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Volume 27 - Issue 3

Performance analysis of gasification coupled with IC engine for emission control: enhancing environmental sustainability


Corresponding author: Sivakumar S. et al. View all


The gasification of biomass waste, such as Prosopis Juliflora wood( karuvellam wood), holds significant potential for reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainability. This study focused on investigating the gasification process of Prosopis Juliflora wood using an two stage air-preheated...

Downdraft Gasifier Double throat +2 more

Sustainable enhancement of mechanical and wear properties in natural fiber composites: integration of bio-waste fillers and taguchi optimization for bio medical applications

by Vasanthi S.M. Mandya Basavaraj N. Jani S. Arul S.J.


This study investigates the effect of teak wood dust (TWD) particles on the mechanical properties and erosion wear characteristics of Luffa acutangula fiber (LAF) reinforced phenol formaldehyde (PF) composites. Test samples were prepared with 20% LAF and varying TWD content (5%, 15%, and 25%). The...

Luffa Acutangula Fiber Teak wood dust +3 more

Volume 27 - Issue 1

Ecowaste framework leveraging pso-cnn for precise and sustainable biomedical waste management in cities

by Veerabathran S. Kunal K. Madeshwaren V.


Biomedical waste management is critical for maintaining hospital cleanliness and hygiene, pivotal for public health. It introduces a novel approach utilizing a hybrid genetic algorithm GA–fuzzy inference system FIS for smart city waste management. By integrating a dynamic fuzzy inference engine, the...

Biowaste Genetic Algorithm +3 more

Volume 26 - Issue 10

Optimizing Object Detection in Bio-Waste Management with Improved Hyperbolic Tangent YOLOv5 and Binarization-Adapted K-Means Algorithm


Murugesan Shanmugavelu et al. View all


With the increasing importance of green development, bio-waste classification has become an important element of green development. However, in garbage stacking scenarios, the task of segmenting highly overlapping objects is difficult because the bottom garbage is in an occluded state and it is...

Garbage Object Detection Machine Learning +4 more

Volume 26 - Issue 7

Green Synthesis of Silver based Nanocomposites using Indigenous Plant Waste and their Lab Scale Application for Targeted Environmental Remediation

by Khan K. Shahzad M. Saeed S. Abbas M. Ur Rehman M.S. Mamoona Riaz S. Jamshaid H.


Green nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary field that has emerged as a rapidly developing research area, serving as an important technique that emphasizes on making procedures that are clean, non-hazardous, and especially environment friendly, in contrast with chemical and physical methods...

Biowaste valorization Citrus fruit peels +5 more

Volume 26 - Issue 9

Material Characterization and Mechanical Performance Study on Natural Particulates of Saccharum Spontaneum Reinforced Biodegradable Polymeric Composite


Vellingiri S. et al. View all


The present work investigated the biodegradable polymer composite through the injection molding method. The matrix material of polylactic acid (PLA) and reinforcement particulates of novel Saccharum spontaneum (SS) were incorporated into the polymer matrix in the range of 5 % to 25 %. In addition to...

Poly-lactic acid Saccharum Spontaneum +3 more

Volume 26 - Issue 6

Boosting biodiesel production from waste vegetable oil water using Acid-Base Sequential Catalysis

by Chinedu N.B. Nkwoada A.U. Opara A.I.


The use of active and recyclable catalysts is advantageous for catalytic biodiesel synthesis from waste vegetable oils which is in demand owing to frequent calls on environmental pollution and for clean renewable energy production. For this study, homogenous catalysts are effective at converting...

Biodiesel Transesterification +3 more

A Silica Nano-Additive's Impact on the Performance and Emissions of a Diesel Engine Using DTBP Blended Low Viscous Waste Orange Peel Oil

by Banerji C. Roji S.S.S. Kannan T.R. Kanthavelkumaran N.


In the current study, the effect of silicon dioxide (SiO2) nano-additive mixed with Orange peel oil (OPO) as Biodiesel was investigated in relation to the operation and emission characteristics of a diesel engine. Orange peel oil was extracted from the orange Peel waste by using steam distillation...

Orange Peel Oil DTBP Enhancer +3 more

Volume 26 - Issue 2

Anaerobic co-digestion of low Chemical oxygen demand concentration sludge mixture by different pretreatment methods


Wenhai Lin et al. View all


Three laboratory scale systems were operated to study the anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge with the excess activated sludge and cattle manure which contained low COD concentration. The experiments were performed to evaluate the effects of different methods of pretreatment. Since the poor...

Anaerobic digestion Manure +4 more

Utilizing Manilkara zapota seed oil for biodiesel production and conducting an investigation into its properties and characteristics


Dr.N.Kanthavelkumaran et al. View all


Biodiesel can be derived from the oils of fruit seeds for powering diesel engines, and this study focuses on extracting biodiesel from Manilkara Zapota seeds, which are readily available and not intended for human consumption. The primary aim is to underscore the use of non-edible oils as a cost...

Ethanol fermentation +6 more

Volume 26 - Issue 1

Anaerobic Digestion of Corn Stover Pretreated with Sulfuric Acid in Different Soaking Durations


Lukhi Mulia Shitophyta et al. View all


The biogas production of pretreated corn stover has been determined in different soaking durations. Batch anaerobic digestion applies three different soaking durations in sulfuric acid pretreatment under room temperature. The study aimed to probe the effect of soaking durations during sulfuric acid...

acid pretreatment Biogas +3 more

Volume 25 - Issue 8

Microbial synthesis of eco-friendly polylactate plastic from low-cost agro-industrial wastes as an alternative to petrochemical-based plastic


Khadiga A. Abou-Taleb et al. View all


Bioplastics made from renewable resources, such as contemporary biomass, have been developed more quickly as a result of global pollution from plastics made from petroleum, but it is still unclear how these materials will affect ecosystems. A common biopolymer that will make up 33% of the...

Bioplastic accumulating bacteria +5 more

Interaction of pyrolysis conditions and soil texture on biochar mineralization and its effect on soil structure.


Marina Kouimtzi et al. View all


The effectiveness of biochar as a soil conditioner is depended on the feedstock type and pyrolysis conditions as these two factors determine its physical and chemical properties. Wheat straw was heated at two temperatures: a) 2500C and b) 5000C for two time periods: i)20 min and ii) 60 min to...

wheat straw Biochar +3 more

Volume 25 - Issue 6

Utilizing rice husk ash as a bio-waste material in geopolymer composites with aluminium oxide


Thirukumaran. T and Vivek. S et al. View all


Permanent damages and spalling occur in conventional concrete due to high temperatures. Also concrete loses its compressive strength amounting to about 50 to 75% of the original strength as reported in most of the research works. As opting for high grade of concrete leads to higher costs and emits...

rice husk ash Bio-waste +6 more

Volume 25 - Issue 4

Experimental investigation of hybrid composites using biowastes and Calotropis gigantea: an eco-friendly approach


Ramshankar.P et al. View all


The wastes are in many forms consist of organic materials like human, medical, food, plastics, construction waste etc. many researchers are focused on the waste management to gives more importance to the environment. The bio degradable waste was used in this research with naturals fibers. The need...

Environment Bio waste +4 more

Volume 25 - Issue 1

Studies on Influence of Process Parameters in Upgradation of Bio-oil Derived from HTL of Domestic household waste: Application of Response Surface Methodology


R Gokulan et al. View all


This research focuses on hydrothermal gasification (HTG) and hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) studies to produce bio-hydrogen from domestic mixed waste. HTG and HTL studies were studied at temperatures of 300–450°C and 300–400°C, correspondingly, with a catalyst level of 6 wt %. The sol-gel technique...

Domestic Waste Bio Oil +3 more

Volume 23 - Issue 4

Purification of Biogas From Tofu Waste using Zeolite and Activated Carbon (AC) as Adsorbent


Mochamad Arief Budihardjo et al. View all


Substitution of fossil fuel into alternative energy sources, such as biogas, needs to be applied to prevent various problems in the environment. Biogas purification can be an alternative technology to improve the quality of biogas, which increases the heat value by reducing CO2. Purification can be...

Adsorption Activated carbon +3 more

Volume 23 - Issue 3

Integrated system for paclitaxel production from endophytic fungus, Neopestalotiopsis clavispora ASU1 and subsequent extraction of chitosan from fungal biomass wastes


Elhagag Hassan et al. View all


Nowadays, breast cancer is considered to be one of the most prevalent diseases worldwide, this initiated interest and growing demand for taxol production in large quantities. The limited availability of traditional taxol production from the Pacific yew trees has encouraged research into the...

Anticancer Chitosan +3 more