Below is a chart of the past 5 years of our publications.

The details are below1:
Year | Submitted | Published | Published rate | Rejected | Rejection rate |
2020 | 228 | 80 | 35% | 157 | 68.8% |
2021 | 751 | 70 | 9.3% | 246 | 32% |
2022 | 469 | 120 | 25.5% | 268 | 57% |
2023 | 978 | 181 | 18.5% | 673 | 68.8% |
For 2023:
- Number of assignees: 11172
- Number of assignments: 21302.
- Average number of reviewers per paper: 2.17.
- Average paper processing time: 97 days.
1Please, understand that, there is a small margin of error in the calculation of the statistics due to the process time of the papers. Submission date is considered the date that the paper was submitted. Publication date is the date the paper was published online in the Articles in Press. Rejection date is the day that the decision was performed. With that said, the numbers might not be 100% accurate but they are fairly near the actual numbers.
2The number of assignees as well as the number of assignments include the assignments of the associate editors but only if they have completed the assignment themselves (submitted an actual review instead of only managing peers).