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The broadcasting on INTERNET of water DPSIR indicators. Experiment on the Nestos delta, Greece

  • Authors (legacy)
    Karakos A., Skoulikaris X., Monget J-M. and Jerrentrup H.

An initial GIS data base has been assembled in 2001 covering the various parameters related to the
Nestos river basin and its delta. This data set is being used for water resources modelling purposes within
the frame of the multinational PROMENES initiative. The initial data gathering has produced a vast
set of information which has been stored using the ArcView GIS tool. The European Water
Framework Directive (WFD) recently defined guidelines for structuring the GIS databases aimed at
water resources management. It is stressing the use of "open" GIS systems and formats in order to further
facilitate maintenance and reporting to the public, a needed requirement. The present project
explores the application of the DPISR concept to the publication of a "State of the Environment
Report" on the Nestos delta through Internet. This concept has recently been proposed by the
European Environmental Agency and is already in application for air pollution indicators broadcasting
and urban environmental problems reporting. The PROMENES data base has been restructured using
an "open" GIS approach and lessons learned on how to organize water management related datasets
for the building of environmental indicators. A prototype web site is evaluated and is being tested for
public broadcast under the supervision of EPO Living Lakes, an environment protection organisation
operating in the Nestos delta.

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