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Influence of inorganic oxidants and metal ions on photocatalytic activity of prepared zinc oxide nanocrystals


Seyed Dorraji M.S., Daneshvar N. and Aber S.


Zinc oxide nanocrystals were prepared by precipitation method using ZnSO4.7H2O and NaOH as raw materials. The prepared ZnO nanocrystals were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD). Primary objective was to focus on the influence of inorganic oxidants, metal ions and anions on photocatalytic...

ZnO Photocatalysis +4 more

An investigation on treatment of tannery wastewater by electrocoagulation


Apaydin O., Kurt U., Gonullu M.T.


Treatability by the electro-coagulation (EC) and electro-Fenton (EF) methods have been applied to the tannery wastewater from an organized industrial region consisting mostly of tannery plants and compared with each other in this study. Iron plates were used as the anode and cathode. Electrical...

Electrocoagulation Electrofenton +4 more

Soil water management problems using fuzzy arithmetic


Halkidis I.N., Tzimopoulos Ch.D., Evangelides Ch.H., and Sakellariou-Markantonaki M.


Drainage management problems are usually very hard to simulate due to the uncertainty of the hydraulic parameters involved. Fuzzy analysis is one of the available tools that can be used for such problems, involving uncertain data. A fuzzy analysis approach usually involves the consideration of...

Drainage management fuzzy numbers +4 more

Aircraft air pollutant emissions in Greek airports


Tsilingiridis G.


During recent years special attention has been paid to various environmental impacts from aircraft emissions. The effects become more important considering the present situation in the air traffic sector and future expectations for higher air travel demands. In this paper the evolution of aircraft...

air pollution LTO +5 more

Changes in Greek industry and their effect on air pollutant emissions


Tsilingiridis G.


Energy use in Greek Industry, fuel mix changes and contribution of major sectors from 1960 to 2004 are presented and analysed. Energy related air pollutant emissions are estimated and presented too. Energy use in Industry has shown a growing trend. Residual fuel oil was the predominant energy form...

Fuel mix Energy +4 more

Heavy metal interrelationships in soil in the presence of treated waste water


Kalavrouziotis I.K., Koukoulakis P.H. and Papadopoulos A.H.


An experiment was conducted in a greenhouse located in Agrinion, Greece, in order to study the effect of the treated municipal wastewater (TMWW) on the soil heavy metal interactions, in comparison to ordinary well irrigation water, denoted as control. The ultimate aim was the establishment of sound...

Heavy metal Interaction +2 more

Evaluation of dissipation mechanisms for pyrene by maize (Zea Mays L.) in cadmium co-contaminated soil


Zhang H., Dang Z., Yi X.Y., Yang C., Zheng L.C. and Lu G.N.


Sites co-contaminated with organic and metal pollutants are common and considered to be a more complex problem, as the two components often have a synergistic effect on cytotoxicity. This study investigated the dissipation mechnisms for pyrene in cadmium co-contaminated soil in which maize (ZEA MAYS...

Phytoremediation compound contamination +2 more

Applications of FTIR spectroscopy in environmental studies supported by two dimensional correlation analysis


Mecozzi M., Moscato F., Pietroletti M., Quarto F., Oteri F. and Cicero A.M.


In this paper, we report the joint use of FTIR spectroscopy and two dimensional correlation analysis (2DCORR) applied to the identification of the aggregation pathways of natural organic matter (i.e. humic substance) extracted from marine sediments and in the second case of study, to the comparison...

FTIR spectroscopy 2D correlation analysis +5 more