The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
An investigation on hospital solid waste management in Iran
Solid Waste Management
The integrated hospital solid waste management emphasizes the need to conduct a survey based on a standardized method that equally be analyzed at national level. This study aimed to test the usability of a national tool to do integration data analysis of hospital waste management status. Then, a...
Experimental study of biodegradability of organic waste with industrial waste combined with effluents: a comparison by vermicomposting technology
Solid Waste Management
Vermicomposting is a mesophilic biooxidation and stabilization process of organic materials that involves the joint action of earthworm and microorganism. An experiment was conducted to prepare vermicompost using partially decomposed organic waste such as MSW, fruit waste, vegetable waste and yard...
Composition and production rate of cytostatic pharmaceutical waste from a Greek Cancer Treatment Hospital
Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis
The objective of this work was to determine the composition and production rate of cytostatic pharmaceutical waste produced by Theagenion Cancer Treatment Hospital (TCTH) in Thessaloniki, Greece. This information is necessary for the design and costing of management systems for cytostatic...
Food waste volume and composition in households in Greece
The purpose of this paper is the presentation of the results compiled from self weighing of household food waste and self filling of waste collection diaries that took place in Greece. A diary was compiled and given to 101 urban households in various areas of the country. The participants were asked...
Strength studies on concrete using e-plastic waste as coarse aggregate
Solid Waste Management
As an important resource for the IT sector and due to the extremely hazardous elements it contains and the low recycling rate, e-plastic waste management and recycling are growing swiftly. E-plastic waste utilization reduces aggregate costs, landfill costs and energy prices. Rapid population growth...
Healthcare waste management in Greece. The example of Health Region of Western Greece, Peloponnese, Epirus and Ionian Islands
Environmental Sciences
The aim of the present study is a) to examine the healthcare waste management practices in W. Greece, Peloponnese, Epirus and Ionian islands b) to investigate the implementation of the institutional frame and c) to make suggestions in order to achieve a proper Hospital Healthcare Waste Management...
Municipal solid waste unit production rates and estimation of the required number of waste storage containers in the municipality of Athens
The Municipality of Athens (M.A.) currently comprises 7 municipal districts, 7 waste collection districts (WCD) and approximately 5800 residential blocks. Solid waste is collected daily on a 7 days per week basis. The M.A. comprises approximately 119 waste collection sub-districts (herein referred...
Effect Of COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Purchasing and Waste Generation during the Lockdown Period in The Sultanate of Oman
Solid Waste Management
The coronavirus (COVID-19) is a threat to public health and caused several social, environmental, and economic problems. During the lockdown in different countries, waste generation has been significantly increased due to the high consumption of packaged food and increase the order of food via...
An investigation of waste amounts from ships in Istanbul
In Turkey, control studies related to the wastes from ships continue, and the first waste acceptance facility (WAF) from ships was founded in Istanbul: Haydarpaşa WAF. Haydarpaşa WAF has been accepting waste since September 2005 based on the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution...
Use of waste glass powder in improving the properties of expansive clay soils
Solid Waste Management
Expansive soils pose a danger to the foundations of engineering structures due to their poor engineering properties. These soils are usually treated using mechanical techniques, and chemical stabilizers. However, the production of these chemicals is not friendly to the environment, thus a need to...
A Solid Waste Management System based on IoT using Swin Transformer with Ant Colony Optimization Model
Solid Waste Management
The primary issue related to applications of smart cities is Solid Waste Management (SWM), which may be harmful to public health and the environment. Management of waste includes the disposal of trash through recycling and landfilling. SWM is a significant and challenging issue for ecosystems...
An Experimental Study of Recoverable Products from Waste Tire Pyrolysis
Solid Waste Management
ºCIn this study, potential of useful products recovery was investigated from waste tires that completed the physical life by virtue of pyrolysis process. Disposal of waste tires, which is one of the global environmental problems, continues the presence thereof as a serious problem, especially in...
Analysing the characteristics and application potentials of jarosite waste in Kosovo
Solid Waste Management
Jarosite waste released from the zinc production process during the hydrometallurgical leaching of concentrates in Trepça lead-zinc smelter, Kosovo has serious environmental problems due to the presence of toxic metals such as Pb, Cd, Zn, As etc. Its disposal in open tailing damps has become a major...
