The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
Catchment scale hydrological modelling: A review of model types, calibration approaches and uncertainty analysis methods in the context of recent developments in technology and applications
In catchment hydrology, it is in practice impossible to measure everything we would like to know about the hydrological system, mainly due to high catchment heterogeneity and the limitations of measurement techniques. These limitations and the need to extrapolate information from the available...
Application of phosphate water and slime in agriculture: investigation of the mobility of the pollutants using hydrologic modeling
The use of phosphate slime or phosphate water in a Mediterranean region (Gafsa, Tunisia) was investigated through hydrologic modeling. The simulations were made using the Hydrus 1D software package for a typical soil in the area of Gafsa (Tunisia). Two main applications were examined: mixing the...
Application of the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model in the Ronnea catchment of Sweden
The subject of this article is the estimation of quantitative (hydrological) and qualitative parameters in the catchment of Ronnea (1800 Km2, located in south western Sweden) through the application of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). SWAT is a river basin model that was developed for the...
Observational Uncertainty in Hydrological Modelling using Data Depth
Hydrology and water resources
For any river basin management, one needs tools to predict runoff at different time and spatial resolutions. Hydrological models are tools which account for the storage, flow of water and water balance in a watershed, which include exchanges of water and energy within the earth, atmosphere and...
Area-differentiated modeling of water balance in Pinios Basin, central Greece
Water Resources Management
GROWA is a modular grid based empirical hydrological model that is being used to address practical water resources management related issues. It has been successfully applied in typical hydrological and hydrogeological setups of northern European basins ranging typically between meso-scale river...
Impacts of climate variability and land-use change on hydrology in the period 1981-2009 in the central highlands of Vietnam
Hydrology and water resources
In this study, we investigated the separate and combined impacts of climate and land-use changes on hydrological response in the Central Highlands of Vietnam during the period 1981-2009. The Mann-Kendall and Pettit tests were applied to detect the trends in the hydro-meteorological data. The Soil...
Evaluation of the environmental impact of an irrigation network in a Ramsar area of the Greek part of the Strymonas River basin using a coupled MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 modelling system
Water Resources Management
The need for efficient and economical use of the world’s water requires the implimentation of modern methods to make decisions about water management. This inspired the principal philosophy of the management study of the Hellenic part of the Strymonas River catchment (6400 km 2). An important issue...
Application of the SWAT model in the Pinios river basin under different land-use scenarios
This paper investigates the hydrological effects of specific land use changes in a catchment of the river Pinios in Thessaly (Ali Efenti catchment), through the application of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) on a monthly time step. The model's calibration efficiency is verified by...
Systematic approach for ungaged basins’ discharge determination in Western Peloponnese, Greece
Determining peak flows for ungaged areas is difficult and involves high uncertainty. Advanced computer capabilities provided by geographical information systems and hydrologic modeling software are used for detailed determination of the parameters involved, both for simple methods as the rational...
Application of a continuous Rainfall-Runoff model to the basin of Kosynthos river using the hydrological software HEC-HMS
Water Resources Management
In this paper, the application of a continuous rainfall-runoff model to the basin of Kosynthos River (district of Xanthi, Thrace, northeastern Greece), as well as the comparison of the computational runoff results with field discharge measurements are presented. The rainfall losses are estimated by...
The impact of forest fires on the vulnerability of peri-urban catchments to flood events: The case of the Easter Attica Region, Greece
Floods are natural disasters that pose a direct threat to human life and often cause significant economic loss. River floods are caused by heavy and/or prolonged rainfall, causing rivers and streams to overflow and sometimes also burst dams or levees. Forest fires increase the risk factor to which...
Hydrological modeling of Upper Ribb watershed, Abbay Basin, Ethiopia.
Water Resources Management
Hydrological modeling of a watershed is necessary for water resources planning and management. The hydrology of upper Ribb watershed has been analyzed using spatially semi-distributed Soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model. This study aimed to determine the water balance components and its...
Modelling and simulation of a catchment in order to evaluate water resources
It is difficult for decision-makers to evaluate the impact of their territorial policies. Aspects to be considered in this evaluation include those relating to humans, environment protection and industry development. Two reasons explain the difficulty: decision-makers cannot specialise in all...
