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Regression analysis between sediment transport rates and stream discharge for the Nestos River, Greece

  • Authors (legacy)
    Angelis I., Metallinos A. and Hrissanthou V.

Systematic measurements of sediment transport rates and water discharge were conducted in the
Nestos River (Greece), at a place located between the outlet of Nestos River basin and the river
delta. This basin area is about 838 km2 and lies downstream of the Platanovrysi Dam. Separate
measurements of bed load transport and suspended load transport were performed at certain cross
sections of the Nestos River.
In this study, relationships between sediment transport rates and stream discharge for the Nestos
River are presented. A nonlinear regression curve (4th degree polynomial curve; r2 equals 0.62)
between bed load transport rates and stream discharge, on the basis of 63 measurements, was
developed. In addition, a nonlinear regression curve (5th degree polynomial curve; r2 equals 0.95)
between suspended load transport rates and stream discharge, on the basis of 65 measurements,
was developed.
The relatively high r2 values indicate that both bed load transport rates and, especially, suspended
load transport rates can be predicted as a function of the stream discharge in the Nestos River.
However, the reliability of the regression equations would have been higher if more measured data
were available.

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