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Paper ID199
Paper statusPublished
Pump-and-treat (P&T) is one of the most common methods for remediation of groundwater contaminated
by hazardous wastes. However, this method suffers from serious disadvantages, due a series of
subsurface processes. Using experimental data and mathematical model simulations, the role of sorption/
desorption and dissolution of non-aqueous phase liquids on the effectiveness of P&T remediation
was examined. The results showed that the remediation of groundwater depends directly on the physical/
chemical properties of the contaminants and the hydrogeology of the site. With the exception of
water-soluble contaminants occupying relatively small parts of relatively homogeneous and water-permeable
geologic media, the remediation of groundwater contaminated by hazardous waste using P&T
is, for all practical purposes, impossible and prohibitively expensive.