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Current status of the metal pollution of the environment of Greece - a review


Farmaki E.G. and Thomaidis N.S.


ABSTRACT Pollution from metals and metalloids of the environment of Greece seemed to attract many researchers and elemental pollutants in air, soil and water have been determined and studied systematically during the last decade. The most recent of these studies, concerning the last five years (2003...

Metals Metalloids +5 more

Flux enhancement by air dispersion in cross-flow microfiltration of a colloidal system through spiral wound module


Qaisrani T.M. and Samhaber W.M.


Enhancement of the permeate flux due to reduction of cake layer resistance by air-liquid twophase flow in a cross flow spiral wound microfiltration membrane has been investigated. Experiments were carried out with two different suspension systems, namely baker’s yeast suspension with a dry mass...

Flux enhancement Air dispersion +4 more

Ultrafine particles (UFP) and health effects. Dangerous. Like no other PM? Review and analysis


Politis M., Pilinis C. and Lekkas T.D.


The goal of the current review is to present and analyze the known information proposed and discussed the last few years about UFP and their possible health effects. It includes references from 1992 to 2008. It also includes references from some fundamental studies in the 1970's and 1980's. The...

air pollution Ultrafine particles +5 more

Integrated urban water modelling using Aquacycle model


Lekkas D.F., Manoli E. and Assimacopoulos D.


The traditional approach to urban water management is primarily based on a supply-oriented approach, where water follows a one-way path from supply to a single use, treatment and then discharged to the environment. The wide acknowledgement of the need to shift towards more sustainable practices has...

Urban water management integrated modelling +2 more

Modelling and simulation of a catchment in order to evaluate water resources


Courbis A.L., Vayssade B., Martin C. and Didon-Lescot J.F.


It is difficult for decision-makers to evaluate the impact of their territorial policies. Aspects to be considered in this evaluation include those relating to humans, environment protection and industry development. Two reasons explain the difficulty: decision-makers cannot specialise in all...

hydrologic modelling water balance evaluation +2 more

Investigation of the effect of ultrasonic waves on the enhancement of efficiency of direct photolysis and photooxidation processes on the removal of a model contaminant from textile industry


Behnajady M.A., Modirshahla N., Shokri M. and Vahid B.


The effect of ultrasonic waves (US) was studied on the degradation of Malachite Green (MG) as a model contaminant from textile industry by direct photolysis with ultraviolet (UV) radiation and UV/H2O2 processes. The US (35 kHz) and UV (253.7 nm) radiations were carried out with an ultrasonic bath...

AOPs Advanced oxidation processes +4 more

Wet oxidation characteristics of metal cyanide complexes below 423 K


Fukuta T., Agari S., Kuchar D., Kubota M., Onyango M.S., Matsuda H. and Huang L.


In the present study, the wet oxidation of zinc and copper cyanide complexes (cyanide concentration of 1,000 mg dm-3) was conducted in a hydrothermal reactor, under oxygen atmosphere of which the pressure was set to 1 MPa. The pH of the reaction solution was kept in the range of 11 to 12 and the...

Electroplating wastewater copper cyanide complex +2 more