The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
Design and use of crowdsourcing geographic data collection system during the monitoring phase of Environmental Impact Assessment reports
Environmental Management and Policies
When the whole earth is considered as a geographic place, it is clearly seen that the physical and social processes in the Earth’s crust have a direct or indirect connection with geography. In this century named information era, it is vital to find new solutions to people’s problems by getting...
Eco-water diversion project is not a simply measure to improve the ecological environment
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
The Heihe River is the second longest inland river in China, which is one of the most important inland river basins in the northwest area. The effect of drought on ecological environment can be exacerbated by climate change. Eco-water diversion project was implemented since 2000 to solve the...
Assessment of observed temperature trend patterns of Bhubaneswar city, India with special prominence on future projections using SimCLIM climate model and farmer’s perception
Global Environmental Change
Temperature dynamics is a widely recognized indicator of the global warming phenomenon. Changes in temperature patterns in Bhubaneswar, India, were assessed by examining the monthly minimum and maximum temperature data for 60 years (1956–2015) sourced from the Indian Meteorological Department...
Change in snow depletion pattern in a river basin of Arunachal Pradesh under projected climatic scenarios
Snow depletion curves (SDCs) are important in hydrological studies for predicting snowmelt generated runoff in high mountain catchments. The present study deals with the derivation of the average snow depletion pattern in the Mago basin of Arunachal Pradesh, which falls in the eastern Himalayan...
Integrated assessment of impact of water resources of important river basins in Eastern India under projected climate conditions
Climate Change Impacts and Societal Adaptation in the Indian Subcontinent
The impact of climate change on water resources through increased evaporation combined with regional changes in precipitation characteristics has the potential to affect mean runoff, frequency and intensity of floods and droughts, soil moisture and water supply for irrigation and hydroelectric power...
Effects of climate change on future extreme rainfall indices over Thailand
Global Environmental Change
Extreme rainfall indices were calculated based on daily rainfall data derived from the outputs of MM5-RCM simulations. Projected changes of these indices in the future (2020s) under the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A1B compared to the reference period (1990s) were analyzed...
An Environmental Impact Assessment Decision Analysis System for Irrigation Systems
In this paper an Environmental Impact Assessment Multicriteria Decision Analysis System for irrigation projects (EIAMDAS) used as a comprehensive tool that enables comparison between irrigation project alternatives is presented. The comparison is based upon all relevant aspects of the surrounding...
Future climate uncertainty and spatial variability over Tamilnadu State, India
Climate Change Impacts and Societal Adaptation in the Indian Subcontinent
The present study analyses future climate uncertainty for the 21st century over Tamilnadu state for six weather parameters: solar radiation, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and rainfall. The climate projection data was dynamically downscaled using high...
Climate projection and future rainfall trends analysis in the Nouhao sub-basin in Burkina Faso.
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Climate change is an indicator of changes happening in the biosphere. Monitoring it, will anticipating actions against the resulting disasters. This study, undertaken in Burkina Faso Nouaho sub basin, gives an overview of rainfall in the near, medium and long terms. It is built on regional climates...
Uncertainties and nonstationarity in streamflow projections under climate change scenarios and the ensuing adaptation strategies in Subarnarekha river basin, India
Water Resources Management
The present study analyses the various uncertainties and nonstationarity in the streamflow projections of Subarnarekha river basin in Eastern India using two widely used hydrological climate models: 1) general circulation model (GCM), and 2) forcing climate change scenarios. These two climate models...
An environmental health information system - assessment of the situation in Greece
Presented are the results, with emphasis on the situation in Greece, of the ENHIS-2 project “Establishment of Environment and Health Information System Supporting Policy Making”. The information system is based on a set of Environmental Health Indicators developed and updated by the project...
Assessment of potential hydrological climate change impacts in Kastoria basin (Western Macedonia, Greece) using EUROCORDEX regional climate models
Water Resources Management
The Mediterranean region is expected to present reduced availability of water resources due to climate change. This study aims to assess the potential hydrological responses to climate change in the Kastoria basin (Western Macedonia, Northern Greece) for the period 2019-2078. Climate projections...
Bioclimatic Analysis and Proposal of Bioclimatic Strategies for Buildings: Case Studies in Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Santo André city is located in the region called ABC Paulista, in the southeast of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo and it is an important city, considering its industrial and economic role. There are few attempts to develop projects that fit the local climate in order to save energy consumption...
