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Conversion of Pruning Waste into Biochar-based Organomineral Fertilizer to Improve Maize Yield and Phosphorus Use Efficiency

by Ahmad S. Ali A. Ahmed W. Ali M. Athar M. Ismail A. Alhajhoj M. Alturki S. Darrag H. Al-Khayri J.

Solid Waste Management

Open burning and dumping of pruning waste into landfills is detrimental for environmental quality. This study was planned to convert pruning waste into biochar-based organomineral phosphatic fertilizer (BOMPF). A BOMPF with 20% P2O5 was prepared by enrichment of diammonium phosphate (DAP) in biochar...

Environmental Quality Fertilizer use efficiency +1 more

Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in urban wastewater: An entropy-based multi-objective optimization approach for optimal selection of sampling points

by Gkatzioura A. Zafeirakou A.

Water Quality

Monitoring wastewater for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 proved to be a useful tool during COVID-19 pandemic and it is in place, until today, at many Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs) in Greece and elsewhere. Identification of virus in wastewater can be a valuable indicator for the early detection of...

wastewater-based epidemiology SARS-COV-2 +4 more

Interaction and quantum chemical analysis between sulfamethoxazole and copper on biochar

by Zhong J. He J. Bao Y. Zhang Y. gao Y. li J. Liu L.

Water treatment

Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and copper (Cu) are common antibiotic and heavy metallic contaminants. They can be removed separately through biochar sorption method. However, the interaction between SMX and Cu remains an unresolved issue in the sorption process of biochar. In this paper, two biochar samples...

Biochar co-sorption +2 more

A Solid Waste Management System based on IoT using Swin Transformer with Ant Colony Optimization Model

by Manoharan R. Joseph C. Baskar R. Thavasimuthu R.

Solid Waste Management

The primary issue related to applications of smart cities is Solid Waste Management (SWM), which may be harmful to public health and the environment. Management of waste includes the disposal of trash through recycling and landfilling. SWM is a significant and challenging issue for ecosystems...

solid waste Solid waste management.

Overview of Total Mercury in the Coastal Waters of Greece: A Decade of Monitoring under the Water Framework Directive (WFD)

by Panagopoulou G. Paraskevopoulou V. Yfanti A. Chalkiadaki O. Botsou F. Stathopoulou E. Zeri C. Tzempelikou E. Dassenakis E. Scoullos M.

Chemicals in the environment

Mercury (Hg) is an environmentally hazardous metal and pollutant in key European legislation pertaining to the marine environment (the Water Framework Directive WFD and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive - MSFD). Despite the environmental importance of Hg there is limited knowledge on levels in...

THg Greece +3 more

Wastewater Recycling Integration with IoT Sensor Vision for Real-time Monitoring and Transforming Polluted Ponds into Clean Ponds using HG-RNN

by Maruthai S. Rajendran S. Selvanarayanan R. .S G.

Water and wastewater reuse

Wastewater recycling will protect the environment by reducing the quantity of contaminants released into water bodies, safeguarding aquatic ecosystems, and averting water pollution. The objective is to transform polluted ponds into clean water sources through real-time monitoring and efficient...

Wastewater Recycling Gated Linear Unit +5 more

A Study on the potential industrial effluent remediation applications of CdS nanoparticles through niobium incorporation

by Haewon B. Kumar Singh P. Shalom N. Sivaprakash M. Prakash A. Sahaya Sudherson D. Sunil J.

Water and Wastewater Treatment

The increasing release of textile dyes into water bodies poses a significant environmental challenge due to their toxicity and resistance to degradation. In this study, cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanoparticles (NPs) and niobium (Nb)-doped CdS at three different concentrations were synthesized using a...

wastewater treatment Textile industry +4 more

Assessment of heavy metals accumulation in food crops irrigated with water of Boumerzoug river (Constantine, North East of Algeria)

by Bouaroudj S. Bouasla A. Bouchetat F. Rebbah A.C. Bouchareb N. Bounamous A.

Environmental Toxicology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems

An economy's progress is critically dependent on industrialization. However, it also negatively impacts the ecosystem by releasing dangerous elements like heavy metals into surface aquifers. The purpose of this study was to assess the contamination by heavy metals of edible plants (pepper...

River heavy metal accumulation +3 more

Modeling and Optimization of Chemical Pretreatment for Enhanced Co-Digestion of Paper Sludge


Corresponding author: Mansouri Assia et al. View all

Water and wastewater reuse

In papermaking industry, large water consumption and hazardous wastes generation, particularly paper sludge, present environmental challenges. This study focuses on the valorization of the paper sludge by optimizing the extraction of total sugars through chemical treatment under various operating...

Chemical Treatment Modeling +4 more