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Assessing Alternative Water Resources Management Scenarios in Islands of the Aegean Archipelago, Greece

  • Authors (legacy)
    Karavitis C.A., Skondras N.A., Manoli E. and Assimacopoulos D.

This effort discusses and evaluates alternative water management options to alleviate water stress
and meet water needs in insular entities of the Aegean Archipelago, within the framework set by the
principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and of the Water Framework
Directive 2000/60/EC. Options are presented and assessed to determine integrated applicable
strategies reflecting technical, economic, social and environmental constraints. The assessment is
based on the application of the WaterStrategyMan Decision Support System (WSM DSS),
developed under the Fifth Framework Programme, and is performed for six islands of the region.
Results emphasize the need to understand the interconnections between social, technical,
economic, and environmental problems in order to reach integrated solutions. In the dynamic context
of current societies, pragmatic policy initiatives are needed to improve the means of preventing and
addressing such issues, as well as new institutional structures to handle appropriately competing
and conflicting water demands and development objectives.

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