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Biodiversity in a forest ecosystem in India using environmental DNA sequence analysis of pathogen hostile eucalyptus trees

  • Authors (legacy)
    Corresponding: Ramasamy Sankar Ram C
    Co-authors: Lakshmi Narayanan K, Santhana Krishnan R, Harold Robinson Y
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Trees in the forest are an unprecedented cluster of organisms in ecological, monetary and social importance. With a wide distribution, mostly random spread over and a large population in terms of size, the majority of tree species show considerable variation in genetics both within and between populations. The genus Phytophthora, is a most destructive plant pathogen and attacks a wide range of tree hosts, including inexpensively its significant species. Many species of Phytophthora are known to be persistent and brought in through nurseries and commercial agriculture. Diseases from various eucalyptus tree species were first reported in India and the symptoms, incidence and leaf damage have been described. As an observation of a larger project to use genomic data for tree disease diagnosis, pathogen detection and surveillance, in this study the significant analysis of various DNA sequences of P.meadii 2 on eucalyptus tree species in Indian Forests. The identified outcomes observed that the high frequency of nucleotides and their combinations found in the organisms in trees threatening their lives may be observed and has to be condensed

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Lakshmi, N. et al. (2023) “Biodiversity in a forest ecosystem in India using environmental DNA sequence analysis of pathogen hostile eucalyptus trees”, Global NEST Journal, 25(3). Available at: