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Volume 10

Global NEST Journal cover

Global NEST Journal

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Current status of the metal pollution of the environment of Greece - a review


Farmaki E.G. and Thomaidis N.S.


ABSTRACT Pollution from metals and metalloids of the environment of Greece seemed to attract many researchers and elemental pollutants in air, soil and water have been determined and studied systematically during the last decade. The most recent of these studies, concerning the last five years (2003...

Metals Metalloids +5 more

Flux enhancement by air dispersion in cross-flow microfiltration of a colloidal system through spiral wound module


Qaisrani T.M. and Samhaber W.M.


Enhancement of the permeate flux due to reduction of cake layer resistance by air-liquid twophase flow in a cross flow spiral wound microfiltration membrane has been investigated. Experiments were carried out with two different suspension systems, namely baker’s yeast suspension with a dry mass...

Flux enhancement Air dispersion +4 more

Ultrafine particles (UFP) and health effects. Dangerous. Like no other PM? Review and analysis


Politis M., Pilinis C. and Lekkas T.D.


The goal of the current review is to present and analyze the known information proposed and discussed the last few years about UFP and their possible health effects. It includes references from 1992 to 2008. It also includes references from some fundamental studies in the 1970's and 1980's. The...

air pollution Ultrafine particles +5 more

Integrated urban water modelling using Aquacycle model


Lekkas D.F., Manoli E. and Assimacopoulos D.


The traditional approach to urban water management is primarily based on a supply-oriented approach, where water follows a one-way path from supply to a single use, treatment and then discharged to the environment. The wide acknowledgement of the need to shift towards more sustainable practices has...

Urban water management integrated modelling +2 more

Modeling the impact of water withdrawal schemes on the transport of pesticides in the Kouris dam (Cyprus)


Ma S., Kassinos S.C., Fatta-Kassinos D. and Akylas E.


As part of an effort to understand the water quality dynamics in the Kouris Dam and the impact of possible management strategies, the present study assessed the transport process of atrazine in this reservoir and the effects of bottom and surface withdrawal schemes. The 2- D laterally averaged CE...

Pesticide Atrazine +7 more

Recycling techniques of polyolefins from plastic wastes


Achilias D.S., Antonakou Ε., Roupakias C., Megalokonomos P. and Lappas A.


Disposing of plastic wastes to landfill is becoming undesirable due to legislation pressures, rising costs and the poor biodegradability of commonly used polymers. In addition, incineration meets with strong societal opposition. Therefore, recycling either mechanical or chemical, seems to be the...

recycling Polymers +5 more

Platinum concentrations in urban airborne particles from Shanghai, China


Yang Y., Li X., Li Y.L., Tan M., Lu W., Zhang G. and Li Y.


The PM10 airborne particle samples were collected at Shanghai from December 2003 to December 2005 in order to investigate platinum contamination in the urban air. The samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results show that the average Pt concentration in...

air pollution aerosol particle +2 more

Assessment of clustering algorithms in discriminating eutrophic levels in coastal waters


Primpas I., Karydis M.and Tsirtsis G.


Cluster analysis has been used widely as a tool for assessing eutrophic trends in coastal waters. The efficiency of clustering in discriminating between oligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutropic sites, depends on the variables used, the distance measure and the clustering algorithm applied. In the...

eutrophication Eutrophication assessment +2 more