Removal of Al 3+ and Mn 2+ from solution by Trichoderma asperellum BHU216 immobilized on Irvingia gabonensis matrix in a batch system was investigated. Effect of biosorption conditions contact time, pH, bead size and spore load were studied. Equilibrium isotherms and re-usability of biosorbent were...

II Manganese +6 more

A simple water quality model as a tool for the evaluation of alternative river basin management plans


Noutsopoulos C. et al. View all

Water Quality

A key component in the implementation of Water Framework Directive is the development of a river basin management plan for each river basin district. Water quality models are important tools to test the effectiveness of alternative management plans on the water quality of the respective water bodies...

Deoxygenation Evrotas River +5 more