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Estimation of future methane production from Hellenic landfills

  • Authors (legacy)
    Tsatsarelis T. and Karagiannidis A.

The main objective of this research was to predict expected methane generation in Hellenic
sanitary landfills, in order to evaluate its potential for energy production and to ensure health
and safety in and around these sites on the long term. The study was performed for the
period 2008 – 2028 with the use of a multi-phase model and included also a sensitivity
analysis in order to determine the impact of certain waste parameters. In this context, two
‘extreme’ reference scenarios were formulated and assessed, one anticipating fulfilment of
the EU landfill directive (which sets limits to the amount of biodegradable and packaging
materials to be deposited in sanitary landfills) whereas a second (do-nothing scenario)
assuming no such timely compliance.

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