The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
Wastewater Reuse Criteria In Greece
The sustainable management of water resources often requires the identification of wastewater as a valued source of water. Although the benefits of wastewater reuse and reclamation have increased significantly in Europe because of the advances in effectiveness of wastewater treatment and...
Nitrate pollution in the coastal aquifer system of the Korinthos Prefecture (Greece)
Over the last decades intensified agricultural production is applied in the northern coastal part of Korinthos Prefecture (Peloponnese, Greece). An aquifer system occurs in the recent basin deposits, which consists of unconsolidated material, namely sands, pebbles and fine clay to silty sand...
Current status of the metal pollution of the environment of Greece - a review
ABSTRACT Pollution from metals and metalloids of the environment of Greece seemed to attract many researchers and elemental pollutants in air, soil and water have been determined and studied systematically during the last decade. The most recent of these studies, concerning the last five years (2003...
Regional climate change scenarios for Greece: future temperature and precipitation projections form ensembles of RCMs
The potential regional future changes in seasonal (winter and summer) temperature and precipitation are assessed for the greater area of Greece over the 21st century, under A2, A1B and B2 future emission scenarios of IPCC. Totally twenty-two simulations from various regional climate models (RCMs)...
Principal component analysis of precipitation in Thessaly region (Central Greece)
Characteristics of the precipitation pattern are determined for Thessaly region in central Greece by using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Mean monthly precipitation data from 75 meteorological stations are used covering a 35 year period (1960-1994). The first two principal components (PCs)...
Hydrochemical characteristics of the Gallikos River water, Prefecture of Kilkis, Greece
The Gallikos river basin is located in the northern part of Greece and discharges into the Thermaikos Gulf, North Aegean sea. Three main tributaries contribute to the river, the basin of which has a total areal extent of 930 km2. The basin of Gallikos river is formed of metamorphic rocks, limestones...
Air temperature variability and trends over Greece
In this study, the variability and trends of the mean annual and seasonal surface air temperature in Greek peninsula are examined. The climatic data used, concern mean monthly values of air temperature of 20 meteorological stations of the Hellenic Meteorological Service, for the period 1951-2000...
Estimation and comparison of potential evapotranspiration based on daily and monthly data from Sperchios valley in Central Greece
There is no golden rule concerning the optimal equations to estimate reference potential evapotranspiration (PETref) under various climates because even in the same climatic type, different studies have produced mixed results in relation to the performance of the empirical PETref equations...
Environmental Management Approaches and Water Resources in the stessed region of Thriassion, Greece
The present attempt has a two prong-emphasis. On the one hand it demarcates the physical, structural, social and economic parameters and the eliciting environmental problems in Thriassion Plain, the main industrial area of metropolitan Athens, Greece. On the other hand it attempts to delineate a...
Atmospheric PM10 particle concentration measurements at central and peripheral urban sites in Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece
The analysis of the PM10 particle measurements at the two major urban areas of Greece, Athens and Thessaloniki, showed that the mean monthly PM10 concentrations at the central urban stations, are on the average about twice as high than the corresponding ones at the examined peripheral stations. The...
Seasonal variations in dissolved heavy metals in the Keritis river, Chania, Greece
Agrochemicals, geochemical structure and industrial wastes create a potential source of heavy metal pollution in the aquatic environment. The porpuse of this study was to investigate the seasonal variations in five heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Cr) in the surface water of the Keritis river, one...
Hydrodiplomacy in practice: transboundary water management in northern Greece
The political dimension of water becomes highly important not only because of its scarcity, but also as a result of its sharing across national boundaries. Approximately 40% of the global population lives in tranboundary water basins, emphasizing the need for cooperation and harmonization of...
An environmental health information system - assessment of the situation in Greece
Presented are the results, with emphasis on the situation in Greece, of the ENHIS-2 project “Establishment of Environment and Health Information System Supporting Policy Making”. The information system is based on a set of Environmental Health Indicators developed and updated by the project...
Spatial and seasonal patterns of precipitation in Greece: the terrain segmentation approach
Hydrology and water resources
The aim of the study is to investigate the spatial and seasonal variation of precipitation in Greece using multi-temporal data analysis techniques. Mean monthly precipitation grids of 1 km 2 resolution of the period 1950-2000 were used in the analysis. Cross correlation quantified spatio-temporal...
Integrated analysis and mapping of aridity over Greek areas with different climate conditions
Assessment of aridity conditions prevailing in a certain area is essential for the research on climate and climate change. Greece is characterized by a variety of climatic conditions such as drought conditions or flooding phenomena. The current study focuses on three selected areas within Greece...
Use of Renewable Energy in Aquaculture: An Energy Audit case-study analysis
In this paper we propose a framework for energy audit and renewable energy utilization for a Mediterranean fish hatchery station. A concise literature review concerning the use of renewables in aquaculture is provided, followed by a step by step framework for energy audit in aquaculture stations...
