The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
An air quality management system for Cyprus
The new Air Quality Directive (2008/50/EC) encourages the introduction of modelling as a necessary tool for air quality assessment and management. Towards this aim, a new Air Quality Management System (AQMS) has been developed and installed in the Department of Labour Inspection of the Republic of...
Regression Analysis and urban air quality forecasting: an application for the city of Athens
Air pollution forecasts in major urban areas are becoming a problem concerning the day to day environmental management for city authorities. This paper describes the development of an application to forecast the peak ozone levels with the aid of meteorological and air quality variables, in the...
Deploying and sensing the air quality index using internet of things and spark model
Air Quality
Air is crucial for human survival and a healthy existence, but in modern metropolitan living, it has become a dangerous issue due to its high pollution levels. When weighed against all other businesses, the fireworks sector is extremely dangerous. Every year, air pollution affects many people...
Climate Change Impact on the Air Quality: The Portuguese Case
The changes in greenhouse gases and aerosols emissions are expected to lead to regional and global changes in temperature, precipitation, and other climate variables. The degree to which human conditions and the natural environment are vulnerable to the potential effects of climate change is a key...
Air Pollution and Urban Economic Growth: A Study Based on Dynamic Models
Environmental Management and Policies
With China's economic growth, the issue of air pollution has become increasingly prominent. As the core of political and economic development, 184 major cities in China face severe air pollution and significant environmental pressures due to high population density. Consequently, China has...
Air Pollution Monitoring Model in Real-time with cloud based Channel Ranging and Stego Privacy Preservation
Air Quality
Monitoring air quality in polluted environments is crucial for human health, but traditional methods using meteorological equipment have limitations in complex terrains and are costly. This study proposes a novel approach to address air pollution monitoring in urban areas by visually assessing the...
Air Quality Prediction using Ensemble Voting based Deep Learning with Mud Ring Algorithm for Intelligent Transportation Systems
Air Quality
In recent times, advanced technologies in transportation are developing like connected and automated vehicles and shared mobility services. A rapidly increasing number of vehicles in intelligent transportation system (ITS) and smart cities causes pollution and degrade the quality of air. Owing to...
Analysis and Assessment of Gaseous Pollutants along High Traffic Roads (NH 948) in Coimbatore City, India
Air Quality
The growing Urbanization, Industrialization, Institutional, and IT sector development contribute to the exponential growth of motorized road transportation increasing the composition of harmful gaseous pollutants in ambient air. So, it is necessary to analyze and quantify the concentration of...
An intelligent air quality monitoring system using quality indicators and Transfer learning based Lightweight recurrent network with skip connection
Air Quality
Rapid industrialization and urbanization have resulted in poor air quality, which poses a risk to human health by causing a variety of lung diseases. The precise forecast of air quality is of practical importance. Consequently, the development of an automated air pollution monitoring system based on...
A comparison of two interaction matrix coding techniques used in a GIS-based tool for air quality assessment
The paper describes the development of a fast and easy-to-use qualitative tool for preliminary assessments of urban air quality related to road traffic. The tool is particularly aimed at the ability and budget of local government. It uses a novel interaction matrix-type methodology combined with...
Air quality in the main cities of the Pearl River Delta Region
Air Quality
In this study current status of the ambient air quality in the main cities of the Pearl River Delta region was investigated. Two special administrative regions (Macau and Hong Kong) and three major cities of Guangdong (Guangzhou, Dongguan and Foshan) were selected for analysis according to their...
Spatial variation of air pollutants by using GIS modelling
Air Quality
Air pollution in Tamil Nadu has become a pressing issue, as various pollutants have surpassed the limits established by the pollution control board. The major air pollutants in the region, namely sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and suspended particulate matter, have been identified. This study...
An IoT-aware Air Quality Prediction System utilising Hybrid Optimization and Fuzzy Temporal Rules Enabled Auto Encoded Bi-LSTM
Air Quality
Recently, the environmental pollution is becoming a challenging issue due to the lacking of awareness about the importance of the environment and the growth of transportation facility and the various factories. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is useful today for collecting and updating the...
