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Water saving and yield increase of sugar beet with subsurface drip irrigation


Sakellariou-Markantonaki M., Kalfounzos D. and Vyrlas P.


This study was conducted to evaluate the surface and subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) application effects on sugar beet crop performance, under two levels (100% and 80%) of water application depth. The experimental design was a split plot with four replications. Laterals were set every second crop...

irrigation water management drip systems +3 more

An environmental database for the status of freshwater in Greece


Tsouni A., Zervos N., Hadjibiros K. and Andreadakis A.


An environmental database has been created, recording water bodies at a national level and assembling relevant data collected by various public services and institutions in charge of water resources management and research in Greece. Data consists of physico-chemical parameters, geomorphological...