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Effect of calcium cyanamide on pathogenic escherichia coli during mesophilic composting and impact on composting process


Simujide H., Aorigele C., Wang C.J., Manda B. and Ma L.N.


The objective of the study was to determine the effect of CaCN2 on pathogenic E. coli as an antimicrobial agent and its impact on composting progress as an amendment in dairy cow manure based mixtures composted at laboratory scale. The changes in physical parameters, chemical parameters and...

zoonotic pathogen antimicrobial agent +4 more

Ammonia removal from fertilizer plant effluents by a coupled electrostatic shielding based electrodialysis / electrodeionization process


Dermentzis K., Davidis A., Chatzichristou C. and Dermentzi A.


Electrically and ionically conducting graphite powder beds interposed between the anode and cathode inside an electrolytic setup are used as intermediate bipolar electrodes. The beds cause electric field discontinuity by eliminating the applied electric field locally within their mass and act as...

Ammomium nitrate Faraday cage +3 more

Temporal variability of disinfection by-products concentration in urban public water system


Siddique A., Saied S., Zaigham N.A., Mumtaz M., Ali Mahar G. and Mohiuddin S.


The occurrence of trihalomethanes (THMs) was studied in the drinking water samples from urban water supply network of Karachi city that served more than 18 million people. Drinking water samples were collected from 58 locations in summer (May-August) and winter (November-February) seasons. The major...

Trihalomethanes seasonal variability +5 more

Thermal comfort estimation in relation to different orientation in mountainous regions in Greece by using artificial neural networks


Chronopoulos K.I., Kamoutsis A.P. and Matsoukis A.S.


This study focuses on the estimation of thermal comfort conditions in a high alt. site (1455 m) in Apodotia (MA), Greece, by using the MLP neural network model. This estimation is based on the air temperature (t) and relative humidity (f) data of the middle (1078-1163 m) and of the low altitude...

multilayer perceptron model Air temperature +4 more

Regional climate change scenarios for Greece: future temperature and precipitation projections form ensembles of RCMs


Tolika K., Zanis P. and Anagnostopoulos C.


The potential regional future changes in seasonal (winter and summer) temperature and precipitation are assessed for the greater area of Greece over the 21st century, under A2, A1B and B2 future emission scenarios of IPCC. Totally twenty-two simulations from various regional climate models (RCMs)...

Greece regional climate models +2 more

Changing mediterranean environment: irrefutable evidence from pre-industrial, unpublicised scenes contemporary with a mission (1786-1787) in the Levant


Rhizopoulou S.


This paper provides an introduction to one hundred thirty one, pre-industrial, unpublicised Mediterranean scenes kept in Oxford, which constitute valuable evidence of changing environment. The largely unknown and unpublished paintings witness environmental wilderness and the cultural landscapes of...

Aegean Greece +6 more

Solar assisted photo fenton for cost effective degradation of textile effluents in comparison to AOPS


Durr-E-Shahwar, Yasar A. And Yousaf S.


Solar assisted Photo Fenton was compared with advanced oxidation processes for their color and COD removal efficiency and cost effectiveness. H2O2 alone appeared to be inefficient to reduce color and COD content of any effluent. The performance of Fenton process was slightly better, color and COD...

Solar radiation Ozone +4 more