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Bio-Inspired Synthesis of CuO and ZnO Nanoparticles by Hydrothermal Method: Characterization and Evaluation as Photocatalytic Degradation of Imidacloprid Pesticide


Amna Iqbal et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

In this work, copper oxides (CuO) and zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles were synthesized using Abelmoschus esculentus (A. esculentus) leaves extract by hydrothermal method and subsequently employed for degrading recalcitrant pesticide imidacloprid (IMI). The CuO and ZnO nanoparticles were characterized...

green synthesis Abelmoschus esculentus water treatment +4 more

Integrated design of stepped solar still with internal glass reflector for environmental desalination


P.Gopi et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

Water, a scarce resource that is necessary for the survival of all life on Earth and also for economic, environmental sustainability, and social progress, is becoming increasingly difficult to come by. Recent research analysis revealed that reflector, absorber, and evaporator were the three distinct...

Desalination solar still +4 more

Experimental investigation of Co-Composting of gelatine industrial sludge combined with slaughter house waste and rice straw


Balamurugan Panneerselvam et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

This work illustrates the co-composting of Gelatine Industry Sludge (GIS) combined with organic fraction of Slaughter House Waste (SHW) and Rice Straw (RS) employing 10% zeolite mixed with Enriched Nitrifying Bacteria Consortium (ENBC). Five piles of GIS will be prepared and mixed with SHW and RS at...

Integrated Disaster Risk Management for Flood Detection on Remote Sensing Images using Deep Learning techniques


Arun Mozhi Selvi Sundarapandi et al. View all

Hydrology and Water Resources Management

Floods are one of the leading causes of damage, prompting mortality and substantial destruction to the structure and total economy of the affected nations. Remote sensing, satellite imagery, global positioning system, and geographic information system (GIS) are widely employed for flood...

Remote Sensing disaster risk management +2 more

Chemically modified Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed: a sustainable solution for heavy metal removal from wastewater


Selvakumar D et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

In this study, a batch adsorption process was conducted utilizing Ascophyllum Nodosum biosorbent as an organic adsorbent used for the elimination of heavy metal ions (specifically chromium, nickel, and zinc) from wastewater. To examine the surface morphology and functional groups, the biosorbent...

Biosorption Ascophyllum Nodosum +4 more

Study on Properties of New Biodegradable Plant Fiber (Agave Decipiens) for Polymer Reinforcement


Aravinth K et al. View all

Innovative environmental solutions

The article involves in the process of study on novel plant fiber from agave plant species known as agave decipiens. The fiber was mechanically extracted from their leaves and fiber was chemically treated using sodium hydroxide by 5% (w/v). Using various analyses, the fiber was characterized and its...

Biomaterial Natural Fiber +4 more

An IoT-aware Air Quality Prediction System utilising Hybrid Optimization and Fuzzy Temporal Rules Enabled Auto Encoded Bi-LSTM


Ayshwarya Lakshmi S et al. View all

Air pollution and health

Recently, the environmental pollution is becoming a challenging issue due to the lacking of awareness about the importance of the environment and the growth of transportation facility and the various factories. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is useful today for collecting and updating the...

air quality Pollution +4 more

A multi-variant approach to optimize process parameters of two-step pretreatment of high FFA Prosopis juliflora oil


Raja K et al. View all

Air pollution and health

A feasible alternative fuel for diesel engines in recent days is biodiesel, which can be produced from both edible and inedible feedstock. When considering the economic and environmental aspects, there is a considerable academic interest among researchers in the transesterification of non-edible...

Prosopis juliflora. Acid esterification RSM +2 more

Trace arsenic quantification by hydride generation-flame atomic absorption spectrometry using durian husk-derived nanocellulose as a solid-phase extraction biosorbent


Trung Dang-Bao et al. View all


In the present study, nanocellulose was successfully extracted from durian husk via chemical treatment and then characterized by several analytical techniques, involving X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and...

Atomic absorption spectrometry arsenic +3 more

Biosorption of Methylene Blue dye by Ligustrum lucidum fruits biomass: Equilibrium, isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamic studies



Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

.In this work, biomass from Ligustrum lucidum fruits (LF) was used for the first time as a novel adsorbent to remove the Methylene Blue dye (MB) from aqueous solutions. The adsorption equilibrium was attained after 60 min, and the adsorption followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The rise...

Biosorption methylene blue +3 more

Adsorbent potential of the leaf powder of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. (jackfruit) in efficiently removing hexavalent chromium from landfill leachate


Kumaran Shanmugam et al. View all

Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation

Chromium (VI), a ubiquitous toxin, has been associated with several human cancer types as well as immunologic, cardiovascular, developmental, neurological, and endocrine disorders. The present study investigated the selective adsorption capacity and chromium (VI) removal ability of jackfruit leaf...

Jackfruit leaf powder Bio-adsorbent +5 more

Study on Performance of Paver Block using Prosopis Juliflora Ash


Karthikeyan G et al. View all

Environmental management and policy

The use of Prosopis Juliflora (PJ) ash as a supplementary replacement for cement in paver block production presents a promising sustainable solution for the construction industry. PJ is an invasive plant species that poses significant environmental and socio-economic challenges in many regions. This...

prosopis juliflora paver block +2 more

Analysis of Hybrid Nano-Emulsified Jatropha Methyl Ester-Diesel Blend (B20) in a Direct Injection Engine: An Experimental Study


Chiranjeeva Rao Seela et al. View all

Nanomaterials in the environment: applications and effects

The purpose of this research was to comprehensively evaluate the performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine using a novel fuel blend comprising a hybrid nano-emulsified JME-Diesel blend (B20). The fuel blend consisted of a mixture of 50 ppm of ferric oxide (Fe2O3) and Silicon...

Nano emulsions Biodiesel +3 more

Optimization of Pilot scale Biogas Plant for mixed food wastes with cow dung by anaerobic digestion process


Prithiviraj. C and Sivarethinamohan. R et al. View all

Solid Waste Management

The primary aim of this research is to identify the best anaerobic digestion process yield for generating biogas from mixed food waste in the combination of cow manure. For the biogas generation experiment, certain biodegradable domestic organic wastes gathered from restaurants, waste storage...

biogas production Anaerobic digestion +2 more

Bioethanol (environment support fuel) production and optimization from pineapple peel and banana peel


Dr.N.Kanthavelkumaran et al. View all

Environmental management and policy

The goal of this investigation was to focus on the viability of synchronous aging of natural product waste with Aspergillus Niger TISTR 3063 co-societies producing ethanol. Additionally noted was how the aging temperature affected the yield of ethanol. Peels from pineapple and banana were used as...

Pineapple peels Banana peels +4 more

Temperature impact on the hydration and setting mechanism of C-S-H bonding on nano-biomass silica with poly-carboxylate ether


Nageswari N et al. View all


Pozzolanic material and a chemical admixture have been used in the current investigation; Nano Biomass Silica (NBS) and Poly-Carboxylate Ether (PCE). NBS produces 20% of the 590 million tonnes of paddy produced globally. Amorphous silica, a mineral component used in concrete, is present in sizable...

NBS PCE &Pozzolans +2 more

Utilization of Bokashi Composting and Animal Feed Silage for Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management and Environmental Impact Analysis


Mochamad Arief Budihardjo et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

Agriculture is a major driver of sustainable development in developing countries. However, with the increase in the global population, the amount of waste generated by agriculture has also increased, leading to environmental pollution. The increase in agricultural activity is proportional to the...

Agriculture Waste Bokashi Composting +3 more

Management of flood and separating damage from environmental effects using Bayesian convolutional neural network


K Muthulakshmi et al. View all

Hydrology and Water Resources Management

Flood management is the act of determining the frequency, magnitude, and duration of flood episodes based on the elements of a river basin that may be monitored. Floods endanger human lives and inflict significant property damage. It is essential for creating suitable flood risk management plans...

Flood management Convolution Neural Network +3 more

Fluoride Contamination of Groundwater in a Coastal Region- A Growing Environmental Pollution Threat


K.Nagamani et al. View all

Hydrology and Water Resources Management

The research work's main objective is to correctly examine and find out the proper hydro-geochemistry of groundwater during the dry and wet seasons and hence evaluate it’s quality in India, Tamil Nadu state's Thirukkazhukundram Block. Data from two seasons-the "Pre-monsoon" in August 2016 and the...

Keywords: Hydrogeochemistry Water quality +3 more