Air Pollution Prediction using Attention Module With CNN -OptBiLSTM
Air Quality
Predicting air pollution using environmental data assessment parameters becomes increasingly significant amid growing fears about climate change and the sustainability of urban areas. The use of sophisticated deep learning (DL) methods to model the intricate relation among these variables represents...
Smart Air Pollution Monitoring System
Air Quality
Air is one of the most basic and important elements for human beings to survive. Clean and Sound air is the key to a good and healthy life. But nowadays in city life it has become the most threatening factor. Pollution of air has become the most concerning and affected issue now for us. As time goes...
Deep learning-based air pollution prediction model using modified gated recurrent unit
Air Quality
In recent days air quality has been very poor in urban society due to a lot of industries, vehicles and so on. To overcome poor quality, an air quality prediction is much needed to manage an urban area and control pollution. In this article, deep learning (DL) namely a Modified Gated Recurrent Unit...
A Novel Approach for Predicting Particulate Matter 2.5 and 10 Concentration using Modal Autoformer and Seq-2Seq Model
Air Quality
Precise and dependable forecasting of Particulate Matter 2.5 ( P M 2.5 ) and P M 10 levels hold significant importance for the public's ability to proactively mitigate exposure to air pollution and for informing governmental policy responses. Nonetheless, predicting PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations...
A deep learning model and optimization algorithm to forecasting Environment Monitoring of the Air pollution
Air Quality
Air pollution monitoring is becoming increasingly important, with an emphasis on the effects on human health. Because nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) are the principal pollutants, many models for forecasting their potential harm have been created. Nonetheless, making precise...
Enhanced Deep Maxout Network for Monitoring Particulate Matter 2.5 and 10 Concentration in Air via Interpolated Data Smoothing
Air Quality
Currently, most of the global population resides in metropolitan areas, where air quality standards are not properly monitored. As a result, people are constantly exposed to air contaminants that exceed the thresholds set by the World Health Organization (WHO). Air quality monitoring system is often...
Air Pollution Monitoring System using Stacked Attentional Vectormap Convolutional Bidirectional Network with Bobcat Optimization and IoT-Cloud
Air Quality
Air pollution is one of the serious environmental problem that has an impact on ecosystems and human health worldwide. The prediction of air pollution can provide significant information that will permit all parties to take right initiatives. Predicting air quality is considered as a popular...
Air Quality Prediction Using a U-Net Inspired 1D-CNN with Attention Mechanisms
Air Quality
Air quality prediction is crucial for environmental monitoring and public health. This work presents a new prediction model for air quality prediction using a one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D- CNN). The proposed model resembles U-Net architecture which is used in image segmentation...
Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Construction Dust Emission on Air Quality in Jinan, a Central City in the North China Plain
Air Quality
Numerical simulation was conducted to assess the impact of dust emission on typical environmental sites in Jinan City. The CALPUFF model was applied to five simulation scenarios. The results showed that dust emission had a significant impact on air quality in Jinan. The impact of dust emission on...
Modelling of PM2.5 Concentrations Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study of Islamabad
Air Quality
The increasing air pollution has become a serious concern as it links with health issues. Worldwide, it has caused premature deaths. The intense research is the need of time. One of the main causes of air pollution is the existence of particulate matter, i.e. the air contains a mixture of solid...
Assessment of Urban Air Quality using Geo Spatial Techniques for Sustainable Development: Case of Tirupur, India
Air Quality
Rapid urbanisation, industrialization, and population growth have fostered an urgent need for a green, clean-living environment. Among the many pollutants, gaseous pollutants like NO2, SO2, and particle pollutants like PM 2.5 and PM 10 have a profound negative impact on human health. In this...
Testing Alternatives for Salt Wedge Management in an Estuary with the Use of Monitoring and a Mathematical Model
The intrusion of salt wedge in rivers is a natural phenomenon, which occurs in many estuaries. Saline water tends to propagate upstream from the river mouth, due to the limited freshwater and the tidal and density currents developed, resulting in deterioration of water quality in the lower river...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Sustainable Energy
Sustainable Energy
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Sustainable Energy
Air Quality
Environmental Management and Policies
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Water Quality
Urban environment and health
Water Quality
Industrialized Organizational Models and the Green Transformation—Evidence from Pig Farming in China
Circular economy
Chemicals in the environment
Environmental Management and Policies
Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis
Water Quality