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The effectiveness of plastic waste pyrolysis reactor with a zeolite catalyst as an appropriate technology in producing kerosene

  • Authors (legacy)
    Corresponding: Salma Aripin
    Co-authors: Pujiono,
    Prijanto TB,
    Nurhayati A,
    Aripin S.
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Plastic waste is harmful to the environment due to its long-term decomposition process. Plastic waste is made out of hydrocarbon polymers, its chain bonds do not naturally decompose physically, chemically, or biologically. The plastic waste generated in Indonesia reaches up to 175,000 tons per day, in the long term effect this will cause environmental problems when not managed properly. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a plastic waste pyrolysis reactor with a zeolite catalyst as an appropriate technology in producing kerosene. The samples are plastic bottles waste from the Cimahi campus’ area. The results of kerosene production from the first, second, and third treatment were 122 ml, 137 ml, and 160 ml respectively. Based on ANOVA bivariate test, a p-value of 0.00 was obtained, meaning there was a significant average difference in the amount of kerosene produced between each treatment. Based on The LSD Post-Hoc Test, the significance value of the mean between each group was 0.000 (p <0.05), meaning there was a significant difference in the average amount of kerosene produced between every treatment group, most significant difference is within the third treatment by 35.67.

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Aripin, S., Prijanto, T. and Nurhayati, A. (2022) “The effectiveness of plastic waste pyrolysis reactor with a zeolite catalyst as an appropriate technology in producing kerosene”, Global NEST Journal, 24(2). Available at: