The goal of this investigation was to focus on the viability of synchronous aging of natural product waste with Aspergillus Niger TISTR 3063 co-societies producing ethanol. Additionally noted was how the aging temperature affected the yield of ethanol. Peels from pineapple and banana were used as substrates, and they were prepared by being slashed into little rectangular pieces. A 250 ml Erlenmeyer jar containing glucose was used to mature several bundles of natural product waste as a control. Analysis of the factors involved in the production of organic waste included sugar, pH, TS, vs, debris, moisture, COD, and TKN. In my review, bio ethanol was produced from banana strips and pineapple strips using pretreatment techniques, more specifically, soluble and acidic pretreatment. The process of aging interaction is then used to produce bio-ethanol. However, the production of bioethanol from food crops needs to be regulated to ensure food security and requires line-by-line analysis to move potential financial and environmental risks. Utilizing Plan Master Programming version 13, determine whether the nature of the bioethanol has changed after synthesis.Using plan master programming, it is possible to see how the item ethanol is being streamlined. Plot the chart for the item's actual and predicted values, one component diagram, and 3D surface. The fuel qualities of the bioethanol that was given were thought to be comparable to those of diesel fuel, and they also complied with ASTM regulations.