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Alternative fillers for use in slurry seal

  • Authors (legacy)
    Oikonomou N. and Eskioglou P.

Slurry seal is applied for low-cost paving and surface maintenance. The principal materials
used to create slurry seal are aggregates, asphalt emulsion, water and fillers like Portland
cement (mainly), lime and other materials.
This paper presents the use of alternative fillers instead of expensive and high consumed
energy cement. These fillers are by-products and their increased deposits create a serious
environmental problem. Fly ash, ladle furnace slag, cement kiln dust, marble dust were tested
as fillers in slurry seal and results showed that they can be used producing slurry seal
according to specifications. Mixing time, consistency, set time, cohesion, wet stripping, wet
track abrasion and loaded wheel were the tests for checking of the characteristics of designed
slurry seals.
The use of these by-products will minimize their deposits and in a parallel manner will
decrease the use of corresponding amount of cement saving raw materials and energy
consumed for its production.

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