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ENVIRON: Environmental Impacts from Advanced Communications - Evidence from an Input-Output Theory


Bonazountas M., Panethimitakis A. and Kallidromitou D.


The ENVIRON model estimates environmental impacts (positive, negative) from the introduction and use of Advanced Communications (AC); Information Society Technologies (IST) in industrial, commercial and business sectors in Greece. The model estimates effects on output, employment, income...

Advanced Communications Environment +4 more

Hydrochemical and Ecological Quality Assessment of a Mediterranean River System


Skoulikidis N.Th., Gritzalis K. and Kauvarda Th.


In order to explore the complex interrelations among the factors and processes that determine a rivers’ hydrochemical and biological quality, statistical techniques were applied to a variety of hydrochemical, petrologic, biological, habitat, hydrological and morphologic data from 16 sites of the...

biological hydrochemical and ecological quality +4 more

Spatial prediction of two soil properties using topographic information


Kalivas D.P., Triantakonstantis D.P. and Kollias V.J.


The objective of this study was to determine whether the use of the co-regionalization of the distanceto- river topographic variable with the soil properties topsoil clay and sand can improve their mapping. The interpolation techniques: ordinary kriging, kriging combined with regression (two models)...

kriging regression kriging +4 more

Coastal modelling with a GIS bathymetric module


Tsanis I.K., Naoum S. and Fullarton M.


A 3D hydrodynamic/pollutant transport model was used to simulate the currents and pollutant transport in coastal areas. The bathymetric and shoreline data was provided to the model via a GIS module that operates in the ArcView GIS environment. The module is efficient and capable of generating...

ArcView GIS Coastal Hydrodynamics +1 more

Sorption-desorption isotherms of dyes from aqueous solutions and wastewaters with different sorbent meterials


Voudrias E., Fytianos K. and Bozani E.


The ability of activated carbon and different low-cost by-products and waste material as sorbents to remove various reactive dyes from aqueous solutions and wastewaters was investigated. All aqueous dye solutions contained 2,000 mg l-1 NaCl, to mimic real dye wastewater. Batch kinetic and isotherm...

color removal sorption +3 more

On the relation between sea surface and lower temperature over the northern hemisphere


Bartzokas A., Metaxas D.A. and Giles B.D.


In this work the covariability of sea surface and lower troposphere temperatures (SST-AT) is investigated for winter (DJFM) and summer (JJAS), over the whole northern hemisphere, by utilizing monthly anomalies in grid boxes for a 22-year period. Air temperature variations in the lower troposphere...

northern hemisphere factor analysis +3 more

Degradation of phenol in wastewater using anolyte produced from electrochemical generation of brine solution


Azni Idris and Katayon Saed


This paper presents the degradation of phenol in wastewater using anolyte, which is generated from electrochemical activation process. Anolyte consists of reactive ions and free radicals, which contribute to its oxidizing behavior. The optimum conditions, which facilitate a complete degradation of...

anolyte electrochemical activation process +2 more

Fourier Analysis of the mean monthly Nox Concentration in the Athens basin


Nastos P., Philandras C. and Paliatsos A.


In the present work, Fourier Analysis is applied to the mean monthly NOx concentrations of the period 1989-1999, for a network of 7 stations. Treating NO and NO2 as a single primary pollutant, we succeeded the assessment of NOx concentrations. The main causes of NOx emissions in urban areas are the...

Fourier analysis annual variation +3 more

Regression Analysis and urban air quality forecasting: an application for the city of Athens


Slini Th., Karatzas K. and Papadopoulos Ag.


Air pollution forecasts in major urban areas are becoming a problem concerning the day to day environmental management for city authorities. This paper describes the development of an application to forecast the peak ozone levels with the aid of meteorological and air quality variables, in the...

Ecological statistics air quality forecasting +1 more