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Effect of wastewater and grey water reuse on the germination and early growth of barley and onions

  • Authors (legacy)
    Corresponding: Bashaar Y. Ammary
    Co-authors: Al-Tabbal J.
    Ammary B.
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This paper evaluates the effect of wastewater reuse on the germination and growth at early stages of barley and onions. Treated wastewater, partially treated industrial wastewater, grey water, and car wash water, in addition to tap water as control were used to test their effect on germination percentage and speed of barley and onions and on the early growth stages of barley. Results have shown that germination percentage and germination velocity of onions and barley were significantly reduced when treated wastewater and car wash water were used. All water qualities produced higher shoot lengths and lower root lengths of barley compared to tap water, with car wash water producing the highest shoot to root length ratio followed by treated wastewater. The shoot dry weight to root dry weight of barley of all irrigation water types used were not significantly different. The effect of wastewater reuse on germination and early growth of barley and onion has not been studied. The recommendation that resulted from this research is that these types of wastewaters should be avoided during the early growth phases of barley and onions.

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Ammary, B.Y. and AlTabbal, J. (2014) “Effect of wastewater and grey water reuse on the germination and early growth of barley and onions”, Global NEST Journal, 16(5). Available at: