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Volume 27 - Issue 4

Wastewater Recycling Integration with IoT Sensor Vision for Real-time Monitoring and Transforming Polluted Ponds into Clean Ponds using HG-RNN

by Maruthai S. Rajendran S. Selvanarayanan R. .S G.

Water and wastewater reuse

Wastewater recycling will protect the environment by reducing the quantity of contaminants released into water bodies, safeguarding aquatic ecosystems, and averting water pollution. The objective is to transform polluted ponds into clean water sources through real-time monitoring and efficient...

Wastewater Recycling Gated Linear Unit +5 more

Volume 27 - Issue 3

Modeling and Optimization of Chemical Pretreatment for Enhanced Co-Digestion of Paper Sludge


Corresponding author: Mansouri Assia et al. View all

Water and wastewater reuse

In papermaking industry, large water consumption and hazardous wastes generation, particularly paper sludge, present environmental challenges. This study focuses on the valorization of the paper sludge by optimizing the extraction of total sugars through chemical treatment under various operating...

Chemical Treatment Modeling +4 more

Volume 27 - Issue 1

Innovative Strategies for Tannery Wastewater Remediation with Sequential batch reactor and phycoremediation


Corresponding author: Manoj Kumar M et al. View all

Water and wastewater reuse

This research assessed the performance of combining Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) and phycoremediation method used for tanning effluent. The SBR system obtained high removal efficiencies with Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is reduced by 85%, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is reduced by 80% as well as...

Tannery wastewater Phycoremediation +2 more

Volume 26 - Issue 8

Wastewater Recycling to Enhance Environmental Quality using Fuzzy Embedded with RNN-IoT for Sustainable Coffee Farming

by Selvanarayanan R. Rajendran S. Pappa C K. Thomas B.

Water and wastewater reuse

Wastewater pollution is a major concern due to organic matter, pesticides, and other contaminants. Untreated discharge of this wastewater can pollute water resources and harm the environment. A data-driven approach for optimizing wastewater treatment systems and ensuring recycled water's safety and...

wastewater treatment Data Analysis +4 more

Volume 26 - Issue 7

Exploring the Role of Microbial Fuel Cells in Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Energy Generation


Prashant Sharma et al. View all

Water and wastewater reuse

Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) offers a promising solution for addressing both waste water treatment and challenges in renewable energy production. This study aims to explore the integration of MFCs with adsorption/bio-oxidation (AB) process to tackle wastewater management difficulties while generating...

wastewater treatment Renewable Energy +5 more

Volume 26 - Issue 4

Combining Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) and Modified Moving Bed Biofilm Reactors (MMBBR) for Synthetic Oily Wastewater Treatment


sazan mohammed ali et al. View all

Water and wastewater reuse

Numerous industrial processes, including petroleum refining, food production, car washes, leather manufacturing, and slaughter houses, generate significant volumes of wastewater due to their substantial water consumption during processing. The presence of oily wastewater has detrimental effects on...

Refinery Car wash +4 more

Volume 26 - Issue 1

Effect of Zeolux and Filters Backwash Water (FBWW) on Plant Growth and Yield of Sage (Salvia Officinalis) Plant


Zaydoun AbuSalem et al. View all

Water and wastewater reuse

Jordan is one of the few countries with constricted water resources, having one of the lowest per capita water levels in the world (Ministry of Agriculture, 2015). Jordan's available water resources per person are predicted to fall from less than 160 m3/capita/year to roughly 90 m3/capita/year by...

FBWW Filters Backwash Water +3 more

Volume 25 - Issue 5

Volume 25 - Issue 4

Volume 25 - Issue 1

Volume 25 - Issue 3

The physico-chemical and bacteriological effects of UV-treated wastewater irrigation on soil and turfgrass quality: A case study in a coastal golf course


Sara Hajji et al. View all

Water and wastewater reuse

This research describes the bacteriological and physicochemical impact of two types of irrigation water on soil and turfgrass quality during 2018 and 2019. Wastewater treated by an activated sludge process coupled with UV disinfection UV-TW was compared to fresh water FW. The first cycle (2018) was...

Fecal contamination irrigation +4 more

Volume 23 - Issue 1

Impact of NaOH- surface treatment on emerging pollutant biosorption performance using marine algua, Posidonia Oceanica


Dr.Fouad KRIKA et al. View all

Water and wastewater reuse

In the present investigation, marine biomass (Posidonia Oceanica) (PO), in both its unmodified PO and basic-modified (Na-PO) forms, was studied for its possible utilisation as a cheap biosorbent for the retention of amoxicillin (AMX). Biosorption studies were carried out in a batch system and the...

Biosorption AMX +2 more