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Performance evaluation of artificial neural networks in estimating reference evapotranspiration with minimal meteorological data


Diamantopoulou M. Georgiou P.E. and Papamichail D.M.


Detailed meteorological data required for the equation of FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (P-M) method that was adopted by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as a standard method in estimating reference evapotranspiration (ETo) are not often available, especially in developing countries. The Hargreaves...

neural network techniques Evapotranspiration +2 more

Evaluating landslide susceptibility using environmental factors, fuzzy membership functions and GIS


Gemitzi A., Falalakis G., Eskioglou P. and Petalas C.


A methodology for landslide susceptibility assessment to delineate landslide prone areas is presented using factor analysis and fuzzy membership functions and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). A landslide inventory of 51 landslides was created in the mountainous part of Xanthi prefecture (North...

landslide susceptibility conditioning factors +2 more

Week Day and Week End Air Ion Variability at Rural station Ramanandnagar (17° 4’ N 74° 25’E), India and At Different Atmospheric Sites in India


Pawar S.D., Meena G.S. and Jadhav D.B.


Globalization and liberalization polices of the government of India have increased the number of road vehicles nearly 92.6% from 1980-81 to 2003-2004. Therefore to know whether there is effect of increase of industrialization in the urban areas like Pune (18° 32′N, 73° 51′E); Mumbai (18° 55' N, 72°...

Cluster air ion Plant transpiration +3 more

Crop requirements and water losses in collective pressurized irrigation networks in Northern Greece


Arampatzis G.K., Evangelides C.H. and Hatzigiannakis E.G.


Water volume consumed for crop irrigation at the plain of Thessaloniki – northern Greece, was estimated and compared against the volume reported by the General Land Reclamation Organisation (G.L.R.O.) of Thessaloniki – Lagada. For the estimation of net crop water requirements, apart from crop...

irrigation networks crop requirements +2 more

Adsorption capacity of GAC pilot filter-adsorber and postfilter- adsorber for individual THMs from drinking water, Athens


Babi K.G., Koumenides K.M., Makri C.A., Nikolaou A.D. and Lekkas T.D.


Trihalomethanes are a major class of chlorination by-products in drinking water. They are formed when chlorine reacts with bromide (Br-) and natural organic matter (NOM) in source waters. Toxicology studies have shown all THMs to be carcinogenic or to cause adverse reproductive or developmental...

TCM BDCM +5 more

Dehalogenation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) by nucleofile reactants at the presence of ionic liquids and under application of microwaves


P. Kastanek, F. Kastanek, M. Hajek, J. Sobek and O. Solcova


Laboratory-scale experiments were performed in order to examine the effect of microwave field on the effectiveness of KPEG method (nucleophilic substitution of the chlorine atoms in a molecule of PCBs by alkaline polyethylene glycol PEG) in the removal of PCBs from highly contaminated mineral oils...

PCBs mineral oil +5 more

Watershed management with special emphasis on fresh water wetland: a case study of a flood plain wetland in west Bengal, India


Biswas M., Samal N.R., Roy P.K. and Mazumdar A.


The last few decades we have witnessed an enormous rise in awareness of the importance of wetlands. Mathura beel1 has been assumed to take the attention in recent years because of its ecological significance in terms of flood control, water purification, aquatic productivity, and microclimatic...

Mathura beel water quality monitoring +3 more

A Critical Review of Natural Gas Flares-Induced Secondary Air Pollutants


Sonibare J.A.


Application of material balance analysis (in one of our previous studies) to natural gas flare in the upstream petroleum operations confirmed the emission of primary air pollutants in form of CO, CO2, NO, and NO2 from “sweet” natural gas while “sour” gas emits SO2 in addition; incomplete combustion...

primary air pollutants secondary air pollutants +4 more

Statistical analysis of trihalomethanes in treated-water tanks: seasonality, local variability and correlations


Samios S., Smeti E., Kousouris L., Tzoumerkas P., Nikolaou A., Golfinopoulos S. and Lekkas T.D.


Chlorine was accepted as an effective disinfectant for drinking water in early 1900s. Because of chlorination, chlorine has dramatically reduced the incidence of waterborne diseases. An unwanted side effect is the formation of harmful by-products upon chlorination. The most significant group of...

DBPs Disinfection by-products +6 more

Removal of a basic dye from aqueous solution by adsorption using rice hulls


El-Maghraby A. and El Deeb H.A.


The removal of dyes from colored effluents, particularly from textile industries, is one of the major environmental concerns these days. Current methods for removing dyes from wastewaters are costly and cannot effectively be used to treat wide range of such wastewaters. This work describes the use...

Bioadsorbent Rice Hulls +2 more