The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
Environmental Management Approaches and Water Resources in the stessed region of Thriassion, Greece
The present attempt has a two prong-emphasis. On the one hand it demarcates the physical, structural, social and economic parameters and the eliciting environmental problems in Thriassion Plain, the main industrial area of metropolitan Athens, Greece. On the other hand it attempts to delineate a...
Environmental policies and natural resource management in Southeast Asia - Contemporary Issues
Recently, environmental issues have become a priority in the agenda of ASEAN countries due to the serious impacts of environmental degradation. Similar to other countries, ASEAN countries have their own strengths and weaknesses in environmental protection, which depend on their policies and law...
Economic and life cycle analysis of municipal solid waste management for small islands: On-site management scenarios versus off-site transportation
Solid Waste Management
A comparative economic and life cycle based analysis of five management scenarios for the solid waste generated in the island of Syros was conducted. The LCA part was performed with the LCA – IWM software. The four on-site waste management scenarios were: i) source separation of recyclable materials...
An environmental approach for the management and protextion of heavily irrigated regions
In this paper the results of a preliminary study that investigates water footprint (WF) concept, as a useful tool to address water management problems in cultivated areas are presented. The two basic methodologies reported in the literature, their applicability, benefits and challenges were...
Investigating public awareness towards wastewater management in a small community
Water and Wastewater Treatment
A critical element for the successful management of wastewater is the active participation of residents in all stages of treatment in order to ensure public acceptance. The primary purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the specific views and attitudes of the inhabitants of Leros Island...
Environmental impacts and best management of urban stormwater runoff: measures and legislative framework
Urban stormwater runoff constitutes a non-point source pollution, which contributes in degradation of water bodies’ quality (USEPA, 2002). European Union’s environmental policy includes water environment protection and preservation by adopting a series of directives, 2000/60/EC (Water Framework...
LCA as a tool for environmental management: a life cycle inventory case study from the Greek market
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a technique for holistic environmental assessments of products and processes. The unique feature of this methodology is its focus on the entire life cycle of a product, from raw material extraction to final disposition. In order to assess the role of LCA in...
Environmental Impact Assessment and Integrated Water Resources Management
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) plays an important role in the framework of the efforts aiming at the formulation of a complete water resources management. In our paper this issue is examined in an integrated way. The following issues are particularly examined : the notion of the EIA in...
Analysis of the Classification of Type-2 Area in the Zoning of Environmental Noise Function
Environmental Management and Policies
The zoning of environmental noise function is aimed to provide a good acoustic environment for people. With the acceleration of China’s urbanization, the zoning of environmental noise function has been widely conducted across the country, and many first-and second-tier cities have even made multiple...
Toxic phytoplankton in eutrophic regional seas: an overview
Ecology, environmental change and management
Toxic algal blooms have become a major environmental problem over the last few decades because of their impact on fisheries, leisure activities, national income and human health. It is known that Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) can occur naturally but the frequency of occurrence as well as their...
Water bodies pollution due to stormwater runoff in highways: measures and legislative framework
Nowadays, it is a common ascertainment that stormwater runoff in the urban and interurban road network consist non-point source pollution which contributes to the degrading of the quality of water of ground and surface water bodies. Taking into account the fact that water pollution has impacts to...
Environmental Strategies of Polluting Industries
Citizen concerns about environmental management practices will usually lead to public attention and legislative proposals. This paper intends to assess the behaviour of potential environmental polluting industries. In order to accomplish this objective, a survey composed of twenty-five questions was...
Comprehensive water management scenarios for strategic planning
The assessment of the applicability and suitability of potential measures and instruments is crucial in the strategic planning of water resources management. This paper presents a methodology founded on scenario analysis for assessing potentially applicable water management options in a regional...
Assessing Alternative Water Resources Management Scenarios in Islands of the Aegean Archipelago, Greece
This effort discusses and evaluates alternative water management options to alleviate water stress and meet water needs in insular entities of the Aegean Archipelago, within the framework set by the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and of the Water Framework Directive 2000...
Healthcare waste management in Greece. The example of Health Region of Western Greece, Peloponnese, Epirus and Ionian Islands
Environmental Sciences
The aim of the present study is a) to examine the healthcare waste management practices in W. Greece, Peloponnese, Epirus and Ionian islands b) to investigate the implementation of the institutional frame and c) to make suggestions in order to achieve a proper Hospital Healthcare Waste Management...
Exploring the Impact of Pesticide Resistance in Agricultural Pest Management
Pesticide resistance in agricultural pests threatens global food security despite ongoing advancements in pesticide technology. This study addresses the urgent need for a comprehensive understanding of resistance mechanisms and their ecological and economic implications. Through interdisciplinary...
Assessment of Innovative Technologies for Hazardous Waste Treatment and Remediation Review: A Sustainable Approach for Environmental Protection
Water and Wastewater Treatment
The management of hazardous waste is a critical environmental challenge that requires innovative and sustainable solutions to mitigate adverse impacts on ecosystems and human health. This research project aims to assess and evaluate cutting-edge technologies for the treatment and remediation of...
Municipal solid waste management and landfill site selection in Greece: irrationality versus efficiency
Municipal solid waste (MSW) collection and disposal is a major problem of urban environment in the world today. MSW management solutions have to be technologically feasible, legally and socially acceptable and environmentally and financially sustainable. European policy is pushing to a rational...
An integrated model of system dynamics and fuzzy cognitive mapping approach for waste management in Turkey
Protection and restoration of the environment
Waste management is one of the most crucial part of the sustainability concept. In Turkey, waste management of the small household appliances under waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) category still remains as an issue to handle although its production is very large and long...
Visitors’ environmental attitudes and willingness to pay for nature conservation: the case of Langtang National Park in the Himalayas
Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management
National parks are a destination for nature-based tourism (NBT) in both the developed and developing countries. National Park visitors with pro-environmental attitudes may be more likely to support the management's conservation efforts. However, managing and funding national parks and protected...
Assessment and prediction of benzene concentrations in a street canyon using a variety of models, in the means of environmental management purposes
Urban air quality nowadays is one of the major environmental issues, due to its impact to various health problems, caused by the daily exposure of the population in dangerous air pollutants. The highest levels of air pollutants are usually observed in street canyons, emitted by urban traffic. To...
An Overview of Circular Economy Management Approach for Sustainable Construction and Demolish Waste Management
Solid Waste Management
The construction industry has been identified as a major contributor to environmental degradation, particularly through the generation of waste. Unsustainable production and consumption patterns in the construction industry have resulted in high amounts of waste, which is often disposed of in...
Healthcare Waste Management Planning of Hospitals in the Prefectures of Aetoloakarnania and the Island of Lesbos, Greece.
Solid Waste Management
Proper Hospital healthcare Waste Management (HCWM) is imperative for ensuring public health and environmental protection. In this context, three Prefectural hospitals of Mytilene, Agrinio, and Messolonghi, were studied with respect to planning and management of infectious wastes, cost, training of...
Exploration of Composting Strategies for Sustainable Organic Waste Management in Urban Environments
Solid Waste Management
The management of organic waste in urban environments poses significant challenges due to the high volume of waste generated and limited disposal options. Composting is a promising technique for converting organic waste into valuable compost that can be used to improve soil health and reduce the...
Quantifying the carbon sequestration potential of different soil management practices aimed at increasing organic content in soil and reducing the usage of chemical inputs
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
The global imperative to address climate change and promote sustainable agriculture has underscored the critical role of soil management practices in enhancing carbon sequestration and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This research focuses on quantifying the carbon sequestration potential of...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis
Water Quality
Environmental Management and Policies
Air Quality
Ecology, environmental change and management
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Air Quality
Nanomaterials in the environment: applications and effects
Environmental Health
Sustainable Energy
Water Quality
Water Resources Management
Water treatment
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Solid Waste Management
Chemicals in the environment
Water and wastewater reuse