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Soil adsorption behaviour and photomineralization by photocatalytic membranes immobilizing titanium dioxide of atrazine and intermediates


Gawlik B. M., Moroni A., Bellobono I.R. and Muntau H.W.


The soil adsorption behaviour of atrazine and its photodegradation intermediate 4,6-diamino-2-chloro-1,3,5- s-triazine (I), was evaluated by measuring partition coefficients on five representative European topsoils using classical batch experiments. From this study, (I) appears to be less...

Atrazine soil adsorption +2 more

Estimation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) production from traffic from the city of Athens


Kourtidis K. and Ziomas I.


Estimates of the amount of secondary organic aerosol formed in the atmosphere from the degradation of traffic C6-C12 hydrocarbon emissions in the city of Athens are presented. Around 1.26 tn of organic aerosol is estimated to be produced during a six hours air pollution episode from the aromatic...

Secondary organic aerosol non-methane hydrocarbons +1 more

Economic incentives in sustainable water management: a Risk-Based Decision Analysis approach for determining groundwater pollution charges under uncertainty


Mylopoulos Y.A. and Mylopoulos N.A.


A risk-based decision analysis methodology is presented, that can be used as a water policy tool in the design of economic incentive instruments, under conditions of uncertainty. A contaminated groundwater resource system with unknown hydrogeological parameters is used as a case study. The polluter...

Sustainable Water Resources Management Economic Incentives +4 more

Toxic effects of Atrazine, Deethyl-Atrazine, Deisopropyl-Atrazine and Metolachlor on Chlorella fusca var fusca


Kotrikla A., Gatidou G. and Lekkas T.D.


The toxic effects of the herbicide Atrazine, its degradation products deethyl-atrazine and deisopropylatrazine, and the herbicide metolachlor were examined in unialgal cultures of Chlorella fusca var-fusca. The toxicity of a mixture of atrazine and metolachlor was also evaluated using the same...

Herbicides mixtures +3 more

Ammonia and Phosphorous removal in municipal wastewater treatment plant with extended aeration.


Sotirakou E., Kladitis G., Diamantis N. and Grigoropoulou H.


Samples were taken from Metamorphosis/Attica combined treatment plant for municipal wastewater and septage, which treats about 12000 m3 d-1 of municipal wastewater and 8000 m3 d-1 of septage, and analyzed for solids, COD, ammonia, nitrate, orthophosphate, polyphosphate and total phosphorus. Ammonia...

ammonia removal phosphorus removal +3 more

Organic atmospheric pollutants: polycyclic hydrocarbons from coal atmospheric fluidised bed combustion (AFBC)


Mastral M., Callen M.S., Murillo R. and Garcia T.


The work deals with coal combustion in a pilot-plant fluidised bed (7 cm i.d.) under atmospheric conditions. The aims are to capture and analyse qualitatively as well as quantitatively the volatile polycyclic hydrocarbons emitted by using coal as energy source under various combustion conditions...

atmospheric contamination coal combustion +4 more

Promotion by Sodium in emission control catalysis: The difference between alkanes and alkenes in the Pd-catalysed reduction of NO by hydrocarbons


Yentekakis I.V., Konsolaki M., Kiousis V., Lambert R.M. and Tikhov M.S.


The activity and selectivity of Pd catalysts supported on YSZ and dosed with different amounts of Na promoter has been investigated for the reduction of NO by alkenes (C3H6) or alkanes (CH4). It is found that Na strongly promotes the reduction of NO by C3H6. Rate increases by an order of magnitude...

Sodium NO reduction +4 more