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Modeling the relationship among energy demand, CO2 emissions and economic development: A survey for the case of Greece

  • Authors (legacy)
    Hatzigeorgiou E. , Polatidis H. and Haralambopoulos D.
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The purpose of this paper is to offer an initial presentation and classification of the methodological approaches used to analyzing energy demand, related CO2 emissions and economic development for countries, regions and subsequently to provide for an extended survey of related articles for the case-study of Greece that identified 48 scientific publications. It was found that all three main existent methodological analytical schemes, namely ‘Top-down’ models, Econometric methods and Decomposition Analysis methods, have been applied to model energy, environmental and macro-economic variables for Greece. Specific application areas included sectoral (industrial, transport, tourism, manufacturing, residential and electricity) energy demand and related CO2 emissions, energy prices and energy taxation. The paper culminates to a comprehensive comparison of employed methods and obtained results for Greece and conclusions.

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