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Watershed management with special emphasis on fresh water wetland: a case study of a flood plain wetland in west Bengal, India

  • Authors (legacy)
    Biswas M., Samal N.R., Roy P.K. and Mazumdar A.

The last few decades we have witnessed an enormous rise in awareness of the importance of
wetlands. Mathura beel1 has been assumed to take the attention in recent years because of its
ecological significance in terms of flood control, water purification, aquatic productivity, and microclimatic
regulation etc. The aim of this paper is to present a complete scenario of Mathura beel
through different analyses. To materialize the main objective, the water quality monitoring, socioeconomic
analyses, and a perception study on wetland use and wetland threat are considered
separately. In this study, the objective was extended to observe the complete socio-economic status,
and a detailed perceptional study on wetland use, and wetland threat. At the end of the study,
detailed management options have been given to protect and to conserve the economy and the ecosystem
of Mathura beel.

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