Food waste volume and composition in households in Greece
The purpose of this paper is the presentation of the results compiled from self weighing of household food waste and self filling of waste collection diaries that took place in Greece. A diary was compiled and given to 101 urban households in various areas of the country. The participants were asked...
Water Resourses in Greece : Present and Future
The European Water Framework Directive 2000/60 has established a new legislation for sustainable management of water resources and protection of their relevant eco-systems. The primary objective of the Directive which is the achievement of acceptable water quality through the implementation of...
Modeling the relationship among energy demand, CO2 emissions and economic development: A survey for the case of Greece
The purpose of this paper is to offer an initial presentation and classification of the methodological approaches used to analyzing energy demand, related CO2 emissions and economic development for countries, regions and subsequently to provide for an extended survey of related articles for the case...
Changing mediterranean environment: irrefutable evidence from pre-industrial, unpublicised scenes contemporary with a mission (1786-1787) in the Levant
This paper provides an introduction to one hundred thirty one, pre-industrial, unpublicised Mediterranean scenes kept in Oxford, which constitute valuable evidence of changing environment. The largely unknown and unpublished paintings witness environmental wilderness and the cultural landscapes of...
Multicriteria analysis of municipal solid wastes energy recovery technologies in Greece
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management is the field of science which explores and evolves strategies minimizing the final amount of wastes delivered to landfills and reducing the corresponding pollution related to all stages of treatment and collection. In the best practices of MSW the inherent...
Assessment of future climate change impacts in a Mediterranean aquifer
Global Environmental Change
The Mediterranean region is predicted to be highly impacted by climate change and the availability of water resources is expected to decrease. This study aims to assess the potential impact of climate change in an aquifer located in Northeastern Greece, for the period 2041-2070. For this, climate...
The potential for transboundary cooperation towards the conservation of the avifauna in the mountain region Tzena/Kozhuf
When it comes to shared natural resources between two countries it is essential to mitigate differences in the management which underpin threats to the conservation of those resources by putting the way forward for coordination of the management of the area as a whole. Shared natural resources are...
Analysis of tourism potential for Crete island, Greece
To describe the tourism potential of an area, not only single meteorological parameters have to be taken into account, but also thermal sensation and people’s thermal comfort. The latter can be estimated by the use of human energy balance models and the derived thermal indices, which comprise all...
Decision support systems in solid waste management: A case study at the national and local level in Greece
Decision support systems (DSS) are used to aid at solid waste management, a tedious problem with many technical, economic and social constraints. The main DSS available are briefly presented and the development of a novel system, ReFlows, is described. The novelty of the developed DSS consists of...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Study on the Degradation of Brominated Flame Retardants in Waste Circuit Boards Using a Supercritical Fluid Method: Methodology, Influencing Factors, and Optimal Fluid Type
Innovative environmental solutions
Degradation of polystyrene plastics by alkane monooxygenase and alcohol dehydrogenase
Solid Waste Management
Environmental Impact Assessment of Solid Waste Disposal on Groundwater Quality
Water Quality
LC MS/MS Phytochemical analysis of Ruta montana and the Hepatic Preventive Effects in male Rats exposed to Tebuconazole
Environmental Health
Review of Remote Sensing, GIS and Soft Computing Tool for Predicting the Land-use and Environment Changes
Innovative environmental solutions
Integrated Early Flood Prediction using Sentinel-2 Imagery with VANET-MARL-based Deep Neural RNN
Floods, Droughts and...
Phytochemical characterization and valorization of Quercus ilex (west of Algeria)
Sustainable Enhancement of Mechanical and Wear Properties in Natural Fiber Composites: Integration of Bio-Waste Fillers and Taguchi Optimization for Bio Medical Applications
Impact of microplastic pollution on the ocean and marine animals: A comprehensive review
Microplastics in the...
Optimization of Nozzle Hole Number for Dual Fuel Operation Using Biodiesel Blends: A Response Surface Methodology Approach
Sustainable Energy
Radioactivity and radon exhalation from cat litter – Is there an issue?
Effect and mechanism of perfluorooctanoic acid on extracellular polymeric substances of microorganisms during biological wastewater treatment
Water and wastewater...
Modelling of PM2.5 Concentrations Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Case Study of Islamabad
Air Quality
Influence of the Injector Nozzle on Hydrogen-Powered Juliflora Biodiesel in HCCI Engines: A Surface Response Methodology Approach
Sustainable Energy
Bioclimatic Analysis and Proposal of Bioclimatic Strategies for Buildings: Case Studies in Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil
Climate change mitigation...
Prosopis julifera oil: optimization and biodiesel production
Sustainable Energy