The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
Air temperature variability and trends over Greece
In this study, the variability and trends of the mean annual and seasonal surface air temperature in Greek peninsula are examined. The climatic data used, concern mean monthly values of air temperature of 20 meteorological stations of the Hellenic Meteorological Service, for the period 1951-2000...
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Air Temperature in the Northern Hemisphere
In the present study, the spatial and temporal surface air temperature variability for the Northern Hemisphere has been examined, for the period 1900-1996. Factor Analysis has been applied to 5o Latitude x 10o Longitude grid box data covering the area from almost the equator to 70o N. These data are...
Heat waves characteristics and their relation to air quality in Athens
Air Quality
This paper studies the characteristics of the heat waves that were observed in Athens, Greece since 1951. A heat wave is detected when two temperature criteria are fulfilled at the city centre: the daily maximum temperature value is at least 37 oC and the daily average temperature value is at least...
Is the Last Years Abrupt Warming in the National Observatory of Athens Records a Climate Change Manifestation?
Instrumental data time series show an average global warming of approximately 0.90C over the last century. Eastern Mediterranean air temperature follows the northern hemisphere (NH) secular trend till 1970s, while the NH warming of the last 30 years is not noticeable in the eastern Mediterranean...
Local scale simulation of air temperature by a two-step hybrid downscaling approach using regional climate modeling and artificial neural networks
The influence of microscale and mesoscale meteorology on the local scale variation of air temperature cannot be correctly simulated by the coarse resolution Global Climate Models. The scope of this work is to develop a hybrid dynamic-statistical downscaling procedure and quantify its predictive...
A method to characterize the influence of air distribution on the composting treatment: monitoring of the thermal fields
In a composting process the monitoring of heat flows is a useful tool in terms of phenomenological comprehension and diagnosis of the process. Indeed, the temperature fields are generic markers of the micro-biological phenomena governing a composting process. Moreover, as heat flows are largely...
Trends of the daily maximum temperatures in relation with the climatic change and the urbanization in the Athens basin
It is well known that the studies that associate the climatic changes with the greenhouse effect, as a sequence of uninterruptedly ongoing figures in the concentration mainly of carbon dioxide, have been focused on the trends of the mean temperature. On the other hand the variability and the trends...
Thermal comfort estimation in relation to different orientation in mountainous regions in Greece by using artificial neural networks
This study focuses on the estimation of thermal comfort conditions in a high alt. site (1455 m) in Apodotia (MA), Greece, by using the MLP neural network model. This estimation is based on the air temperature (t) and relative humidity (f) data of the middle (1078-1163 m) and of the low altitude...
On the relation between sea surface and lower temperature over the northern hemisphere
In this work the covariability of sea surface and lower troposphere temperatures (SST-AT) is investigated for winter (DJFM) and summer (JJAS), over the whole northern hemisphere, by utilizing monthly anomalies in grid boxes for a 22-year period. Air temperature variations in the lower troposphere...
Modelling refrigerating compartment of frost-free domestic refrigerators
This paper is focussed on the study of the air movement and temperature distribution inside refrigerating compartment of household frost-free refrigerators. It is well known that the correct air circulation and temperature distribution inside the refrigerated chamber are two of the most important...
Analysis of tourism potential for Crete island, Greece
To describe the tourism potential of an area, not only single meteorological parameters have to be taken into account, but also thermal sensation and people’s thermal comfort. The latter can be estimated by the use of human energy balance models and the derived thermal indices, which comprise all...
Research of Air Quality in Closed Car Parks in Konya Province
Air Quality
Nowadays, due to the development of the world, harmful gases and vapours have begun to enter the atmosphere significantly, so we are faced with the problem of air pollution and its low quality. This paper, therefore, focused on enclosed car parks, a parking system that needs to be well examined from...
Spatial variation of air pollutants by using GIS modelling
Air Quality
Air pollution in Tamil Nadu has become a pressing issue, as various pollutants have surpassed the limits established by the pollution control board. The major air pollutants in the region, namely sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and suspended particulate matter, have been identified. This study...
Tourism Climate Comfort Index (TCCI) – An attempt to evaluate the climate comfort for tourism purposes: the example of Serbia
Global Environmental Change
This paper proposes one new attempt to formulate a mathematical approach to climate parameters in the context of their complex implications for tourist activities through the tourism climate comfort index (TCCI). This paper also aims to formulate an original and optimal mathematical correlation...
Comparative assessment of heavy metals changes in the ambient air of two different zones of Tabriz City, Iran
Air Quality
Tabriz is a large and industrial city in the north west of Iran which suffers from severe air pollution due to being surrounded by mountains. Considering lack of official reports about the levels of heavy metals in Tabriz air, two zones of the city were selected for measurement of heavy metals in...
Analysis of seasonal variation and dispersion pattern of ambient air pollutants in an urban environment
Air Quality
The level of air pollution increased in urban areas due to local atmospheric conditions and dispersion of various air pollutants. In this study, the air quality index was carried out in four places in the urban zone and investigated the seasonal variation of PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, and O3 over one...
Climate Change Impact on the Air Quality: The Portuguese Case
The changes in greenhouse gases and aerosols emissions are expected to lead to regional and global changes in temperature, precipitation, and other climate variables. The degree to which human conditions and the natural environment are vulnerable to the potential effects of climate change is a key...
Modeling of Internet of Things Enabled Sustainable Environment Air Pollution Monitoring System
Air Quality
Air quality, radiation pollution, and water pollution were thekey featuresthat possess genuine challenges to the environment. Proper monitoring wasneededin such a way that the world couldaccomplish sustainable development, withkeeping a healthy society. Recently, environment monitoring is become a...
Estimation of microclimatic data in remote mountainous areas using an artificial neural network model-based approach
An artificial neural network (ANN) model-based approach was developed and applied to estimate values of air temperature and relative humidity in remote mountainous areas. The application site was the mountainous area of the Samaria National Forest canyon (Greece). Seven meteorological stations were...
Assessment of PM1 number concentration with respect to traffic flow and thermal environment in a residential underground garage
Air Quality
Particles with aerodynamic diameters 1 μm (PM1) damage human health more severely than do coarse particles. In this study, PM1 number concentration, traffic flow, temperature and relative humidity in both a residential underground garage and at the entrance/exit, wind velocity at the entrance/exit...
Numerical modelling of solar thermal effects on street canyon flow under calm or weak wind conditions
Air Quality
The present study simulates the flow and temperature fields in a street canyon caused by solar heating of road and building surfaces, in either calm and weak wind conditions. Six scenarios, formed by changing the sources of heat fluxes, the wind speed (0, 1 and 3 m s^-1) and direction (±), are...
Seasonal variation of atmospheric total gaseous mercury and urban air quality in South India
Air Quality
This study analyses seasonal and regular variations in ambient atmospheric concentrations of total gaseous mercury (TGM), ancillary air pollutant concentrations, and their relationship to weather conditions of a megacity environment in India. Further, to correlate with TGM concentrations at...
Dynamics of a temperate fluvial estuary in early winter
In order to evaluate how current speed, salinity and water temperature stratification behaves under the influence of a freshwater source in a tidal domain, a 25 hour survey campaign was performed in the upper sector of the Vouga River estuary, the major source of freshwater of Ria de Aveiro, a...
Characteristics Analysis of Precipitation Observations and Climate Change Along the High-speed Railway in Jiangsu
High-speed railway (HSR) is severely affected by precipitation disasters. There are many studies on precipitation and precipitation disasters, most of which are precipitation and analysis of disasters caused by precipitation, and few explain climate changes caused by precipitation. This paper uses...
Trend analysis of long-lasting air temperature and precipitation time series in a mountainous fir forest in central Greece. Implications for nitrogen uptake by plants
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
In the present work meteorological data, concerning temperature and precipitation in a mountainous Bulgarian fir (Abies borisii-regis Mattf.) forest, was analyzed in order to find trends for the period 1973-2019. The results showed that temperature values on annual and seasonal base, especially in...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Solid Waste Management
Solid Waste Management
Water Quality
Water treatment
Solid Waste Management
Chemicals in the environment
Water and wastewater reuse
Sustainable Energy
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Solid Waste Management
Sustainable Energy
Chemicals in the environment
Environmental Management and Policies
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Marine environment and coastal management