The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
Composting of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste as an alternative to the uncontrolled disposal: The case of Kalamata Municipality (Greece)
Solid Waste Management
Kalamata’s decentralized waste management and composting scheme is a successful demonstration of the capacity of a municipality to manage its Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) by adopting methodologies that can be supported by small scale mobile equipment. According to the revised legislation, Join...
Biological pretreatment of municipal solid waste prior to landfilling
The conventional landfilling does not promote sustainable waste management due to uncontrolled emissions which potentially degrade the environment. In this regard, pre-treatment of municipal solid waste prior to landfilling significantly enhance waste stabilization and provides various advantages...
Municipal solid waste unit production rates and estimation of the required number of waste storage containers in the municipality of Athens
The Municipality of Athens (M.A.) currently comprises 7 municipal districts, 7 waste collection districts (WCD) and approximately 5800 residential blocks. Solid waste is collected daily on a 7 days per week basis. The M.A. comprises approximately 119 waste collection sub-districts (herein referred...
Prediction of Municipal Solid Waste Generation for Developing Countries in Temporal Scale: A Fuzzy Inference System Approach
Solid Waste Management
Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) based prediction models for the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generation has been developed in the present work to study the influences of total population, percapita annual income, literacy rate, age group and monthly consumer expenditure on temporal variability of MSW...
Economic and life cycle analysis of municipal solid waste management for small islands: On-site management scenarios versus off-site transportation
Solid Waste Management
A comparative economic and life cycle based analysis of five management scenarios for the solid waste generated in the island of Syros was conducted. The LCA part was performed with the LCA – IWM software. The four on-site waste management scenarios were: i) source separation of recyclable materials...
Full cost accounting on existing and future municipal solid waste management facilities in Greece
Solid Waste Management
In this work, we performed a detailed full cost accounting for 7 types of existing and planned municipal solid waste management facilities (sanitary landfills, anaerobic digestion, biodrying, incineration, aerobic mechanical and biological, material recovery and waste transfer stations) in Greece...
Effect of different inoculum and substrate inoculum ratios on biogas yield for anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of solid waste
Solid Waste Management
Municipal solid waste [MSW] has gained prominence in recent years as the rate of its generation has increased significantly. The serious problem of MSW management exists in almost all regions of India. This study aims to generate energy from MSW by selecting a suitable MSWM technology with the help...
Decision support systems in solid waste management: A case study at the national and local level in Greece
Decision support systems (DSS) are used to aid at solid waste management, a tedious problem with many technical, economic and social constraints. The main DSS available are briefly presented and the development of a novel system, ReFlows, is described. The novelty of the developed DSS consists of...
Neural‑network‑driven approach in optimization of municipal solid waste collection integrated with geo-spatial techniques
Solid Waste Management
Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is the most important as well as difficult tasking the present context of rapid urbanization. In this study, a comparison has been done using Geographical information system(GIS) and artificial neural network(ANN) to determine optimum route and time for the...
Impacts of Leachate Percolation on Ground Water Quality: A Case Study of Dhanbad City
Solid Waste Management
This paper presents an assessment of the impact of uncontrolled and unscientific disposal of MSW on ground water in Dhanbad city, India. In this study, ground water quality around municipal solid waste disposal sites was investigated. Ground water quality analysis was carried out on samples...
Municipal solid waste management and landfill site selection in Greece: irrationality versus efficiency
Municipal solid waste (MSW) collection and disposal is a major problem of urban environment in the world today. MSW management solutions have to be technologically feasible, legally and socially acceptable and environmentally and financially sustainable. European policy is pushing to a rational...
Multicriteria analysis of municipal solid wastes energy recovery technologies in Greece
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management is the field of science which explores and evolves strategies minimizing the final amount of wastes delivered to landfills and reducing the corresponding pollution related to all stages of treatment and collection. In the best practices of MSW the inherent...
Rapid Stabilization of Municipal Solid Waste in Bioreactor Landfills: Predictive Performance Using Coupled Modeling
Protection and restoration of the environment
Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are one of the major and most preferred waste management options in the United States and many other countries across the globe. The waste in conventional MSW landfills undergoes very slow decomposition due to limited amount of moisture. In this regard, the...
The SWOT analysis for sustainable MSWM and minimization practices in Turkey
Environmental Sciences
One of the most important environmental problems is municipal solid waste management (MSWM) as a result of the rapid rise in waste generation due to industrialization, economic development, urbanization, and rapid population growth in Turkey. The collection, transportation, and disposal of solid...
Influence of city municipal waste disposal on groundwater quality and assessment of groundwater suitability in agriculture
Environmental Sciences
This study focuses on the impact of the disposal of Tirunelveli city municipal waste in the quality of groundwater in Ramayanpatti village where the waste is disposed; the study also assesses the quality of the groundwater suitability in irrigation in the disposed region. Tirunelveli city generates...
Odour emissions from a municipal solid waste dumping area that are at the moderate stage of disintegration
Solid Waste Management
Odour is a major concern as they are termed hazardous to the surroundings as well as life forms when they are exposed to the environment. Odour emission is also one of the indicators of environmental changes that impact the environment. Among the different sources of odour emission, in the dumping...
