In the current study, the effect of silicon dioxide (SiO2) nano-additive mixed with Orange peel oil (OPO) as Biodiesel was investigated in relation to the operation and emission characteristics of a diesel engine. Orange peel oil was extracted from the orange Peel waste by using steam distillation method. The addition of Di-tetra-butyl-peroxide (DTBP) as a cetane booster is a novel strategy that has been attempted to improve the ignition patterns of OPO. The properties of customized fuel produced with a varying volume percentage DTBP and SiO2in 25,50 and 75 ppm in OPO were determined and compared to those of diesel. Uniform blending of nano-additives + DTBP with OPO is achieved by ultrasonication and isopropyl alcohol is used as a surfactant in order to stabilise the nano-additives. The physical and chemical characteristics of samples of pure and mixed fuel were identified and found in accordance with ASTM standards. Under varied loading conditions, the performance and emissions characteristics of various samples of fuel were studied. Addition of SiO2 nano-additive + DTBP increased the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) by 3.20-8.37% while decreasing brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) by 4.18-11.25%. Carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC),nitrogen oxides (NOx) and smoke emissions were reduced by 5.61-12.84%, 9.65-19.05%, 0.89-7.71%, and 10.11-19.71%, respectively, when orange peel oil is blended with SiO2 and DTBP, and the mixture 10DTBP/90OPO -50SiO2 is found best comparable to ordinary diesel.