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Kinetic Modelling and Determination of Octyl Phenol Ethoxylate (OPE) and Bisphenol A (BPA) (used as plastic additives) Inhibition Constants for Nitrogen Conversion


Ali Rıza DİNÇER et al. View all

Microplastics in water treatment: fate, toxicity assessment and removal technologies

Conversion of ammonia to nitrate is sensitive to a number of inhibitors. There is limited information on the nitrification inhibition coefficient and kinetic model in the current literature. Octyl Phenol Ethoxylate (OPE) and Bisphenol A (BPA) inhibition constants were found in nitrogen removal using...

Bisphenol A Octyl Phenol Ethoxylate +2 more

Tolerance and adaptation mechanisms developed by Moringa oleifera (L) seeds under oxidative stress induced by salt stress during in vitro germination


Anastasia Pantera et al. View all

Environmental management and policy

The current study explores the capacities of Moringa oleifera (L), to overcome and/or tolerate oxidative stress induced by a saline substrate as a constraining factor. For this, Moringa seeds have been treated for 15 days after germination in vitro with increasing concentrations of NaCl, and...

salt and oxidative stress antioxidant and osmoregulatory activity +1 more

Determination of optimal conditions in decolorization of disperse dyes in aqueous solution by ozonation


Kadir Turhan et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

In this study, water-soluble disperse dyes [Disperse Violet 93 (DV93); Diffused Blue 79 (DB79); Disperse Orange 30 (DO30)] color removal by ozonation, which is one of the advanced treatment methods of synthetic dye waste solutions containing and whose decolorization conditions have not been...

Ozonation disperse dye +3 more

Influence of Calcination conditions on the Adsorption Properties of the Wasted Sea Shell to the Dibutyl phthalate


Qin S.Y., et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

The calcined clam seashell powders were applied as adsorbent to adsorb Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), from an aqueous solution. The influence of calcination conditions including temperature and time on its adsorption capability to DBP was investigated. The shell powders calcined at 500 oC had the best...

Adsorption Calcination +4 more

Impact of NaOH- surface treatment on emerging pollutant biosorption performance using marine algua, Posidonia Oceanica


Dr.Fouad KRIKA et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

In the present investigation, marine biomass (Posidonia Oceanica) (PO), in both its unmodified PO and basic-modified (Na-PO) forms, was studied for its possible utilisation as a cheap biosorbent for the retention of amoxicillin (AMX). Biosorption studies were carried out in a batch system and the...

Biosorption AMX +2 more

Removal of methylene blue dye in water by using recoverable natural zeolite/Fe3O4 adsorbent


Endang Tri Wahyuni et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

In this paper, the low-cost and practical adsorption for removing methylene blue (MB) dye has been developed by using recoverable natural zeolite that was magnetized with Fe3O4. The magnetization was conducted by co-precipitation technique. The adsorbents obtained from the magnetization were...

Adsorption natural zeolite +4 more

ArcGIS-mapping to sustainable wastewater management in Greece: siting artificial wetlands systems in a biosystem


Giannakopoulos Evangelos et al. View all

Environmental management and policy

In this work, the ArcGIS technology combines analogue and digital geospatial data to derive multiple resolution meshes with a triangulated irregular networks (TINs) approach that serves to integrate the geospatial data such as surface topography, hydro graphic features and land surface...

Geospatial Data Management Wastewater management +5 more

Selective leaching of copper from waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) using glycine as a complexing agent


Mokhlis H. et al. View all

Solid Waste Management

In this research, the selective leaching of copper from waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) using glycine as a complexing agent was investigated. PCBs were pulverized and sieved, which allowed obtaining a PCBs powder of particle size fraction ≤ 1mm. The PCBs powder has been characterized by several...

copper recovery WEEE +4 more

Evaluate the effectiveness of the UV/ persulfate process to remove catechol from solution aqueous


Mansour Ghaderpoori et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

Catechol is used as an antioxidant, fungicide, and polymerization inhibitors in a variety of industries such as petrochemical. Catechol must be removed from effluents before it enters to environment. This study aimed to investigate combined UV radiation and persulfate process in removal of catechol...

Persulfate radical Catechol +2 more

Adsorptive Capacity of Malachite Green onto Mg/M3+ (M3+=Al and Cr) LDHs


Aldes Lesbani et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) of MgM3+ (M3+=Al and Cr) were synthesized by coprecipitation method to form Mg/Al and Mg/Cr LDHs. The materials were applied as adsorbents of malachite green in aqueous solution. The physical properties of Mg/Al and Mg/Cr were analyzed using XRD, FTIR, BET and TGDTA...

