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About the Journal


Editor: Themistokles Lekkas

University of Aegean, Greece


Print Edition ISSN: 1790-7632

Web Edition ISSN: 2241-777X

Indexed/Abstracted in: CAS, SCOPUS, Web of Science (Science Citation Index) .


Journal Scope

Global Network of Environmental Science and Technology Journal (Global NEST Journal) is a scientific source of information for professionals in a wide range of environmental disciplines. The Journal is published both in print and online.

Global NEST Journal constitutes an international effort of scientists, technologists, engineers and other interested groups involved in all scientific and technological aspects of the environment, as well, as in application techniques aiming at the development of sustainable solutions. Its main target is to support and assist the dissemination of information regarding the most contemporary methods for improving quality of life through the development and application of technologies and policies friendly to the environment


Research papers

Global NEST Journal seeks to publish papers that are especially significant and original. The types of papers published in Global NEST Journal are research articles, policy analysis, critical reviews and correspondence. The correction/addition of Manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and, if appropriate, by other scientists who assess the significance, originality and validity of the work, as well as its appropriateness for publication. The Editor and Associate Editors, listed in this website , are responsible for all material published in Global NESTJournal.


Journal Standing

Global NEST Journal is published four times per year and is registered in the major international data banks and has an increasing impact factor since 2009.