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Special notes

Issue on Water Resources Management

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Assessment of the Water Quality of Lake Plastira through Mathematical Modelling for Alternative Management Scenarios


Andreadakis A., Noutsopoulos C. and Gavalaki E.


In the context of a research program regarding water quality management and protection plan for Lake Plastira, one of the main tasks was the establishment of a sound relationship between the minimum water level and the trophic state of the lake. The study involves the application of a eutrophication...

Chlorophyll-a eutrophication +3 more

Application of the SWAT model in the Pinios river basin under different land-use scenarios


Pikounis M., Varanou E., Baltas E., Dassaklis A. ans Mimikou M.


This paper investigates the hydrological effects of specific land use changes in a catchment of the river Pinios in Thessaly (Ali Efenti catchment), through the application of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) on a monthly time step. The model's calibration efficiency is verified by...

hydrologic models Soil and Water Assessment Tool +1 more

The broadcasting on INTERNET of water DPSIR indicators. Experiment on the Nestos delta, Greece


Karakos A., Skoulikaris X., Monget J-M. and Jerrentrup H.


An initial GIS data base has been assembled in 2001 covering the various parameters related to the Nestos river basin and its delta. This data set is being used for water resources modelling purposes within the frame of the multinational PROMENES initiative. The initial data gathering has produced a...

Mesta Nestos +3 more

An Environmental Impact Assessment Decision Analysis System for Irrigation Systems


Manoliadis G.O. and Vatalis I.K.


In this paper an Environmental Impact Assessment Multicriteria Decision Analysis System for irrigation projects (EIAMDAS) used as a comprehensive tool that enables comparison between irrigation project alternatives is presented. The comparison is based upon all relevant aspects of the surrounding...

Environmental impact assessment decision analysis systems +1 more

Testing Alternatives for Salt Wedge Management in an Estuary with the Use of Monitoring and a Mathematical Model


Haralambidou K.I., Sylaios G.K. and Tsihrintzis V.A.


The intrusion of salt wedge in rivers is a natural phenomenon, which occurs in many estuaries. Saline water tends to propagate upstream from the river mouth, due to the limited freshwater and the tidal and density currents developed, resulting in deterioration of water quality in the lower river...

saline intrusion salt wedge +4 more

GFIS (Geographic Forecasting Information System): A Case Study in Water Resources Management


Pagourtzi E., Nikolopoulos K. and Assimakopoulos V.


The current study presents the development of a Forecasting Information System for geographic data (cross-sectional time-series for different geographic regions). GFIS, Geographic Forecasting Information System, was developed with MS Visual Basic (User Interface), ArcView (GIS) and MS Access (DBMS)...

Time-series forecasting +4 more

GIS Integration of Aster Stereo Imagery for the Support of Watershed Management


Chrysoulakis N., Diamandakis M. and Prastacos P.


In this study, ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) stereo imagery was analysed in combination with Global Positioning System (GPS) data and field observations, using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) techniques to examine the potential of satellite remote...

Digital Elevation Model Stereoscopic Analysis +3 more

Evaluation of Treatment Schemes Appropriate for Wastewater Reuse in Greece


Andreadakis A., Mamais D., Gavalaki E. and Panagiotopoulou V.


The scope of this paper is the evaluation of wastewater reuse quality criteria and treatment specifications, appropriate to Greek conditions. The parameters that affect wastewater reuse criteria were taken into consideration, concerning among others reuse priorities, available treatment plants and...

wastewater reuse criteria +4 more