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Identifying the Quiet Areas of a Small Urban Setting: The Case of Mytilene

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    Corresponding: Matsinos G. Yiannis
    Co-authors: Matsinos Y. G., Tsaligopoulos A. and Economou C.
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The aim of this study is to achieve a greater insight regarding quiet areas in agglomerations and contribute to their identification. The small urban setting of Mytilene located in the island of Lesvos (North Aegean, Greece), was the case study of this research. Based on citizen contribution, a number of “places” derived that are perceived as “quieter” than others, by the permanent residents of Mytilene. The “places” mentioned from this procedure were checked by means of acoustic measurements, concerning the noise levels that occurred within the 24h period. A novel method regarding the duration, repetition, check spot and the positioning of measurement was used, in order to calculate the day, evening and night period’s noise levels (Lden). A performance matrix was then created in order to compare the results, in relation to acoustical, functional and visual criteria. Furthermore, by incorporating perceptual criteria we assisted the quiet area selection procedure. The provision of quietness, as a direct ecosystem service, is a major indicator of environmental quality. Nevertheless, the way that city inhabitants perceive their acoustic surroundings could determine the character of the landscape along with the quality of the soundscape and define the meaning of quietness that still remains vague.

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Matsinos, Y. et al. (2017) “Identifying the Quiet Areas of a Small Urban Setting: The Case of Mytilene”, Global NEST Journal, 19(4). Available at: