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Effect of Zeolux use on Sage (Salvia officinalis) plant irrigated by fresh and Ro reject waters

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    Corresponding: Ammary B. Y.
    Co-authors: Al-Tabbal J.A., Al-Zboon K., Al-Zou'by J., Al Smadi B. and Ammary B. Y.
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The effect of Zeolux use as soil amendment on the yield and some of the agronomic traits of a home garden plant, Sage (Salvia officinalis), irrigated by either fresh or RO reject waters was studied. Clay and different combinations of clay-Jordanian zeolux were compared for that purpose. Each combination was divided into two subgroups at randomized experiment and irrigated with either fresh or RO reject waters. The combination of 75% clay and 25% zeolux irrigated with fresh water produced the best results in terms of plant height, number of branches, fresh weight, dry weight and root dry weight of sage plant. The results indicate that the use of RO reject water causes significant reduction in all the studied parameters above. The use of zeolux did not reduce the harmful effects of the saline water used for irrigation on the yield of sage.


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Y., A.B. et al. (2016) “Effect of Zeolux use on Sage (Salvia officinalis) plant irrigated by fresh and Ro reject waters”, Global NEST Journal, 18(2). Available at: