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Understanding marine eutrophication from agricultural runoff in semi enclosed areas: a short review in the Gulf of Geras, Greece

  • Authors (legacy)
    Karydis M.

The understanding of marine eutrophication in semi enclosed areas due to agricultural
runoff, assumes a more integrated approach taking into account the agricultural
watershed, seasonal patterns of soil nutrients, rates of erosion and vegetation types. In
the present case study in the Gulf of Geras, Lesvos, Greece, the transport of dissolved
and solid phase nutrients of terrestrial origin to the marine environment was studied in
detail using mathematical modelling. Fifteen criteria describing environmental and socioeconomic
aspects were analysed using multi criteria choice methods and a number of
scenarios were evaluated. Parallel to that an eutrophication model was used to describe
the problem of eutrophication in the marine environment and also to assess the
environmental impact from the proposed scenarios. The emphasis was placed in the
interconnection between Mediterranean type ecosystem and marine coastal
eutrophication. The results showed that the coupling of multi criteria analysis together
with simulation modelling, provide a powerful tool for integrated coastal management
practices and assessing eutrophic trends in semi enclosed areas.

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