The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
Dye removal abilities of the mesophilic and thermophilic biomass: a kinetics study
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Mesophilic biomass and thermophilic biomass samples were isolated and used to remove Dorasyn Red dye from aqueous solutions. The biosorption kinetics of dye uptake by four different types of biomass at three temperatures (20, 30, and 40 °C) were investigated using pseudo-first order kinetics, pseudo...
Microbial Kinetic Analysis of a Hybrid UASB Reactor
Microbial kinetics of a hybrid upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor were investigated when treating chemical synthesis–based pharmaceutical wastewater. Monod, Grau first-order, Grau second-order, Stover-Kincannon, Chen & Hashimoto kinetic models were applied to the hybrid reactor. The...
Kinetic analysis and simulation of UASB anaerobic treatment of a synthetic fruit wastewater
An Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB) reactor was used to evaluate mesophilic anaerobic treatment of a pre-acidified fruit wastewater. The system was operated at increasing volumetric loading rates by sequentially increasing wastewater flowrate. The operational temperature was maintained initially...
Kinetic and Fixed Bed Studies for Copper Removal from Solutions by Walnut Tree Sawdust (Juglans regia Linnaeus)
Pollution Control Technology
This study investigates the adsorption kinetics and removal conditions of copper by walnut tree sawdust from synthetic solutions in the batch and fixed bed reactors. The selected experimental parameters for the batch reactor were concentration, solution pH, adsorbent amount and temperature. The...
Determination of kinetic parameters in a pilot scale BNR system treating municipal wastewater
Kinetics for the biological processes of nitrification, denitrification and carbon oxidation were studied in the aerobic and anoxic phases of a pilot scale Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) plant treating municipal wastewater. The configuration of the treating system is based on the combination of...
Effect of Temperature on Fenton oxidation of young landfill leachate: Kinetic Assessment and Sludge Properties
Treatment of young landfill leachate, collected from municipal solid waste site of city of Konya, was investigated by using the Fenton process. The leachate itself showed the characteristics of pH 7.25, COD 38.2 g L-1 and BOD5 22 g L-1. Ratio of BOD5 to COD with 0.58 indicates that leachate can be...
Kinetic characterization of nitrifying pure cultures in chemostate
The process of nitrification in wastewater treatment is widely accepted as a two-step process. In the first step the ammonia is oxidized to nitrite, a process considered to be carried out mainly by the Nitrosomonas sp., while in the second step the Nitrobacter sp. oxidizes the nitrite to nitrate...
Removal of antibiotic Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride from water by Kandira stone: Kinetic models and thermodynamic
Advanced Oxidation Processes
In this study, Kandira stone, extensively used as a cladding material for building stone has been examined for the removal of an antibiotic Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (CIP) from its aqueous solution. Batch experiments were performed to investigate the adsorption kinetics, equilibrium and...
Calcined sugar scum as a low-cost adsorbent for dye removal from aqueous solution: Equilibrium, kinetic and modeling
Solid Waste Management
Batch adsorption experiments have been conducted to investigate the adsorption properties of the calcined sugar scum powder for methylene blue (MB) and methyl orange (MO) as models for cationic and anionic dyes. The kinetic and equilibrium adsorption have been investigated to determine the...
Adsorption of cadmium and copper onto natural clay: isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamic studies
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Clay of the Middle Atlas Mountains region, Morocco, was used to investigate the removal of heavy metals ions (Cadmium and Copper) from aqueous solutions with respect to several experimental conditions including pH, contact time, initial solute concentrations, temperature and ionic strength. Kinetic...
Kinetics Study of The Ability of Compost Material for Removing 〖Cu〗^(2+) from Wastewater
Solid Waste Management
The objective of this study is to examine the ability of a compost material for removing {Cu}^{2+} from aqueous solutions with different parameters using continuous fixed-bed column. Compost was characterized by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy which revealed that the metal binding is...
Empirical correlation with dimensionless parameters for following the kinetic separation performance via reverse osmosis desalination process of groundwater
The present paper carries for novel modeling that are often used for evaluate the kinetic performance of groundwater reverse osmosis (GWRO) desalination system by empirical correlation with dimensionless parameters. About three hundred dimensionless empirical correlationshave been proposed and...
Synthesis of Magnetic Multiwalled Carbon Nano Tubes and Investigation of isotherm and kinetic models for cleanup of Carbaryl pesticide
Abstract: Water is the main factor of movement and transport of pesticides and contamination of water by these pollutants is one of the most important challenges due to their widespread use and increased concentrations. Moreover, these compounds are on the U.S.EPA Priority Pollutant list because of...
A comprehensive study of the high temperature pyrolysis of sewage sludge: kinetics, energy analysis and products formation
Sustainable Energy
This study evaluates the pyrolysis of sewage sludge until 960 °C using heating rates between 3 K/min and 12 K/min in a macro TG/EGA. Mass and energy balances and kinetic parameters are determined. Thermal decomposition is divided into a low temperature zone (until 550 °C to 590 °C), for...
