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Effect of Temperature on Fenton oxidation of young landfill leachate: Kinetic Assessment and Sludge Properties


Aygun A., Yilmaz T., Nas B. and Berktay A.


Treatment of young landfill leachate, collected from municipal solid waste site of city of Konya, was investigated by using the Fenton process. The leachate itself showed the characteristics of pH 7.25, COD 38.2 g L-1 and BOD5 22 g L-1. Ratio of BOD5 to COD with 0.58 indicates that leachate can be...

Fenton Kinetic +3 more

Assessment of heavy metal contamination in soil and wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) plant around the Corlu–Cerkezkoy highway in Thrace region


Ekmekyapar F., Sabudak T. and Seren G.


Pollution caused by traffic activities is increasingly becoming a great threat to human health in the region of Thrace in north-west of Turkey. Thirty six soil and plant samples were collected from the vicinity of Çorlu–Çerkezköy Highway. The samples were taken at distances of, 1, 25, 50, 100, 250...

traffic pollution metal concentration +2 more

Medical geochemical investigations in taking precautionary measures against diseases. Protection and human health


Varnavas S.P., Kalavrouziotis I.K., Karaberou G., Apostolopoulou K. and P.S. Varnavas


A considerable number of diseases are directly related to environmental impact. Toxic metals such as Hg, Pb, Cd, and As may damage significantly the human health when they exceed certain levels in the body. For example specific precautions should be taken for the diet of pregnant women and the...

Medical geochemistry metals in human health +5 more

Regression analysis between sediment transport rates and stream discharge for the Nestos River, Greece


Angelis I., Metallinos A. and Hrissanthou V.


Systematic measurements of sediment transport rates and water discharge were conducted in the Nestos River (Greece), at a place located between the outlet of Nestos River basin and the river delta. This basin area is about 838 km2 and lies downstream of the Platanovrysi Dam. Separate measurements of...

Sediment transport Bed load +5 more

Overview of the Temporal Variation of PM10 Mass Concentrations in the two Major Cities in Greece: Athens and Thessaloniki


Triantafyllou E. and Biskos G.


Literature reports have indicated that Particulate Matter (PM) concentrations in the atmosphere over the major urban centres of Greece are high compared to other European cities of the same size. The great majority of these reports are based on measurements that have been conducted over a limited...

air pollution particulate matter +2 more

Effect of calcium cyanamide on pathogenic escherichia coli during mesophilic composting and impact on composting process


Simujide H., Aorigele C., Wang C.J., Manda B. and Ma L.N.


The objective of the study was to determine the effect of CaCN2 on pathogenic E. coli as an antimicrobial agent and its impact on composting progress as an amendment in dairy cow manure based mixtures composted at laboratory scale. The changes in physical parameters, chemical parameters and...

zoonotic pathogen antimicrobial agent +4 more

Ammonia removal from fertilizer plant effluents by a coupled electrostatic shielding based electrodialysis / electrodeionization process


Dermentzis K., Davidis A., Chatzichristou C. and Dermentzi A.


Electrically and ionically conducting graphite powder beds interposed between the anode and cathode inside an electrolytic setup are used as intermediate bipolar electrodes. The beds cause electric field discontinuity by eliminating the applied electric field locally within their mass and act as...

Ammomium nitrate Faraday cage +3 more