Composting of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste as an alternative to the uncontrolled disposal: The case of Kalamata Municipality (Greece)
Solid Waste Management
Kalamata’s decentralized waste management and composting scheme is a successful demonstration of the capacity of a municipality to manage its Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) by adopting methodologies that can be supported by small scale mobile equipment. According to the revised legislation, Join...
Statistical predictors of hazardous medical waste generation rates in a 40-bed general hospital
Objective of the work was to investigate correlations among hazardous medical waste generation rates and various hospital parameters in 2 departments and a clinic of a 40-bed Hellenic general hospital (Hospital of Ikaria). Medical waste was recorded at the bio-pathology lab, the pathology clinic and...
Waste Separation Intention of China’s Urban Residents and its Influencing Factors
Urban household waste causes serious pollution of the urban ecological environment. Waste separation and processing is an effective approach to reduce the ecological environment damage caused by household waste. From the perspective of the source of urban household waste separation, this paper...
Waste management in urban environments: Insights of the citizens’ views in a densely populated municipality in Greece
Solid Waste Management
Urbanization, industrialization and economic growth have considerable challenged the orientation of waste management policies and practices. Intrinsically, major concerns appear in urban environments, as they receive increased volumes of waste, which in turn pose threats for the environment and...
Investigation of Zero Waste Management Behavior in Turkey
Solid Waste Management
Population growth, industrialization and technological advances have significantly increased waste production, waste collection, transportation and disposal induced significant costs. Waste could be considered a resource that allows nations to reduce the consumption of primary raw materials, protect...
Utilization of coconut and jojoba wastes for lipases production by Aspergillus niger and applied it for biodiesel production
Industrial wastes represent a huge issue for the environment and precious materials for microbial growth. Utilizing these wastes in different fermentation process decrease the costs of production, materials, energy, and represent an eco-friendly way of waste recycling. Aspergillus niger (ASU49) is...
Experimental investigation on light weight cellular concrete using recycled glass and plastic waste
Solid Waste Management
Cellular Lightweight Concrete (CLC) also known as Foamed concrete is one of the most significant type of concrete used for construction purposes due to its various advantages and usages over traditionally produced concrete. The rapid urbanization has led to the enormous increase in wastes being...
International overview on waste to biofuel options with a focsu on waste potentials in Germany and funding incentives in the EC
Biofuels represent a possibility to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the transport sector. In this context the sustainability of biofuels, especially so called 1st generation biofuels led to controversial discussions in the past. Biofuels from waste and residues represent a well suited...
Optimization of Pilot scale Biogas Plant for mixed food wastes with cow dung by anaerobic digestion process
Food waste
The primary aim of this research is to identify the best anaerobic digestion process yield for generating biogas from mixed food waste in the combination of cow manure. For the biogas generation experiment, certain biodegradable domestic organic wastes gathered from restaurants, waste storage...
Public concerns and behaviors towards solid waste minimization using composting in Kampar district, Malaysia
Solid Waste Management
Municipal solid waste generation in Malaysia has increase significantly. Organic materials continue to be the major portion of solid waste generated in Kampar, Malaysia. As a result of increasing rate of waste generation and population growth, land area will become more demanding causing the...
Utilization of nanomaterials and ceramic waste for sustainable environmental protection
Solid Waste Management
The amount and type of waste are increasing due to population growth. Many harmful materials have been in the atmosphere for a very long times. This causes a crisis in the waste disposal and thereby contributes to environmental issues. Recycling concrete manufacturing waste materials not only offers...
The effectiveness of plastic waste pyrolysis reactor with a zeolite catalyst as an appropriate technology in producing kerosene
Solid Waste Management
Plastic waste is harmful to the environment due to its long-term decomposition process. Plastic waste is made out of hydrocarbon polymers, its chain bonds do not naturally decompose physically, chemically, or biologically. The plastic waste generated in Indonesia reaches up to 175,000 tons per day...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis
Water Quality
Environmental Management and Policies
Air Quality
Ecology, environmental change and management
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Air Quality
Nanomaterials in the environment: applications and effects
Environmental Health
Sustainable Energy
Water Quality
Water Resources Management
Water treatment
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Solid Waste Management
Chemicals in the environment
Water and wastewater reuse