Adsorption layered double hydroxide +3 more

Assessment of potential hydrological climate change impacts in Kastoria basin (Western Macedonia, Greece) using EUROCORDEX regional climate models


Dimitrios Voulanas et al. View all

Hydrology and Water Resources Management

The Mediterranean region is expected to present reduced availability of water resources due to climate change. This study aims to assess the potential hydrological responses to climate change in the Kastoria basin (Western Macedonia, Northern Greece) for the period 2019-2078. Climate projections...

FeFLOW water balance +4 more

Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide Using Ground Granulated Blast Furnaces Slag and kaolin mixtures


Ahmed Mohammed Awad Mohammed et al. View all

Mineral carbonation has been utilised extensively worldwide as the most important way of permanently sequestering carbon dioxide (CO2). This study objective includes sequestering of CO2 gas from atmosphere via carbonation of magnesium and calcium. Waste materials such as ground granulated blast...

kaolin clay ground granulated blast-furnaces slag +3 more

Algal homogeneity in water and sediment of mid- Ethiope River, Nigeria: a response to severe ecological disturbances.


Iloba, Kate Isioma et al. View all

Air pollution and health

Different aquatic ecological zones exhibit different gradients present heterogeneous algal composition. The algal community in the water column and sediment with certain environmental factors were screened monthly for twelve months with standard methods, to ascertain disparate in algal distinction...

dredging diversity indices +4 more

Modified Mangosteen shell carbon in the removal of Pb (II) and Hg (II) from aqueous solution-Isotherm and Kinetic studies


D.Anitha et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

An adsorbent was prepared from Mangosteen shell using sulphuric acid and sodium bicarbonate as modifiers. Bicarbonate treated mangosteen shell (BTMC) was characterized using FT- IR, SEM, EDAX and XRD data. The Freundlich adsorption isotherm model gives a good fit. The maximum adsorption capacities...

Adsorption Langmuir +2 more

Extraction of Zinc Metal ions from Aqueous Solution Using Ionic Liquids


Muhammad Tariq Sarwar et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

This work analyzes the extraction behavior of transition heavy metal Zinc and other metal ions such as Copper, and Cadmium from hydrochloride aqueous solution in the absence of chelating agents by using a novel class of hydrophobic ionic liquids. Ionic liquid for this study was synthesized based on...

Heavy metals Wastewater +2 more

Evaluation of the aerobic and anaerobic degradation of an industrial effluent from vegetable tannery processing of leather on batch reactors


Angelis Dimakis A. et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

In this study, the aerobic and anaerobic biodegradability of the industrial wastewater from the vegetable tanning process were evaluated. Water from a food wastewater treatment system was used as seed inoculum for the aerobic process and mature granular methanogenic sludge from a brewery industrial...

Tannery wastewater tannins +3 more

Eco-friendly isolation of tannin based natural colorant from coconut coir (Cocos nucifera) for dyeing of bio-mordanted wool fabric


shumaila kiran et al. View all


Due to hazardous effluent load of synthetic dyes, the global community is now seeking inclusion of natural products particularly green dyes and pigment in various fields. Current study has been concerned with utilization of eco-friendly tools for isolation of colorants from plant wastes such as...

Coconut coir microwave treatment and wool dyeing +3 more

Study of Removal of Direct Black ANBN dye from Aqueous Solution by Chitosan-Functionalized Mesoporous (SBA-15) Composites Synthesized by Electrospinning Method


Mohammad Habibi Juybari et al. View all

Water and wastewater treatment and reuse

In this research, capability of adsorption of modified chitosan Nano composites with functionalized mesoporous silica which synthesized by electrospinning method in the removal of direct black ANBN dye has been studied. Silicate mesoporous were functionalized during synthesis process and then the...

Removal dye +4 more

CO2 sorption from a mixture of N2/CO2 using an activated carbon and silica gel: equilibrium, breakthrough and mass transfer zone

by et al. View all

Air pollution and health

The temperature, feed rate, length of mass transfer zone, utilization factor and partial pressure are the parameters considered for fixed bed sorption of CO2 from N2/CO2 mixture. The breakthrough time relies strongly on the temperature and feed rate. The prolonged breakthrough and saturation times...

sorption utilization factor +3 more