Utilization and uncertainties of satellite precipitation data in flash flood hydrological analysis in ungauged watersheds
Floods, Droughts and Water scarcity
Aim of the study is to examine the potential utilization of satellite precipitation data to estimate the peak discharges of flash floods in ungauged Mediterranean watersheds. Cumulative precipitation heights from local rain gauge and the GPM-IMERG were correlated in a scatter plot. The calculated...
Assessment of the climate change impacts on the water resources of the Luni region, India
Climate Change Impacts and Societal Adaptation in the Indian Subcontinent
Climate change is expected to have a strong impact on water resources at the local, regional and global scales. In this study, the impact of climate change on the hydro-climatology of the Luni region, India, is investigated by comparing statistics of current and projected future fluxes resulting...
Assessment of potential hydrological climate change impacts in Kastoria basin (Western Macedonia, Greece) using EUROCORDEX regional climate models
Water Resources Management
The Mediterranean region is expected to present reduced availability of water resources due to climate change. This study aims to assess the potential hydrological responses to climate change in the Kastoria basin (Western Macedonia, Northern Greece) for the period 2019-2078. Climate projections...
Assessing the Sensitivity of SWMM to Variations in Hydrological and Hydraulic Parameters: A Case Study for the city of Istanbul
Hydrology and water resources
Overland flow is highly affected by increasing urbanization, and variations in land use and climatic variables, especially in the last few decades. This necessitates the development of modeling approaches for planning and management of catchments that play a significant role on water supply. The...
GFIS (Geographic Forecasting Information System): A Case Study in Water Resources Management
The current study presents the development of a Forecasting Information System for geographic data (cross-sectional time-series for different geographic regions). GFIS, Geographic Forecasting Information System, was developed with MS Visual Basic (User Interface), ArcView (GIS) and MS Access (DBMS)...
Hydrologic modeling for the determination of design discharges in ungauged basins
All stormwater management projects in Greece are required to get environmental permit before construction. The design return period is often determined by the environmental permit. Determination of design discharges is an important parameter for the design. Design discharge for a given return period...
Assessment of hydrological response in Subarnarekha river basin under anticipated climate change scenarios
Water Resources Management
Two hydrological climate modelling techniques, general circulation model (GCM) and hypothetical climate change scenarios, were used to analyse the hydrological response to the anticipated climate change scenarios in the Subarnarekha river basin in Eastern India. Both models verified individually for...
Integrated assessment of impact of water resources of important river basins in Eastern India under projected climate conditions
Climate Change Impacts and Societal Adaptation in the Indian Subcontinent
The impact of climate change on water resources through increased evaporation combined with regional changes in precipitation characteristics has the potential to affect mean runoff, frequency and intensity of floods and droughts, soil moisture and water supply for irrigation and hydroelectric power...
Development of a regional model for hydropower potential in western Greece
A regional model was developed in the present study for the determination of the flow duration curve at ungaged catchments, in western and northwestern Greece, which is a hydrologically homogenous region. A flow duration curve indicates the water availability at a site and is important for the...
Assessment of the Microbial Pollution of the Olympic Rowing and Canoeing Center at Schinias through Mathematical Modeling
The Olympic Rowing and Canoeing Center constructed at Schinias, accommodated the rowing and canoe – kayak sprint competition of the 2004 summer Olympic Games. This paper presents the results of a study which aimed at assessing the water quality characteristics, regarding microbial pollution, of the...
A GIS model for landfill siting
The use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for Landfill Sitting is studied. The necessary spatial information required to determine the candidate sites for any type of terrestrial area (Community/Prefecture/Region/Country) is examined. This spatial information is then used for site selection...
Neural networks approached for modelling river suspended sediment concentration due to tropical storms
Artificial neural networks are one of the advanced technologies employed in hydrology modelling. This paper investigates the potential of two algorithm networks, the feed forward backpropagation (BP) and generalized regression neural network (GRNN) in comparison with the classical regression for...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis
Environmental Management and Policies
Air Quality
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Air Quality
Nanomaterials in the environment: applications and effects
Sustainable Energy
Solid Waste Management
Solid Waste Management
Chemicals in the environment
Water and wastewater reuse
Water and wastewater reuse
Sustainable Energy
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Environmental Toxicology and Biogeochemistry of Ecosystems
Water and wastewater reuse
Climate change mitigation and adaptation