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Wind energy location prediction between meteorological stations using ANN

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    Corresponding: Sardar Maran
    Co-authors: Maran P.S., Ponnusamy R., Venkatesan R. and Bing A.B.
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Wind Energy is one of the important sources of renewable energy. There is a need to prepare the availability of wind energy in the area where there is no measured wind speed data. For this type of situation, it seems to be necessary to predict the wind energy potential using such as wind speed using artificial neural network (ANN) method. Soft computing techniques are widely used now days in the study of wind energy potential estimation. In this study the wind energy potential between neighborhood meteorological tower stations is predicted using Artificial Neural Network technique. One of the most suitable areas of Tamil Nadu for wind power generation is some locations in the districts of Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi, Kanyakumari, Theni, Coimbatore, and Dindigul. Along the southeast coastline of Tamil Nadu there are no valleys and mountains besides the mountains are situated away from the sea coast in many regions. Therefore, these regions are exposed to northerly winds that are not as strong as the southerly winds.


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Maran, S. et al. (2014) “Wind energy location prediction between meteorological stations using ANN”, Global NEST Journal, 16(6). Available at: