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Alternative fillers for use in slurry seal


Oikonomou N. and Eskioglou P.


Slurry seal is applied for low-cost paving and surface maintenance. The principal materials used to create slurry seal are aggregates, asphalt emulsion, water and fillers like Portland cement (mainly), lime and other materials. This paper presents the use of alternative fillers instead of expensive...

Slurry seal road maintenance +3 more

Three eco-tool comparison with the example of the environmental performance of domestic solar flat plate hot water systems


Martinopoulos G., Tsilingiridis G. and Kyriakis N.


Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is a procedure used as an analytical tool for the evaluation of the environmental impact caused by a material, a manufacturing process or product. For an end product, LCA requires both the identification and quantification of materials and energy used in all stages of the...

Solar energy Domestic Solar Hot Water Systems +3 more

Tertiary Physico-chemical Treatment of Secondary Effluent from the Chania Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant


Tassoula E., Diamadopoulos E. and Vlachos Ch.


The present study investigated tertiary physico-chemical treatment of the secondary effluent from the Chania municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (WTP). Laboratory experiments were carried out with the aim of studying coagulation efficiency regarding reduction of turbidity, soluble COD and...

Coagulation Contact filtration +2 more

Denitrification as a component of Nitrogen Budget in a Tropical Paddy Field


Pathak B.K., Iida T. and Kazama F.


The direct assessment of denitrification suffers from a number of problems. A mass balance model is simple and widely accepted to calculate nitrogen (N) loss as a denitrification component. The objective of study was to estimate the potential N loss a denitrification from a tropical paddy in the...

denitrification Mass balance +1 more

Hygroscopic property of Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.): an experimental determination of the Shrinkage characteristics


Akpan M.


A pioneer effort is made in this study to carry out an experimental determination of shrinkage characteristics of neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) wood on its linear, volumetric, and coefficient values with the hope of ascertaining its utilization potential as timber. Three study locations were...

linear shrinkage volumetric shrinkage +4 more

Biohydrogen production from sweet sorghum biomass using mixed acidogenic cultures and pure cultures of Ruminococcus Albus


Antonopoulou G., Ntaikou I., Gavala H.N., Skiadas I.V., Angelopoulos K. and Lyberatos G.


The present study focuses on the exploitation of sweet sorghum biomass as a source for hydrogen in continuous and batch systems. Sweet sorghum is an annual C4 plant of tropical origin, well-adapted to sub-tropical and temperate regions and highly productive in biomass. Sweet sorghum biomass is rich...

Biofuels Biomass +5 more

Tracing dispersed coaly-derived particles in modern sediments: an environmental application of organic petrography


Kalaitzidis S., Christanis K., Cornelissen G. and Gustafsson


A crucial aspect in environmental sciences is related to the transportation, accumulation and fate of solid organic particles not native to the sediments. In this study we present the petrographical features of seven sediment samples obtained from aquatic environments in Sweden, Finland and The...

black carbon char +4 more

Photocatalytic disinfection of water polluted by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa


Daneshvar N., Niaei A., Akbari S., Aber S., and Kazemian N.


Photocatalysis by titanium dioxide (TiO2) is a water treatment method. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a microorganism resistant to chlorine and UV-C irradiation. TiO2 photocatalytic technology can destroy bacteria, which are resistant to oxidative destruction of cell membrane caused by sole UV...

Advanced oxidation processes disinfection +2 more

A Wind-Driven Hydrodynamic and Pollutant Transport Model


Tsanis I.K. and Saied U.


A program is developed that includes two hydrodynamic models, a 2D depth-averaged (2DH) and a Quasi-3D (Q3D), and a pollutant transport model that uses a 1st order upwinding and a 3rd order QUICKEST numerical schemes. Several tests were performed in two test basins in order to examine the...

Lake circulation model pollutant transport model +2 more

Is the Last Years Abrupt Warming in the National Observatory of Athens Records a Climate Change Manifestation?


Repapis C.C., Philandras C.M., P.D. Kalabokas , P. Zanis and C.S.Zerefos


Instrumental data time series show an average global warming of approximately 0.90C over the last century. Eastern Mediterranean air temperature follows the northern hemisphere (NH) secular trend till 1970s, while the NH warming of the last 30 years is not noticeable in the eastern Mediterranean...

Air Temperature Trends Homogeneity +1 more

Environmental Impact Assessment and Integrated Water Resources Management


Manouris G. and Gioutsou A.


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) plays an important role in the framework of the efforts aiming at the formulation of a complete water resources management. In our paper this issue is examined in an integrated way. The following issues are particularly examined : the notion of the EIA in...

notion programmes +4 more

Marine monitoring along the eastern coastal area of the Island of Lesvos, Greece during 2004 in the Framework of MEDPOL III


Aloupi M., Angelidis M.O., Gabriel A., Karantanelli M., Koulousaris M., Nikolaou A., Petsas A., Tsi... View all


The present survey was carried out in the framework of MEDPOL Phase III (2004 – 2006), aiming to provide recent information for the long-term monitoring of pollution trends in selected susceptible marine environments along the Mediterranean coastline. Information was collected from a network of four...

MEDPOL Phase III Aegean Sea +4 more