Adsorption and Kinetics Studies of Cu (II) ions Removal from Aqueous Solution by Untreated and Treated Sugarcane Bagasse
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Adsorption of Cu (II) ions by untreated sugarcane bagasse (USCB) and treated sugarcane bagasse (TSCB) was investigated. Sugarcane bagasse was treated with 0.1M oxalic acid prior to TSCB adsorption studies. Dependence of Cu (II) adsorption on pH, contact time, temperature and initial concentration of...
Kinetic Modelling and Determination of Octyl Phenol Ethoxylate (OPE) and Bisphenol A (BPA) (used as plastic additives) Inhibition Constants for Nitrogen Conversion
Microplastics in water treatment: fate, toxicity assessment and removal technologies
Conversion of ammonia to nitrate is sensitive to a number of inhibitors. There is limited information on the nitrification inhibition coefficient and kinetic model in the current literature. Octyl Phenol Ethoxylate (OPE) and Bisphenol A (BPA) inhibition constants were found in nitrogen removal using...
Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of Remazol Black under visible light illumination through S doped TiO2 (S-TiO2) nanoparticles: Operational factors and kinetic study
Water and Wastewater Treatment
The degradation of Remazol Black (RBB) by S-TiO2 photocatalyst was investigated. X-ray diffraction, fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and UV-vis specular reflectance spectroscopy has been used to characterize S-TiO2. The results...
Cadmium biosorption potential and kinetic behavior of endophytic Fusarium verticillioides and its green synthesized silver nanoparticles (GSNPs)
Environmental Toxicology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems
Silver nanoparticles (GSNPs) were synthesized from extracellular metabolites of endophytic isolates of Fusarium verticillioides (KT587649) to evaluate their efficiency as new biosorbent agents for the exclusion of cadmium Cd (II) from aquatic systems. The GSNPs were characterized through X-ray...
Kinetic Model of Anaerobic Digestion from Chicken Manure and Thai Rice Noodle Wastewater in Continuous Reactors
Environmental data analysis and modelling
A kinetic model was used to describe the anaerobic co-digestion of chicken manure (CM) and Thai rice noodle wastewater (TRNW) in continuous reactors. This research investigated the effects of mixing interval and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on methane production and other related kinetic...
Basic dyestuffs removal from textile effluents using feathers: equilibrium, kinetic and column studies
This research work has been focused in the study of gallinaceous feathers, a waste that may be valorised as sorbent, to remove the Dark Blue Astrazon 2RN (DBA) from Dystar. This study was focused on the following aspects: optimization of experimental conditions through factorial design methodology...
Investigation of Copper Ion adsorption using Activated Sawdust Powder: Isotherm, Kinetic and Thermodynamic studies
Water and Wastewater Treatment
The batch adsorption technique investigated the efficiency of sawdust adsorbent for removing copper ions from synthetic solutions. A chemical synthesis process prepared the activated sawdust powder, and its surface area and pore volume were obtained by BET isotherm analysis. The ability of copper...
Water Solution Polishing of Nitrate Using Potassium permanganate Modified Zeolite: Parametric experiments, kinetics and equilibrium analysis
Water Quality
In the present study, adsorption potential of potassium permanganate (Hypermangan) modified zeolite was investigated for the removal of nitrate from synthetic wastewater. Effects of the most significant parameters (pH, adsorbent dose, nitrate concentration and contact time) were initially evaluated...
Adsorption of lead (II) ions onto diatomite from aqueous solution: Mechanism, isotherm and kinetic studies
Pollution Control Technology
This study presents an evaluation of diatomite as a low cost adsorbent for Pb (II) removal from aqueous solutions under various conditions. The results demonstrate that adsorption of Pb (II) is strongly dependent on the pH of the solution. The effect of pH on adsorption of Pb (II) on diatomite was...
Modification of Corn stalk for high-performance adsorption of Coomassie Brilliant blue dye in simulated polluted water: Kinetic study
Water and Wastewater Treatment
In the present work, corn stalk was used as a low cost adsorbent for removal of anionic dye (" CBB"). Corn stalk was treated with two methods to inform Modified corn stalk with magnetic particles (MMCS) and Modified corn stalk with sulfuric acid (SMCS). Comparison between raw and treated corn stalk...
Evaluation of biomass type blue Cyanophyta algae for the sorption of Cr (III), Zn (II) and Ni (II) from aqueous solution using batch operation system: Kinetics and thermodynamic studies
Environmental Sciences
The biosorption of Cr (III), Zn (II) and Ni (II) ions from aqueous solution by dead blue algal biomass (Cyanophyta) was investigated in single metal system and batch conditions. Experimental parameters included contact time (0-140 min), pH (2-8), sorbent dose (0.1-2.0 g), initial concentrations (10...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis
Water Quality
Environmental Management and Policies
Air Quality
Ecology, environmental change and management
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Air Quality
Nanomaterials in the environment: applications and effects
Environmental Health
Sustainable Energy
Water Quality
Water Resources Management
Water treatment
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Solid Waste Management
Chemicals in the environment
Water and wastewater reuse