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Processes affecting recent and future evolution of the Xylokastro beach zone (Gulf of Corinth, Greece)

  • Authors (legacy)
    Corresponding: Serafim Poulos
    Co-authors: Valaouris A., Poulos S., Petrakis S., Alexandrakis G., Vassilakis E., Ghionis G.
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The aim of the present study is to investigate the morphodynamic regime of the coastal area of Xylokastro (north coast of Peloponnese), in order to identify and evaluate the processes controlling its formation and evolution. Within this concept, a number of factors have been considered and evaluated; near-shore morphometry and granulometry along shore-normal profiles, the direction and potential volumes of long- and cross-shore sediment transport the decadal and future trends of coastline displacement, the available information for terrestrial sediment influx and the geological processes operating in the broader coastal region of Xylokastro (i.e. subaqueous slides) as well as human interference. On the basis of these results, the formation and evolution of this coastal stretch seems to be governed primarily by the neotectonic activity and relative change of sea level rise, and secondarily by the wave-induced near-shore sediment transport; the role of the latter could be enhanced substantially by human intervention (i.e. construction of marina, seafront walls). Moreover, the expected eustatic increase in sea level by the year 2100, could cause a coastline retreat up to 9 m (SLR=0.38 m) or >19 m (SLR≥1 m).


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Poulos, S. et al. (2014) “Processes affecting recent and future evolution of the Xylokastro beach zone (Gulf of Corinth, Greece)”, Global NEST Journal, 16(4). Available at: