The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
Environmental regulation, hog scale production and the synergy of pollution control and carbon reduction
Environmental Management and Policies
The synergy of pollution control and carbon reduction is conducive to promoting the green transformation of the economy. Based on China’s 30 provincial administrative panel data from 2002 to 2020, using the elastic concept to measure the synergy index and the panel fixed effect model to carry out...
Electric Field Control of the Polluting Emissions from a Propane Flame
The present study is performed with the aim to reduce the levels of polluting emissions from fuel combustion that produce acid rains and the greenhouse effect (NOx, CO2). The electric field effects on the processes of heat/mass transfer and propane combustion are studied in order to perform electric...
IOT Technology Based Vehicle Pollution Monitoring and Control
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Every year, the number of people who die because of pollution rises, with air pollution being the major cause. Air pollution is generated by a variety of factors, one of which is pollution caused by automobiles. Technological improvements make great efforts to detect accidents and monitor the...
Neural Networks for Environmental Problems: Data Quality Control and Air Pollution Nowcasting
This work illustrates the use and some related results of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for data quality control of environmental time series and for reconstruction of missing data. ANNs are applied to the following problems: i) short and medium-term predicting of air pollutant concentrations in...
A Novel Model Predictive-Fuzzy Logic Hybrid Controller Design for D-STATCOM in Wind Energy Distribution Systems
Environmental Sciences
Wind energy is a resource that does not require any fuel or feedstock to be treated, refined or transported. It does not produce air pollution and hazardous waste. Because of these, wind energy, one of the major renewable energy sources, has been widely used in recent years. In this work, a three...
Air Quality
Pakistan, in recent years, has been at the forefront of the heavily striking havoc of smog. In light of the growing number of smog episodes, it is crucial to gain insight into the community's perception and to observe the decision-making phenomenon of the community's preventive behavior. This study...
Neutralize the pH of Waste Water Using Intelligent Controllers for Industrial Reuse
Water and wastewater reuse
Water waste management is one of the major hassles which is faced by the majority of industries. The industries let the wastewater into flowing streams or rivers near them, polluting the water resources in that locality. To prevent and safeguard the water resources, the government has given much...
A Critical Review of Natural Gas Flares-Induced Secondary Air Pollutants
Application of material balance analysis (in one of our previous studies) to natural gas flare in the upstream petroleum operations confirmed the emission of primary air pollutants in form of CO, CO2, NO, and NO2 from “sweet” natural gas while “sour” gas emits SO2 in addition; incomplete combustion...
Spatial variation of air pollutants by using GIS modelling
Air Quality
Air pollution in Tamil Nadu has become a pressing issue, as various pollutants have surpassed the limits established by the pollution control board. The major air pollutants in the region, namely sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and suspended particulate matter, have been identified. This study...
Study of number of total mortality, cardiovascular and Respiratory mortality attributed to air pollutants of Tehran in 2005-2014
Air Quality
Over the last few decades, the evidence on the adverse effects on the health of air pollution has been raised. Mortality is the most important health effect of ambient air pollution. We studied the relation between mortality and criteria pollutant air in Tehran, one of the highly industrialized...
Development of a biofilter media for removal of hydrogen sulphide
Industrial facilities emit pollutant air that contains volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and reduced sulphur compounds (RSCs) which are nuisance, corrosive to materials and dangerous to health. In recent years, biofiltration has replaced numerous conventional processes (i.e. adsorption) due to its...
Modeling of Internet of Things Enabled Sustainable Environment Air Pollution Monitoring System
Air Quality
Air quality, radiation pollution, and water pollution were thekey featuresthat possess genuine challenges to the environment. Proper monitoring wasneededin such a way that the world couldaccomplish sustainable development, withkeeping a healthy society. Recently, environment monitoring is become a...
Analysis of the 11-year Record (1987-1997) of Air Pollution measurements in Athens, Greece. Part II: Photochemical air pollutants
This paper deals with the analysis of atmospheric concentrations of secondary photochemical air pollutants in Athens for the 11-year period 1987-1997. Photochemical pollution, which seems to be the most serious air pollution problem in Athens, is originating mainly from the transformation of car...
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in the Coastal Water Quality Sector: A Priority in the Frame of the ICZM
The Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) is the method most commonly used for the assessment of the costs and effectiveness of alternative policy options on the environment. The objective of this paper is to describe the priority of the policy area “coastal water pollution control from land uses, in...
