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Volume 3

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Global NEST Journal

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Setting priorities for wildfires suppression policy in Greece, using a relation between yearly burned areas and recovery time


Hadjibiros K.


In the Mediterranean region, fire is a natural factor, which contributes in the shaping of landscape and the preservation of a high degree of biodiversity. However, often repeated burning has negative impacts on the forested landscapes. When the processes of natural or artificial regeneration are...

wildfires Mediterranean +6 more

Using GAC to Control THMs in drinking water, an experimental study at the Athens Water Works and an economic evaluation of the method


Koumenides K., Lekkas D.F. and Xylourgidis N.


An experimental study has been carried out in an attempt to verify the efficiency of GAC (granular activated carbon) in removing THMs (trihalomethanes), and in particular CHCl3, CHCl2Br, CHClBr2 and CHBr3 from drinking water. The experiments have been conducted at a pilot scale filtering plant that...

Water filtration Drinking Water Quality +1 more

Determination of Heavy Metals in Wet Deposition of Athens


Kanellopoulou Helen


The concentrations of ten industrial metals (Pb, Cd, Ni, As, Cr, Zn, Fe, Cu, Al and Mn) in 20 samples of rainwater collected at the station of Athens University Campus (AUC) during the cold period 1/10/97 - 31/3/98 were determined. In general, low concentrations were observed. The Spearman...

Wet deposition Heavy metals +1 more

Water demand and supply analysis using a spatial decision support system


Manoli E., Arampatzis G., Pissias Ev., Xenos D. and Assimacopoulos D.


A prototype Spatial Decision Support System for the evaluation of water demand and supply management schemes is presented. The water basin is topologically mapped to a network of spatial objects representing the physical entities and their connections. Several GIS functions, which include data input...

Integrated Water Resources Management spatial decision support system +1 more

Environmental Management Approaches and Water Resources in the stessed region of Thriassion, Greece


Karavitis C.A., Bosdogianni A. and Vlachos E.C.


The present attempt has a two prong-emphasis. On the one hand it demarcates the physical, structural, social and economic parameters and the eliciting environmental problems in Thriassion Plain, the main industrial area of metropolitan Athens, Greece. On the other hand it attempts to delineate a...

Environmental Management environmental impacts +7 more

A management framework for the efficient use of surface water resources in Sithonia Peninsula (Greece)


Latinopoulos P. and Theodossiou N.


The Peninsula of Sithonia is one of many typical regions in Greece in which overexploitation of local aquifers has led to several serious problems related to quantity and quality degradation of groundwater reserves. In this paper, a management plan is presented that aims at the utilization of the so...

water resources management water supply dams +1 more