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Concentration measurements and chemical characterization of PM2.5 at an industrial coastal site in Saronic Gulf, Greece


Michopoulos J., Maggos Th., Vasilakos Ch., Bartzis J.G., Gika E. and Hiskia A.


Aerosols samples of PM2.5 were collected during October 2004 in the industrial zone of the greater Athens area, located in the coastal region of Saronic Gulf, westerly of the city. In particular, two different sites were selected, in order to obtain experimental data from: a) the shoreline, where...

PM2.5 anions +4 more

Chemical identification of semi-urban aerosols by laser raman spectroscopy


Harpale V.M., S.D. Ralegankar, S.D. Dhole and D.B.Jadhav


Atmospheric aerosols play an important role in local, regional meteorology, visibility, air pollution, haze formation and energy balance of radiation. These processes influence the climate directly or indirectly. Therefore, for increasing importance of aerosols in understanding the various...

particulate matter Environment +13 more

Assessment and prediction of benzene concentrations in a street canyon using a variety of models, in the means of environmental management purposes


Kassomenos P.A., Karakitsios S.P. and Pilidis G.A.


Urban air quality nowadays is one of the major environmental issues, due to its impact to various health problems, caused by the daily exposure of the population in dangerous air pollutants. The highest levels of air pollutants are usually observed in street canyons, emitted by urban traffic. To...

Benzene Modeling +2 more

Wind-field and pollution-dispersion simulation in a street canyon in Helsinki with ADREA-HF code


Neofytou P., Venetsanos A. and Bartzis J.G.


ADREA-HF, which is a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code, is utilised in order to numerically study the flow and concentration fields within a street-canyon area. The selected site is Runeberg Str., a typical urban street canyon with an aspect ratio of approximately 1:1 in Helsinki, Finland. The...

Simulation Street canyon +1 more

Estimation and measurement of the automobile pollution : application to Bejaia case


Alkama R., Ait Idir F. and Slimani Z.


In this paper, we present the estimate and results of measurement of air pollution in Béjaia city in Algeria. We used an enclosure of 0,80 m3 for the collection of gases directly on the outlet side of the tailpipe of the vehicles. A three-gas detector (MX21 plus), introduced inside the enclosure...

automobile pollution standards of emission +1 more

Vehicle emissions and driving cycles: comparison of the Athens driving cycle (ADC) with ECE-15 and European driving cycle (EDC)


Tzirakis E., Pitsas K., Zannikos F. and Stournas S.


Vehicle emissions constitute the main source of atmospheric pollution in modern cities. The increasing number of passenger cars, especially during the last decade, resulted in composite traffic problems with serious consequences on emissions and fuel consumption. This project was carried out in the...

NEDC ADC +4 more

Impact of using adulterated automotive diesel on the exhaust emissions of a stationary diesel engine


Mattheou L., Zannikos F., Schinas P., Karavalakis G., Karonis D. and Stournas S.


The EU Directives and legislation by worldwide environmental authorities impose constantly lower levels for the airborne pollutant emissions of internal combustion engines towards the goal of zero emission vehicles. During the last decade, engine manufacturers, refiners and fuel companies invest...

air quality exhaust emissions +5 more

Effect of the relative humidity on an industrial plume behavior


Affad E., Saadeddine S., Assou M. and Sbaibi A.


In order to accurately predict the pollutant concentrations and the plume trajectory in the atmosphere, it is necessary to take into account the effects of interactions between the plume and the surrounding environment. In fact, the atmospheric conditions have a lot of influence on the plume...

A comparison of two interaction matrix coding techniques used in a GIS-based tool for air quality assessment


Mavroulidou M., Hughes S.J. and Hellawell E.E.


The paper describes the development of a fast and easy-to-use qualitative tool for preliminary assessments of urban air quality related to road traffic. The tool is particularly aimed at the ability and budget of local government. It uses a novel interaction matrix-type methodology combined with...

Air quality management interaction matrix +1 more

Air quality and pollution mapping system, using remote measurements and GPS technology


Schreiner C., Branzila M., Trandabat A. and Ciobanu R.C.


According to the actual European context, including the development of risk free residential and industrial areas, the main demand lies in instant, accurate and elaborated information regarding environment quality and pollution risks. This paper presents a conceptual architecture for a versatile...

remote measurements GPS +3 more