Estimation and measurement of the automobile pollution : application to Bejaia case
In this paper, we present the estimate and results of measurement of air pollution in Béjaia city in Algeria. We used an enclosure of 0,80 m3 for the collection of gases directly on the outlet side of the tailpipe of the vehicles. A three-gas detector (MX21 plus), introduced inside the enclosure...
Hydrochemical and Ecological Quality Assessment of a Mediterranean River System
In order to explore the complex interrelations among the factors and processes that determine a rivers’ hydrochemical and biological quality, statistical techniques were applied to a variety of hydrochemical, petrologic, biological, habitat, hydrological and morphologic data from 16 sites of the...
Research on Air Pollution Loss Measurement of Harmful Substance Emissions from Tourism Energy Consumption in Jiangsu Province of China Based on Low Carbon Constraints
Air Quality
In order to explore the air pollution loss measurement of energy consumption pollutant emissions in low-carbon tourism in Jiangsu Province, this paper, based on background analysis, literature review and research design, selects 13 prefecture-level cities in Jiangsu Province as research objects, and...
Influence of the Injector Nozzle on Hydrogen-Powered Juliflora Biodiesel in HCCI Engines: A Surface Response Methodology Approach
Sustainable Energy
Hydrogen is a possible future energy carrier due to its production potential from renewable resources and compatibility with existing diesel engines with minor changes in dual-fuel mode. Various studies have explored modifying engine structure, optimizing operating conditions, adjusting engine...
Impact of sludge and wastewater on Lactuca sativa L. growth and on soil pollution
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Two greenhouse pot experiments were conducted in Agrinion, Greece. The impact of treated municipal wastewater (TMWW) and sludge (i) on the growth of Lactuca sativa L. var Longifolia (lettuce) and (ii) on the extent of soil pollution with heavy metals was studied. Soil pollution was assessed by...
Deep learning-based air pollution prediction model using modified gated recurrent unit
Air Quality
In recent days air quality has been very poor in urban society due to a lot of industries, vehicles and so on. To overcome poor quality, an air quality prediction is much needed to manage an urban area and control pollution. In this article, deep learning (DL) namely a Modified Gated Recurrent Unit...
Current scenario of ozone pollution and its influence on population health in China
Environmental Health
Ozone (O3) is a secondary pollutant formed by photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, significantly contributing to air pollution, particularly in global cities and economically developed regions. The escalating O3 concentration has emerged as a critical air pollution concern in China. When near...
A Real-time Environmental Air Pollution Predictor Model Using Dense Deep Learning Approach in IoT Infrastructure
Air Quality
With the technical advancements in Deep Learning (DL), it is probable to construct the predictor model for monitoring and controlling pollution from real-time data. Here, IoT techniques are used for sensing the emission rate from various factors and the predictor model is constructed using the...
Air Pollution Prediction using Attention Module With CNN -OptBiLSTM
Air Quality
Predicting air pollution using environmental data assessment parameters becomes increasingly significant amid growing fears about climate change and the sustainability of urban areas. The use of sophisticated deep learning (DL) methods to model the intricate relation among these variables represents...
Spatiotemporal variability of heavy metals concentration in an industrialized estuarine-bay ecosystem in Northern Persian Gulf
Ecological effects of Environmental change
This study aimed to evaluate the pollution level of Ni, Pb, Cd, V, and Hg in the sediments of Musa Estuary and its four main tributaries namely Majidieh, Zangi, Semaili, and Merimos (collectively known as Mahshahr estuaries) in summer and winter 2019 using sediment quality indices. In each tributary...
Multicriteria analysis of municipal solid wastes energy recovery technologies in Greece
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management is the field of science which explores and evolves strategies minimizing the final amount of wastes delivered to landfills and reducing the corresponding pollution related to all stages of treatment and collection. In the best practices of MSW the inherent...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Sustainable Energy
Sustainable Energy
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Sustainable Energy
Air Quality
Environmental Management and Policies
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Water Quality
Urban environment and health
Water Quality
Industrialized Organizational Models and the Green Transformation—Evidence from Pig Farming in China
Circular economy
Chemicals in the environment
Environmental Management and Policies
Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis
Water Quality