Water balance estimation in Anthemountas river basin and correlation with underground water level
Estimation of annual water balance is critical for water management and developmental planning in the area of Anthemountas river basin. In the framework of LIFE04/ENV/GR/000099 project and in continuance to prior projects in the area, the average annual water balance was estimated using the annual...
Prediction and study of passive pollutant dispersion in a street-canyon in London using computational fluid dynamics techniques
Pollution levels in an urban street-canyon area are determined numerically as part of the European research project OSCAR using the ADREA-HF code. Aim of the modeling is twofold: (i) to investigate the flow-field and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations in the area and (ii) compare with measurements...
The broadcasting on INTERNET of water DPSIR indicators. Experiment on the Nestos delta, Greece
An initial GIS data base has been assembled in 2001 covering the various parameters related to the Nestos river basin and its delta. This data set is being used for water resources modelling purposes within the frame of the multinational PROMENES initiative. The initial data gathering has produced a...
Monitoring and determination of irrigation demand in Cyprus
This technical paper describes and interprets the main results of an original research project, which integrates technological tools for developing a complete system for monitoring and determining irrigation demand on a systematic basis in Cyprus. More specifically, the main contribution of this...
Management of flood and separating damage from environmental effects using Bayesian convolutional neural network
Floods, Droughts and Water scarcity
Flood management is the act of determining the frequency, magnitude, and duration of flood episodes based on the elements of a river basin that may be monitored. Floods endanger human lives and inflict significant property damage. It is essential for creating suitable flood risk management plans...
Modeling for Mitigating Storm Water Unban Flooding and Water Quality Issues by Using Small Serial Dams: A Case Study of the City of San Angelo
Environmental data analysis and modelling
The City of San Angelo has been imposed on urban flooding and no-point source pollution and develop storm water monitoring and modeling project for managing these storm water issues. This study focuses on the stormwater peak flow reduction and water pollutant improvement by using small serial...
Predictive Modeling for Solar Desalination Using Artificial Neural Network Techniques: A Review
Due to the limitations of fossil fuels and the environmental problems associated with their usage, renewable energy sources have been exploited for desalination through the employment of various technologies and mediums. One of the most useful renewable energy sources for solar desalination, both...
Enhancing the European Space Agency’s Climate Change Initiative Soil Moisture Product over China
Ecology, environmental change and management
Soil moisture heavily influences the energy exchange between land and the atmosphere, and it plays an important role in ecological systems. Quantitatively acquiring soil moisture information is important for agricultural production, ecological protection and other processes. The current range of...
Biodiversity in a forest ecosystem in India using environmental DNA sequence analysis of pathogen hostile eucalyptus trees
Biodiversity conservation
Trees in the forest are an unprecedented cluster of organisms in ecological, monetary and social importance. With a wide distribution, mostly random spread over and a large population in terms of size, the majority of tree species show considerable variation in genetics both within and between...
Estimation of Waste Mobile Phones in the Philippines using Neural Networks
CEST2017 - Electric and electronic waste
Waste mobile phone is one of the subgroups of e-waste which is defined as discarded electronic products in the Philippine context. This study estimated current and projected quantities of waste mobile phones in the country using feed forward neural network. The neural network architecture used had...
Effect of the relative humidity on an industrial plume behavior
In order to accurately predict the pollutant concentrations and the plume trajectory in the atmosphere, it is necessary to take into account the effects of interactions between the plume and the surrounding environment. In fact, the atmospheric conditions have a lot of influence on the plume...
Atmospheric conditions associated with high and low ozone concentrations in the lower troposphere over the Aegean sea
In this study the vertical ozone profiles during summertime (June to August) of the MOZAIC (Measurement of Ozone and Water Vapor by Airbus in Service Aircraft) Project over the eastern Mediterranean airports of Heraklion and Rhodes in the Aegean Sea, have been analyzed in order to identify the major...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis
Environmental Management and Policies
Air Quality
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Air Quality
Nanomaterials in the environment: applications and effects
Sustainable Energy
Solid Waste Management
Solid Waste Management
Chemicals in the environment
Water and wastewater reuse
Water and wastewater reuse
Sustainable Energy
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Environmental Toxicology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems
Water and wastewater reuse
Climate change mitigation and adaptation