Removal of gaseous ammonia released from leachate by adsorption on carbon-based adsorbents prepared from agro-industrial wastes
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Landfill facilities and organic waste treatment plants typically are known sources of odour pollution, such as gaseous NH3, among others. In this work, the removal of gaseous NH3 released from a composting line of a mechanical and biological treatment plant of undifferentiated municipal solid waste...
Route optimization for solid waste collection: Trabzon (Turkey) case study
In a municipal solid waste management system, decreasing collection/hauling costs, which consist of 85 % of total disposal expenditure, can be carried out by a route optimization. Thus, a huge amount of economical benefits is getting furnished. If route optimization is performed in solid waste...
Study of pretreatments for an enhaced bio-ethanol production from the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes
E2KW 2013
This study investigates the effect of different pre-treatments on the bio-ethanol production from the soluble compounds of the organic fraction of the municipal solid wastes (OFMSW). The experimental evaluation was performed on leachate samples obtained after mixing OFMSW with water during 10 d. The...
Public concerns and behaviors towards solid waste minimization using composting in Kampar district, Malaysia
Solid Waste Management
Municipal solid waste generation in Malaysia has increase significantly. Organic materials continue to be the major portion of solid waste generated in Kampar, Malaysia. As a result of increasing rate of waste generation and population growth, land area will become more demanding causing the...
Decentralized aerobic composting of urban solid wastes: Some lessons learned from Asian-EU cooperative research
Composting of organic solid wastes is gaining in importance worldwide, in the frame of integrated municipal solid waste management and, in particular, the diversion of biodegradables from landfilling. At the post-consumer stage, this can be achieved by composting practices ranging from large-scale...
Willingness-to-Pay and Preference Heterogeneity for Service Attributes of Solid Waste Management: An Experience in Kolkata, India
Solid Waste Management
The effects of various socioeconomic characteristics on Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) values for service attributes of Solid Waste Management (SWM) were evaluated in this study. The Stated Choice (SC) data collected from respondents in the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) area, India were analyzed...
Efficient degradation of dibutyl phthalate and utilization of Phthalic Acid Esters (PAEs) by Acinetobacter species isolated from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) leachate
Solid Waste Management
Bacteria from the genus Acinetobacter are opportunistic pathogens and cause harm to humans. In this study a new bacterial strain designated as Acinetobacter sp. 33F was isolated from municipal solid waste (MSW) leachate. This bacterium is useful as it degrades and utilizes dibutyl phthalate (DBP) as...
Application of sludge, organic solid wastes and yard trimmings in aerobic compost piles
The effects of different mixture ratios of sewage sludge (SS), organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and yard trimmings (YT) on the performance of composting process were investigated in this study. The high water content and the proper carbon/nitrogen ratio make sludge ideal for this...
Removal of COD, BOD and Color from Municipal Solid Waste Leachate using Silica and Iron nano particles - A Comparative Study
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Application of nano particle in the treatment of municipal solid waste leachate is of recent interest. In this paper, the effectiveness of silica nano particles synthesized from blast furnace slag and iron nano particle synthesized from chemicals was studied for the removal of organic pollutants and...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Optimization of Nozzle Hole Number for Dual Fuel Operation Using Biodiesel Blends: A Response Surface Methodology Approach
Sustainable Energy
Radioactivity and radon exhalation from cat litter – Is there an issue?
Influence of the Injector Nozzle on Hydrogen-Powered Juliflora Biodiesel in HCCI Engines: A Surface Response Methodology Approach
Sustainable Energy
Bioclimatic Analysis and Proposal of Bioclimatic Strategies for Buildings: Case Studies in Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil
Climate change mitigation...
Prosopis julifera oil: optimization and biodiesel production
Sustainable Energy
Deploying and sensing the air quality index using internet of things and spark model
Air Quality
Study on Eco-environmental Quality Evaluation of Rural Tourism Area Based on Factor Evaluation Method
Environmental Management and...
The Impact of Industrial Competitiveness on Carbon Emission Intensity: Evidence From Improved EKC Model
Climate change mitigation...
Multivariate time series weather forecasting model using integrated secondary decomposition and Self-Attentive spatio-temporal learning network
Climate change mitigation...
Impact of Artificial Intelligence Technology on Carbon Emission Intensity of Energy Consumption in China and Examination of Spatial Effects
Environmental Management and...
A Novel Approach for Predicting Particulate Matter 2.5 and 10 Concentration using Modal Autoformer and Seq-2Seq Model
Air Quality
Enhanced Deep Maxout Network for Monitoring Particulate Matter 2.5 and 10 Concentration in Air via Interpolated Data Smoothing
Air Quality
The Impact of Formulation and Process Variables on the Formation of Chitosan-Alginate and Chitosan-Pectin Nanoparticles
Nanomaterials in the environment:...
Air Quality Prediction Using a U-Net Inspired 1D-CNN with Attention Mechanisms
Air Quality
Comparative Adsorption of Synthetic Dyes Using Low-Cost Biosorbents: Analysis of Thermodynamics and Isotherms
Water and Wastewater...
Bioremediation Potential of Biochar, Compost and Bacillus sp. N18 for lead Contaminated Soil and Improving Physiological and Morphological Attributes of Maize
Ecology, environmental change...