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Volume 27 - Issue 3

Analysis of Combustion, Performance and Emissions of a Diesel Engine Fueled by Blends of Waste Paraffin Oil


Corresponding author: Saravanan Rajendran et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

The oil that comes out of the transformer is to violate the environment after the completion of its durability. Disposal of these wastes in to an open land leads to environmental hazards. This research work intends to capitalize the feasibility of converting waste paraffin oil from electrical...

Oxidative degradation and performance of Jatropha biodiesel blends: implications for clean energy and sustainability

by Jaganathan S. Murugesan V. Periannan D. Manivannan J.M. Singh S. Varshney D. Dhairiyasamy R.

Sustainable Energy

This study investigates the oxidative stability of Jatropha biodiesel and its blends with diesel over 180 days of storage. Jatropha oil was extracted using mechanical and chemical methods and then converted into biodiesel through transesterification. The biodiesel, both pure (B100) and blended at 5%...

Volume 27 - Issue 1

Optimization of Nozzle Hole Number for Dual Fuel Operation Using Biodiesel Blends: A Response Surface Methodology Approach

by Venkatesan S. Raghu P. Nagaraj M.

Sustainable Energy

Injector nozzle hole design is vital for enhancing sustainability by improving engine performance and reducing emissions. The study aims to investigate the impact of altering the number of nozzle holes (3, 4, and 5) on the performance of diesel, prosopis juliflora biodiesel (PJB20), and a blend of...

Global warming emissions +3 more

Influence of the Injector Nozzle on Hydrogen-Powered Juliflora Biodiesel in HCCI Engines: A Surface Response Methodology Approach

by Subramanian V. Palani R. Meenakshisundaram Nagaraj N.

Sustainable Energy

Hydrogen is a possible future energy carrier due to its production potential from renewable resources and compatibility with existing diesel engines with minor changes in dual-fuel mode. Various studies have explored modifying engine structure, optimizing operating conditions, adjusting engine...

Global warming emissions +3 more

Prosopis julifera oil: optimization and biodiesel production


Corresponding author: Shunmugasundaram M. et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

More strict environmental rules and pollution from fossil fuels necessitate cleaner fuels like biodiesel. Production of diesel automobiles has decreased in recent years due to a serious issue with air pollution caused by increased emissions of toxic gases. The most encouraging fuel currently is...

Prosopis Julifera Transesterification +2 more

Natural Pigment Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: Photovoltaic Studies: A sustainable energy solution

by Ranwa K. Khakhal H.R. Kharkwal D. Vyas S. Ejaz R. Abid I. Rizwana H. Aghayeva S. Iqbal R.

Sustainable Energy

The present research work is carried out on fabrication of natural pigment-based dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) utilizing Lemon leaves and Onion peels extracted dyes as natural photosensitizers. The absorption spectra analysis shows the major peaks for onion peel at 370 nm and 475 nm and 664 nm...

Dielectric and chemical characteristics of nano-cellulose banana fiber epoxy composites for high voltage applications in power systems

by Rajamanikandan T. Banumathi S. Arul P. Shankar R.

Sustainable Energy

The study examined the electrical characteristics of epoxy composites that were reinforced with fibers derived from banana leaves and pseudostems. Specifically, the study focused on analysing the dissipation factor, loss factor, and dielectric constant of these composites. The study found that...

Agri waste biodegradable and circular economy +3 more

Enhancing Energy Harvesting Efficiency from Ambient Sources through Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology


Corresponding author: Kuwar Mausam et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

The utilization of ambient energy sources for powering small-scale electronic devices and sensors has garnered significant attention due to its potential for sustainable and autonomous operation. This research focuses on enhancing the efficiency of energy harvesting from ambient sources, such as...

Energy harvesting Ambient sources +4 more

Volume 26 - Issue 10

Impact on Green Synthesised Al2O3 Nanoparticles on Performance and Emission Properties as Biodiesel operated diesel engine


Corresponding author: Balu Pandiana et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

Global warming and pollution are two of the numerous causes of environmental issues due to industrial wastes and greenhouse gases. As a result, efforts are being made to limit emissions in order to mitigate these issues and reduce pollution. Given that fuel supplies are running low, biodiesel is one...

Diesel engine Biodiesel +4 more

Volume 26 - Issue 9

Characterization of bio-crude produced by graphene carbon tetranitrate catalyzed hydrothermal liquefaction and ultrasonication of Ulva prolifera mixed Chicken waste


Thirumalai Kumar Ramaiya, Jaikumar Vasudevan

Sustainable Energy

The utilization of macroalgae, specifically Ulva prolifera , for the manufacture of bio-crude demonstrates great potential as a viable alternative to conventional fossil fuels. This is mostly owing to its abundant availability and renewable characteristics, making it an optimal choice for bio-oil...

Algae bio-oil +5 more

Volume 26 - Issue 8

Numerical and experimental analyses for performance and emissions assessment of a four-stroke engine powered by oleic acid methyl ester biofuel made from waste frying oil

by Al-Aseebee M.D.F. Ketata A. Naje A.S. Gomaa A.E. Driss Z. Abid M.S. Emaish H.M. Almaqsub A.M.A.

Sustainable Energy

Recently, several earlier works conducted research works dedicated to replacing fossil-based fuels with environmentally friendly ones. The goal of the research is to construct a multivariate linear regression model for the attributes of a four-cylinder diesel engine fueled by biodiesel. In this...

Oleic acid methyl ester Biodiesel +6 more

An overview of green energy sources, enhancing the environmental and economic elements of the world's sustainability

by Yalini R. Ramesh K. Subbarayan M.R. Sivakumar A.

Sustainable Energy

In a transitional world, where countries strive for the achievement of better environmental quality through setting up various goals, there is a need for the substitution of fossil fuels and non-renewable resources which deteriorates the environment, with renewable energy resources which alleviates...

renewable energy resources Electricity generation and Capacity +2 more

An Experimental Assessment of the Performance of Solar Panels Using Efficiency Enhancement Techniques in India's Tropical Region


Chairma Lakshmi K. R., Bharath Singh J., Nirmala G. and Dinesh Babu M.

Sustainable Energy

Due to its abundance and lack of pollution, solar energy will soon be the most popular source of electricity production. Numerous factors, including the temperature effect, solar irradiance effect, shadow effect, incident angle effect, dust accumulation on the solar cell, shunt resistance, types of...

Solar Irradiance effect temperature effect +3 more

Enhancing Solar Photovoltaic Panel Performance in India's Tropical Climate: An Experimental Study on the Influential Effects of Optical Filters

by Chairma Lakshmi K. Bharath Singh J. Padmavathi N. Dinesh Babu M.

Sustainable Energy

Due to the increasing global energy demand and consequent climate change from burning fossil fuels, researchers are getting more focused on renewable energies as a potential solution to the world's energy problems. Solar energy is a prominent form of sustainable energy. The solar photovoltaic power...

Performance of Solar Panel Optical Filter +3 more

Volume 26 - Issue 5

Enhancing biomethane quality via the activation of natural zeolite from Lombok Island


Hendry Sakke Tira et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

This study presents the results of the biogas purification test using the fixed-bed column method. As an adsorbent, natural zeolite from the Lombok island Indonesia was used. Zeolite is used for the purpose of purifying biogas produced from the anaerobic digestion (AD) process. To enhance the...

biogas purification Lombok zeolite +2 more

Volume 26 - Issue 2

Characteristics and evolution of bioethanol from Manila Tamarind (Pithecellobium dulce) leaf through fermentation


Dr.N.Kanthavelkumaran et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

This study's two primary goals are to synthesize bioethanol from biowaste and examine its thermal characteristics. Bioethanol must first undergo a comprehensive assessment of its thermal characteristics in order to be approved for usage in spark-ignition engines. A multi-step procedure comprising...

Bio ethanol fermentation +4 more

Volume 26 - Issue 1

Smooth nickel - a suitable anodic material in new alkaline fuel cells sulphite/oxygen


Mircea Laurentiu DAN et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

The anodic oxidation of sulphite ions was studied by voltammetric techniques on a nickel electrode in alkaline solution at various concentration of sulphite and polarization rate. The kinetic parameters of the electrode process have been determined using Tafel plots method and a mechanism of the...

anodic sulphite oxidation voltammetric techniques +3 more

Volume 25 - Issue 9

Utilization of Bokashi Composting and Animal Feed Silage for Sustainable Agricultural Waste Management and Environmental Impact Analysis


Mochamad Arief Budihardjo et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

Agriculture is a major driver of sustainable development in developing countries. However, with the increase in the global population, the amount of waste generated by agriculture has also increased, leading to environmental pollution. The increase in agricultural activity is proportional to the...

