VolumeVolume 22 (2020)
- gnest_03332_published.pdf
Paper IDgnest_03332
Paper statusPublished

Cellular Lightweight Concrete (CLC) also known as Foamed concrete is one of the most significant type of concrete used for construction purposes due to its various advantages and usages over traditionally produced concrete. The rapid urbanization has led to the enormous increase in wastes being disposed of. This paper aims at identifying the possibility of using recycled materials such as crushed glass and plastic wastes in foam concrete as substitute filler material for fine river sand. A protein based foaming agent was adopt for this study. The workability and strength of different mixes using powdered glass and plastic wastes were investigated. In this research study foam concrete blocks were prepared according to the designed proportions to attain the maximum density of 1900kg/m^3.In this project, the mixing of recycled glass wastes 5%, 10%, 15% and recycled plastic wastes 1%, 3% & 5% were added as a filler in foam concrete. The 7, 14 and 28 days compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength of each batch of concrete were studied and compared with conventional foam concrete. The study showed that the incorporation of recycled glass and plastic waste in conventional foam concrete is effective and it will useful for load bearing wall applications.