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Forecasting mesoscale precipitation using the MM5 model with the four-dimensional data assimilation (FDDA) technique


Yamazaki Y. and Orgaz M.D.M.


The two basic forms of multi-scale data assimilation procedures (FDDA), based on Newtonian relaxation, of analysis and observations nudging have been applied for precipitation event period occurred over Portugal during summer season, using the Fifth Generation Mesoscale Model (MM5) developed and...

Mesoscale forecast +2 more

Optimal allocation of land and water resources in irrigated agriculture by means of Goal Programming: Application in Loudias River Basin


Latinopoulos D. and Mylopoulos Y.


Agriculture is an economic activity that contributes significantly to the gross national product of a country, securing at the same time the viability of the rural sector and the social coherence. On the other hand, it can generate an environmental externality, especially concerning water resources...

Agriculture resource allocation +5 more

Water mass balance in the case of vertical infiltration


Tzimopoulos C., Evangelides C., Arampatzis G. and Anastasiadis E.


Water movement in the unsaturated zone is an important hydrological process. Richard’s equation is windily used to describe both soil water infiltration and soil water absorption. Various methods have been developed to solve Richard’s equation. Wang et al. (2003) have developed an algebraic model...

water mass balance vertical infiltration +4 more

Integrated Surface Water-Groundwater Modelling


K. Spanoudaki, A. Nanou, A. I. Stamou, G. Christodoulou, T.Sparks, B. Bockelmann and R. A. Falconer


Two Integrated Surface water - Groundwater flow Models (ISGMs) have been developed at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece and Cardiff University (CU), UK to investigate surface water-groundwater interactions. The models are based on physical processes and are capable of...

integrated modelling stream-aquifer interactions +2 more

Hydrologic modeling for the determination of design discharges in ungauged basins


Daniil E.I., Michas S.N. and Lazaridis L.S.


All stormwater management projects in Greece are required to get environmental permit before construction. The design return period is often determined by the environmental permit. Determination of design discharges is an important parameter for the design. Design discharge for a given return period...

Design discharge Flood management +3 more

European procedures to river quality assessment


Naddeo V., Zarra T. and Belgiorno V.


The EU directive (2000/60/EC) known as the Water Framework Directive (WFD), identifies new methodology for monitoring and improving of surface water quality in the territory. This includes controlling land-based pollutants as well as defining the constraints for territorial planning. It is...

chemical status ecological status +3 more

Water Resourses in Greece : Present and Future


M.A. Mimikou


The European Water Framework Directive 2000/60 has established a new legislation for sustainable management of water resources and protection of their relevant eco-systems. The primary objective of the Directive which is the achievement of acceptable water quality through the implementation of...

water use water resources +2 more

Some important ecological aspects of the Directive 2000/60


Hadjibiros K.


The Water Framework Directive 2000/60 is a characteristic example of modern European environmental policy, based upon advanced environmental principles. Is reflects a gradual convergence between actual European political consensus on environmental matters and positions of the green movements. Most...

rational management ecological quality +4 more

Water resources and groundwater quality in North Peloponnesus (Greece)


Voudouris K.S., Daskalaki P. and Antonakos A.


Groundwater plays an important role for urban and agricultural water supply in northern part of Peloponnesus. Despite increasing environmental awareness in this area, groundwater is a resource that is being stressed. Groundwater provides about 80% the total quantity of water supply. Distribution of...

water resources groundwater development +4 more