Agriculture Waste Bokashi Composting +3 more

Volume 25 - Issue 8

Volume 25 - Issue 7

Extraction, performance and emission characterization of diesel engine using waste lipolytic microorganism biodiesel


M.Arunkumar et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

In this study, milk waste water will be extracted, transformed into Lipolytic microorganism’s biodiesel (LMD) using transesterification, and tested for appropriateness as an alternative, sustainable, renewable source for IC engines. The properties of the created blends of biodiesel were investigated...

Biodiesel milkwaste +3 more

Volume 24 - Issue 1

A comprehensive study of the high temperature pyrolysis of sewage sludge: kinetics, energy analysis and products formation


Mendoza-Geney L. et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

This study evaluates the pyrolysis of sewage sludge until 960 °C using heating rates between 3 K/min and 12 K/min in a macro TG/EGA. Mass and energy balances and kinetic parameters are determined. Thermal decomposition is divided into a low temperature zone (until 550 °C to 590 °C), for...

Pyrolysis sewage sludge +3 more

Volume 23 - Issue 4

A New Approach to Assess Wind Potential


Zaheer Uddin et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

Weibull Cumulative Distribution Function (C.D.F.) has been employed to assess and compare wind potentials of two wind stations Europlatform and Stavenisse of The Netherland. Weibull distribution has been used for accurate estimation of wind energy potential for a long time. The Weibull distribution...

Weibull distribution Weibull parameters +7 more

Volume 23 - Issue 2

Applicability of Membrane Reactor For Producing Environment Friendly Fuel Additive Glycerol Carbonate



Sustainable Energy

Production of glycerol carbonate (GLC) that is a fuel additive from green solvent dimethyl carbonate (DMC) and biodiesel by-product glycerin is environmentally friendly synthesis. The usage of waste glycerol from biodiesel plant makes the production cost lower. When the membrane aided technique is...

Glycerin carbonate Fuel Bioadditive +1 more

Volume 20 - Issue 3

Thermophilic Dark Fermentation of Sewage Sludge for Biohydrogen Production - Influence of pH


İlknur ŞENTÜRK et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

This study investigates the usability of sewage sludge, waste from a waste water treatment facility, at the stable thermophilic temperature and different pH conditions in the biohydrogen production by dark fermentation. Without the addition of a pure hydrogen producer and nutrient source, the effect...

Biohydrogen production Dark fermentation +3 more

Volume 19 - Issue 1

Volume 18 - Issue 3

Experimental investigation of biogas production from cytrus waste: Co-digestion with cattle manure


Sonia Rincón et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

Biogas production through anaerobic co-digestion of a mixture of cattle manure and citrus waste using an experimental facility for testing the biochemical methane potential (BMP) was investigated. No buffer solution is added to the mixture in order to use the buffer capacity from cattle manure...

Anaerobic digestion Biodegradability +4 more

Volume 17 - Issue 3

Volume 16 - Issue 6

Optimization of Solar Energy for Salt Extraction from Lake Katwe, Uganda


Hillary Kasedde et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

The solar evaporative crystallization process at Lake Katwe was studied using brine evaporation rates, thermal, convection, and radiation energy losses as well as reported meteorological data around the salt lake basin. A simulation model of a salt pan was developed on a lumped basis to study its...

solar evaporation Crystallization +3 more

Combustion of biofuels-diesel blends in an isothermal oven


Mario Toledo T. et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

In this work, combustion process of diesel and biofuel blends is studied experimentally in an isothermal oven. Blends with respectively 20%, 40% and 60% of Ethanol (E20, E40, E60), 20%, 40% and 60% of Methanol (M20, M40, M60), and 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of Biodiesel (B20, B40, B60, B80, B100)...

Biofuels Diesel +3 more

Synthesis, characterisation and catalytic performance of Cu- and Co-modified Fe-Al co-precipitated catalysts for the steam reforming of ethanol


Guilherme de Souza et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

This paper reports the synthesis and the investigation of the properties and performance of Fe-Al catalysts modified with Cu or Co for the steam reforming of ethanol. The materials were prepared by the precipitation method with different Fe/Al ratios. The samples were characterised by the S BET, TG...

Iron catalyst precipitation method +5 more

Volume 17 - Issue 2

Assessment of wind energy potential in East Azarbaijan province of Iran (Case Stady: Sahand station)


Seyed Hossein Mirmousavi et al. View all

Sustainable Energy

Today's world requires a change in how the use of different types of energy. With declining reserves of fossil fuels for renewable energies is of course the best alternative. Among the renewable energy from the wind can be considered one of the best forms of energy can be introduced. Accordingly...

Iran Wind power +2 more